Assessment of Energy Needs David L. Gee, PhD Central Washington University

Assessment of Energy Needs
David L. Gee, PhD
Professor of Food Science and Nutrition
Central Washington University
Reasons to assess energy needs
• Energy needs are highly variable
• Prevent underfeeding
– decrease organ mass and function
– impaired wound healing
– impaired immune response
• Prevent overfeeding
– excessive CO2 production
• Respiratory acidosis
– Hyperglycemia and insulin resistance
– fluid retention and fat gain (fatty liver)
Estimation of Resting Energy Expenditure
(REE) with Prediction Equations
• Harris-Benedict Equation (1919)
– based on gender, weight, height, age
• WHO Equations (1982)
– based on gender, weight, age
• Errors in estimation:
– Standard deviation = 10%
– 95% confidence interval = 20%
Validation of Several Established Equations for
Resting Metabolic Rate in Obese and Nonobese
Frankenfield et al., JADA 103:1152(2003)
• 130 healthy adults (BMI=18.8-96.8)
– 98% white
• Compared equations to indirect calorimetry
Adjusted Harris-Benedict (25% of excess wt)
Owen (1986)
Mifflin (1990)
• Men: kcal/d=5+10(wt)-6.25(ht)-5(age)
• Women: kcal/d=-161+10(wt)+6.25(ht)-5(age)
• Wt=kg, ht=cm,age=yrs
Accurate Determination of Energy
Needs in Hospitalized Patients.
Boullata et al., JADA 107:-393-401 (2007)
• 395 hospitalized patients
• Compared prediction equations against
measured REE
– Harris-Benedict, Mifflin, 6 others
• Conclusions:
– Most accurate was Harris-Benedict multiplied by 1.1,
but only 62% were within 10% of measured REE
– “No equation accurately predicted REE in most
hospitalized patients … only indirect calorimetry will
provide accurate assessment of energy needs.”
Why prediction equations fail…
• Equations based on gender, height, weight
and age explain ~ 80% of individual
variation in REE
• Sources of other variations
– Mass of various tissues
• Visceral tissues 10x more active than muscle
tissue at rest and 100x more active than adipose
• Knowing body composition based on 2-component
or 4-component models still inadequate
Estimation of Total Energy
Expenditure is even less accurate
• TEE = REE + Activity + TEF + Injury factors
• estimations of
– activity
– injury factors
• are crude estimates
Indirect Calorimetry
• Estimation of energy expenditure
based on respiratory gases
– oxygen consumed
– carbon dioxide produced
• Nutrient + O2 -> CO2 + H2O + energy
• Metabolic Carts
• Hand-held Indirect Calorimeters
Oxidation of glucose
• Glucose + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + 673Cal/mol
• 673/6 = 112 Cal/mol O2
• Respiratory Quotient (RQ) =
Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) =
• RQCHO = 6/6 = 1.0
Oxidation of Fat
• Palmitate + 23O2 -> 16CO2 + 16H2O + 2398Cal/mol
• 2398/23 = 104 Cal/mol O2
• RQ = 16/23 = 0.7
Oxidation of Amino Acids
• RQ for amino acids and the energy produced per
mol of O2 varies for each amino acid
• RQ for average protein is 0.85
• Contribution of protein oxidation is ignored
– small compared to fat and glucose
– RQ at rest is typically close to 0.85
– protein oxidation during short-term exercise is very
small compared to fat and glucose
– To measure protein oxidation, one needs to collect 24hr
urine to measure total urea production
RQ (RER) Tables
• RQ or RER can be used to:
– Determine the calories burned per
• liter of oxygen consumed
• Liter of carbon dioxide produced
– Determine the % of calories produced by
burning fats and carbohydrates
Indirect Calorimetry Calculations
Method I (rough estimate)
• Approximately 5.0 Cal/l O2
• l O2/min x 5.0 Cal/lO2 = Cal/min
• example:
– VO2 = volume of O2 consumed/min = 0.2 l/min
– then 0.2 x 5 = 1 Cal/min
– if REE, then 1 Cal/min x 1440 min/d =
Indirect Calorimetry Calculations
Method 2 (not so rough estimate)
• More accurately: 4.8 Cal/l O2
• Example
– if: VO2 = 0.2 l/min
– then: 0.2 x 4.8 = 0.96 Cal/min
– if REE, then 0.96 x 1440 = 1382
Indirect Calorimetry Calculations
Method 3 - using total RQ
• if VO2 = 0.2 l/min and VCO2 = 0.17
• then RQ = 0.17 / 0.2 = 0.85
• if RQ = 0.85, then 4.862 Cal/lO2
• 0.2 x 4.862 = 0.97 Cal/min
• 0.97 x 1440 = 1400 Cal/day
Determination of VO2 and VCO2
• Go to the Word document on Indirect
Calormetry Calculations