Chapter 7 Section 1

Chapter 7 Section 1 (Starts on 144)
1. What types of cells are haploid? __________________________________
2. What type of cells does meiosis produce? _______________________________
3. How many divisions occur in meiosis? __________________________________
4. Since meiosis is a form of cell division, what must occur before meiosis begins?
5. In what phase of meiosis, does crossing-over occur?
6. What three mechanisms make key contributions to genetic variation?
a. _____________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________
7. What is independent assortment?
8. Where does spermatogenesis occur? __________________________________
9. Where does oogenesis occur? __________________________________
10. What is another name for an egg cell? ________________________
11. The ovum tends to get a larger share of cytoplasm than the polar body. Why is
this important to the cell?
Chapter 7 Section 2 (Starts on 150)
Identify the following statements as sexual or asexual reproduction:
a. ___________________ Genetically identical
b. ___________________ Reproductive cells must be produced
c. ___________________ Two parents
d. ___________________ One parent
e. ___________________ Binary fission is an example
f. ___________________ Most primitive reproduction
g. ___________________ Can repair DNA damage
h. ___________________ Budding is an example
i. ___________________ Offspring is not exactly like parents
j. ___________________ No fusion of haploid cells
k. ___________________ Haploid gametes join to form diploid zygote
l. ___________________ Produces many offspring in short time
m. ___________________ Cloning is an example
n. ___________________ Fragmentation is an example
2. Why is having DNA with very little variation a disadvantage to a species?
3. Goto page 153 - Exploring Further
a. What is parthenogenesis?
b. In parthenogenesis, which parent is the offspring a clone of?
c. What four organisms can reproduce by parthenogenesis?
i. ____________________________
ii. ____________________________
iii. ____________________________
iv. ____________________________
d. Can parthenogenesis, occur in mammals? __________________