Do Now: Read about Henry Blair with your partner.

Do Now: Read about Henry Blair with your partner.
Answer the questions at the bottom in your do now
book. Number the questions 1-6.
Today, I will be able to explain Henry Blair’s
contributions to society. I will also be able to identify the
major issues facing Adams’ Presidency.
Turn in your poster. If it is turned in after today, 3pts off
per day. Make sure you names are clearly printed on the
Do not ask for time to work on your poster!!! At this
point, you must do it on your own time.
Adams wins a narrow election against Jefferson
71 to 68.
PA, VA, and NC all had 1 vote split off from
Jefferson will become Adams’ Vice-President
Political division within the country will be
The French objected to Jay’s Treaty and start
seizing our ships.
Adams tries to avoid war and remain neutral.
France tries to extort money from the U.S.,
$10 million loan and 250k for each of the 3 emissaries
(representatives of another nation)
 This becomes known as the XYZ Affair
 Americans, especially Federalists are angry and
want war with France.
He doesn’t ask Congress to declare war.
Increases our naval strength
Hamilton doesn’t view this action as aggressive
enough, continues to pressure Adams to go to
war with France.
Napoleon Bonaparte takes over as leader in
France and signs an agreement to stop seizing
American ships
Hooray we avoid war
The Federalist Party splits in two
Federalists (Adams)
High Federalists (Hamilton)
Targets non-federalists
Alien Act: The President could kick out any
alien (foreigner) thought to be a danger to the
Also extended the amount of years to become an
American citizens: Went from 5 yrs. to 14---Why?
Sedition Act: Anyone speaking out against the
government or government officials could be
fined or jailed…1st Amendment????
Jefferson (the VP) argued that it was the right
of the states to nullify or cancel federal laws
that they didn’t agree with (D-R, belief)
He and Madison help KY and VA file the
Kentucky and Virginia resolution.
Stated that each state could determine whether a law
was constitutional (this could be argued since
Judicial Review doesn’t exist yet)
Who won the Election?
Why are the results confusing?
Which states split their votes?
Where was Adams main support;
Where was Jefferson’s main
support? What group finally selects
the President? How was the
Constitution not followed in this
instance (think VP)? The 12th