WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLAN Name: Mr. Biondo Date: 2/17/2015 Length of Lesson: 4 Weeks Content Area: U.S. History STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC (Module, if applicable): U.S. as a World Power BIG IDEAS: (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content) objectives, and skill focus) 8.3.12.D - Identify and evaluate conflict and cooperation among social groups and organizations in United States history from 1890 to the present. 8.1.12.C - Evaluate historical interpretation of events. 8.3.12.A - Identify and evaluate the political and cultural contributions of individuals and groups to United States history from 1890 to present. UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): Students will understand: Why some Americans thought it was important for the U.S. to expand its influence. Why U,S, expansion led to hostility with other countries. Why international trade was important. How the military benefited from U,S. expansion. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Why were Americans interested in in expanding their influence to different parts of the world? Why did other Americans think it was important to stay isolated from other parts of the world? What did many American's view of isolationism change during this time period? How has this time period of U.S. extending their influence had lasting effects on our country today? VOCABULARY: imperialism, isolationism, subsidy, spheres of influence, yellow journalism, dollar diplomacy, Monroe Doctrine, Rosovelt Corollary, canal STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): Students will be able to: - Explain why some Americans favored expansion over isolationism - Identify goals of U.S. foreign policy - Explain the effect the press had on the Spanish-American War -Analyze the effects of the Spanish-American war - Identify the steps the U.S. took to build the Panama Canal -Describe the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK: Short in class reading and participation will be assessed. Students will be assessed on their abilty to define vocabulary in their own words. Students will be assessed on their completion of, picture analysis, and other in class activities. Students will be assessed on the completion of their guided notes. Students will take a map quiz. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: Thumbs up, summarizing main ideas, graphic organizers STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: Do Now Mini Lesson: MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: -Textbooks, notebooks, INTERVENTIONS: ASSIGNMENTS: small group repitition Vocabulary Chart - Guided notes Guided Practice: Independent Practice: Summations/Formative Assessments: Reflections: Do Now: Daily Collin's I Writings Mini Lesson: Chapter Intro Guided Practice; Guided Reading/ Guided Notes Independent Practice: Imperialism Graphic Organizer Formative Assessment: Exit Tickets handouts reminders to stay on task extended time for activities - Political Cartoon Worksheet - Map/ Graph analysis - Map labeling