Big6 Research Process Organizer

Big6 Research Process Organizer
Step 1: Task Definition
1.1 Define the information problem: Restate the requirement(s) of your assignment in your
own words:
1.2 Identify information needed: What information will you need to be able to accomplish this
task? Make a list of questions and circle/highlight keywords:
Step 2: Information Seeking Strategies
2.1 Brainstorm possible sources:
List all of the possible sources where you might find the information you need:
2.2 Select the best sources: Circle or highlight the sources above that you feel will quickly
provide you with the best information. **If you are using the internet be sure to evaluate each
Web site according to RADCAB!
The "Big6™" is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit:
Big6 Research Process Organizer
Step 3: Location and Access
3.1 Locate sources: Where and how will you locate your best sources?
How (Electronically,
physically, intellectually…)?
3.2 Find information within sources: What tools can you use to quickly locate the information
within each source?
 Table of contents
 Index
 Directory
 Search box/keywords
 Other______________________________
Step 4: Use of Information
4.1 Engage - read, hear, view, touch!
4.2 Extract relevant information
How will you take notes?
 Electronically (NoodleBib, Google Notebook, Microsoft Word, etc.)
 Use notebook paper
 Use index cards
 Use an electronic recording device (voice recorder, camera, etc.)
 Highlight information I have printed out and/or copied (according to copyright
How will you give credit to your sources to avoid plagiarism?
 List of Works Cited in MLA format
 Other_____________________
The "Big6™" is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit:
Big6 Research Process Organizer
Step 5: Synthesis
5.1 Organize the information : How will you organize the information from your sources?
 Outline
 Rough draft
 Storyboard
 Sketch
 Other________________________________
5.2 Present the information : What is the best (or required) format?
 Written
 Graphic
 Oral
 Multimedia
 Performance
 Other________________________________
Step 6: Evaluation
6.1 Judge the product (effectiveness)
Before turning in your assignment, compare it to the project requirements given to you.
 I met all requirements for the assignment.
 My finished product matches the task in Step #1.
 I gave credit for my sources in MLA format.
 My work is in compliance of copyright and fair use guidelines.
 My work was edited and revised.
 My work is complete and neat.
 I would be proud for anyone to view my work.
The "Big6™" is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit:
Big6 Research Process Organizer
6.2 Judge the information process (efficiency):
1. What information sources did you find useful?
2. What information sources did you need but did not have?
3. How did you organize the information you located? Was it an effective method?
4. What new skills did you learn that you can use again?
5. Did you get stuck at any point in the research process? ______ Describe what
6. What problems did you encounter (with technology, your group, timeline, etc.)?
7. How could you save time and effort next time?
The "Big6™" is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit: