MCCS PBL Plan Name of Project Subjects Teachers Grades Content (VASOLs) 21st Century Competencies Project Summary The Great Invention Science, Social Studies, English, Math Katie Brennen and Jessica Drawdy 4/5 VS.10, VS.9, SCI 4.2,4.3, 5.6, 5.2, 5.3 Math 4.6, 4.9, 4.11, 5.15 Reading 4.5, 5.6, 4.6, 5.8 Collaboration: ____yes____ Communication: ___yes____ Critical Thinking: __yes_____ Creativity and Innovation: __yes____ Other: _______________________ The project will begin its focus with a broad overview of inventions, scientific process and inventors. Students will research different inventors to understand their thinking process and multiple trials. Students will be learning about light, sound, motion, and electricity during science this quarter. They will use this information to create a hopefully working example of their own inventions. Students will provide feedback and reflections for their inventions. They will provide a reflection of their project and its effectiveness at the conclusion. Students will prepare a detailed summary of this process and their inventor(s) aspirations along with the invention to be shown at the end of the quarter during the “4th and 5th grade World Fair”. Driving Question Within science and history inventions have had made huge contributions to help improve human life styles in many aspects. As a student at MCCS how and what would you create to improve the culture at our school? Entry Event Use Thomas Edison’s short comings in school to talk about how he was different from his peers and thought outside of the box which ultimately lead to his difficulties during grade school but led to great inventions we are using today. Products Individual Public Audience Resources Needed Reflection Methods Assessment Format (s) Research Product – inventors, inventions, electric, force, motion, sound and light Inventions Concluding Reflection Research Team Tug-of-War (which invention is the most important to us today focus on Virginian Inventors) Peer Critiques Leo Night – MCCS families Peers/Teachers Computer Lab, Classroom, Internet, Library On-site people, facilities Cameras, Computers Equipment Construction materials for art projects, journals, recyclable materials Materials N/A Community Resources Journal/Learning Log: Yes Whole-Class Discussion: Yes Survey: No Focus Groups: Yes Other: Tug-of-War Rubric, Reflection