Dear Students and Families,


Dear Students and Families,

I hope you all have had an exciting summer and are ready to enter into the wonderful world of Kindergarten. This year will be filled with fun, adventure, and a multitude of enriching learning opportunities. I can’t wait to begin!

This will be my fifth year at Sterling Elementary School, and I could not be more excited. I have a Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education and Special

Education from Radford University. In addition, I have worked with many different age groups including Kindergarten and preschool classes. I have had the opportunity to watch students from many different places grow, and am thrilled to be able to watch the same progression from your students.

My philosophy is that all students can learn, a teacher just shows them the way.

With this philosophy in mind, I believe that family members are the best teachers children have. Any family member is welcome inside our classroom to help students get the most from their Kindergarten experiences.

I am looking forward to the 2015-2016 school year at Sterling Elementary, and welcome you to our orientation on Thursday, August 28 th . If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me by, calling the Sterling Elementary number, or by emailing me at We are going to have a great year!!!


Danielle Ward
