Quiz on 6.4/6.5 tomorrow unless were absent from

Quiz on 6.4/6.5 tomorrow unless were absent from
school on Monday/Tuesday (GATE, Band,
Chorus, etc. doesn’t count).
All quizzes 6.1, 6.2/6.3, 6.4/6.5 must be taken
before we go on break.
Today, I will be able to explain how the Patriots
won at Yorktown and the key ideas of the Treaty
of Paris ‘83.
Homework, prepare for quiz.
Monday: Discuss 6.4, complete 6.5 #1-5 for
Tuesday: Cover 6.5
Wednesday: Open note quiz 6.4/6.5
Thursday: Patriot
Friday: Patriot
Peter Salem
Molly Pitcher
John Paul Jones
De Rochambeau
De Grasse
Foreign Intervention
Guerrilla warfare
Describe the war in the South in mid-1780:
Why were the British optimistic? Why were
the Americans pessimistic? Why did
Washington say, ‘I have almost ceased to
Gen. Clinton (British 1st in command), had
captured Savannah and Charleston. Loyalists
militia began destroying private property and
brutalizing Patriots.
Patriots had effective leaders: Greene, Morgan,
and Marion:
Greene: chose battle sites that put British at a
 Morgan: made British think he was retreating at
 Marion: effectively used guerrilla tactics against the
King’s Mountain, SC
“It’s like the South’s Saratoga”
 Led to a string of Patriot victories
 Forces were led by Greene and Morgan
 Lifted the morale of Patriots
 Jefferson called it, “the turn of the tide.”
At the time of becoming a traitor, he was
considered one of America’s best generals.
September 1780, he turned over a key fort held
by the Patriots (West Point) to the British.
Motive: He believed that he didn’t receive
enough credit for his victories; also, they paid
him off.
Cornwallis conducted raids on Virginia, while Lafayette kept his
forces at bay.
Cornwallis ignored his superior's orders to send part of his troops
back to NY (he believes that Washington is going to attempt to
regain NYC)
Cornwallis wanted supply his army at Yorktown, near the
Atlantic Ocean
Washington saw an opportunity and moved his troops from NY to
Yorktown, where he combined forces with Comte de Rochambeau
(French) and they surrounded Cornwallis.
France provides a naval blockade ( led by Admiral de Grasse).
The British are unable to receive supplies and begin to starve.
16,000 Patriots and French lay siege to
Yorktown. After several weeks, with supplies
running low, Cornwallis surrendered his
19 October 1781, the British military surrenders
to Patriots/French forces.
Yorktown clip
1782, (Franklin, J. Adams, J. Jay, and John
Laurens) meet in Paris to discuss peace terms
with Britain.
Terms: U.S. is independent, controls all
territory from the Atlantic to the Mississippi,
Spain would regain Florida.
Congress ratified the treaty 15 April 1783.
Britain is 3000 miles away (difficult to resupply
and rotate soldiers)
Patriots were spread over a large area, over 1000
miles north to south and 800 miles east to west.
The Patriots knew the land better.
The Patriots were fighting for their freedom,
families, land, etc.
Foreign help from France and Spain