Faculty Senate Information Technologies Committee May 13, 2008

Faculty Senate Information
Technologies Committee
May 13, 2008
Past FSIT Topic Discussions
WebCT migration.
Deployment of additional dissemination
Cellular text messages, Video boards
Collaboration with Teaching effectiveness
Online evaluations, Anti-plagiarism software.
Faculty needs and concerns survey
Information needed to identify major issues
that require attention.
It is not the day to day operation but areas
with strategic impact.
Demand special allocation of resources.
Establish a periodic procedure to collect and
update the information.
How it will be collected
The Technology Implementation Managers
(TIMs) will help us in the data collection.
Respond to a simple e-mail to identify topics.
Please try to categorize the topic and identify the
level of impact (Faculty, Department, College, etc.)
TIMs will help the FSIT to separate normal requests
and classify them.
FSIT members will obtain additional feedback
on the top issues to prioritize them.
Expect first e-mail in the next couple of week
Intention to make it periodic.
At least twice per academic year.