WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLAN Name _Lisa Silverman____________ Date __9-22-14__ Length of Lesson _week__ Content Area English 12__ STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC (Module, if applicable): Symbolism/significance of fences to play Internal/external conflict in drama Developing the thesis statement (sr. project) UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): Students will understand: Essential content, literary elements and devices inform meaning Textual structure, features and organization inform meaning Acquiring and applying a robust vocabulary assists in constructing meaning BIG IDEAS: (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content) objectives, and skill focus) CC1.3.11-12, CC1.4.11-12.B,C,E,F CC1.5.11-12 • Comprehension requires and enhances critical thinking and is constructed through the intentional interaction between reader and text • Writing is a means of documenting thinking • Writing is a recursive process that conveys ideas, thoughts and feelings • Purpose, topic and audience guide types of writing ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: • How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? • What role does writing play in our lives? • How do we develop into effective writers? • To what extent does the writing process contribute to the quality of writing? VOCABULARY: STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): Controversial topic Dogmatic thesis Thesis statement Setting Socio-historical background Conflict (internal/external) Students will be able to: • Use and cite evidence from texts to make assertions, inferences, generalizations, and to draw conclusions • Analyze and evaluate author’s/authors’ use of conflict, theme and /or point of view within and among texts • Summarize, draw conclusions, and make generalizations from a variety of mediums STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK: Students will read play aloud in class Students will develop senior project proposal and turn in Wednesday, Sept. 24 Students will develop thesis statement for sr. project FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: Summarizing main ideas Thumbs up/thumbs down STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: Do Now: SAT vocab warm-ups daily List what a fence does—metaphor for play Mini Lesson: Video showing 2 different depictions of Fences act 1 scene 3 (Cory vs Troy) Which version is most likely how MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Sr project handbooks The play Fences INTERVENTIONS: ASSIGNMENTS: tutoring Tues. and Thurs. with me parent contact English lab Choose ONE controversial topic for senior project Fill out guided reading questions as we read. Wilson intended this scene? Defend to class. Guided Practice: Teacher modeling for argumentative analysis Independent Practice: Students work in small groups to cite evidence for support. Summations/Formative Assessments: See above Reflections: