Reading Purpose:__ Prove Bradstreets Puritan beliefs affect her perception of the world as represented by this poem.___ Title:__to My Dear and Loving Husband_ _ Source/Publisher/Date:_____ Author:___Anne Bradstreet________ Text Type/#:__historical narrative___ What do I already understand about the text based on this information? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SEARCHING FOR DETAILS: I read the text closely and mark words and phrases that help me answer my purpose question. SELECTING DETAILS I select words or phrases from my reading that I think are the most related to my reading purpose. ANALYZING DETAILS Why do I think the detail that I selected is important. CONNECTING DETAILS What puritan beliefs are influencing Bradstreet? Detail #1: T___ P___ L____ Detail #2: T___ P___ L ____ Details #3: T___ P___ L ___