WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLAN Name _Lisa Silverman____________ Date __11-24-14__ Length of Lesson _week__ Content Area English 12__ STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC (Module, if applicable): Senior Project: argument notes and developing arguments to support/refute thesis Evaluating sources for credibility UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): Students will understand: Essential content, literary elements and devices inform meaning Textual structure, features and organization inform meaning Acquiring and applying a robust vocabulary assists in constructing meaning VOCABULARY: BIG IDEAS: (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content, objectives, and skill focus) CC1.2.11-12, CC1.4.11-12 • Comprehension requires and enhances critical thinking and is constructed through the intentional interaction between reader and text • Writing is a means of documenting thinking • Writing is a recursive process that conveys ideas, thoughts and feelings • Purpose, topic and audience guide types of writing ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: • How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? • What role does writing play in our lives? • How do we develop into effective writers? • To what extent does the writing process contribute to the quality of writing? STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): Students will be able to: Sr. project: • Notes: direct quote, paraphrase, summary Works cited page Thesis Supporting facts Identify and evaluate essential content between and among various text types Evaluate the effects of inclusion and exclusion of information in persuasive text Use and cite evidence from texts to make assertions, inferences, generalizations, and to draw conclusions Identify the use of bias, stereotype, and propaganda where present Analyze the use of facts and opinions across texts Evaluate the presentation of essential and nonessential information in texts, identifying the author’s implicit or explicit bias and assumptions Generalize the use of academic vocabulary across disciplines Use grade appropriate resources to confirm and extend meaning of vocabulary STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK: Students will develop arguments for senior project (4 their side/3 against) FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: Spot check for comprehension Thumbs up/thumbs down STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS AND INTERVENTIONS: ASSIGNMENTS: PROCEDURES: Do Now: SAT vocab do-nows daily (Collins type 1) Mini Lesson: Use sr. project handbook worksheet to develop outline for arguments Guided Practice: Teacher modeling how to do an outline for a topic Independent Practice: Students will do their own outlines with help as needed Students will find articles to support/refute their theses and evaluate the texts’ bias Summations/Formative Assessments: See above Reflections: RESOURCES: Sr project handbooks sr. project articles per each tutoring Tues. and Thurs. with me parent contact English lab Sr. Project: Take notes and number according to project format.