ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: GOOD EFFORT A good worker COMMENDABLE Worthy of recognition or praise DILIGENT Quietly and steadily working, especially in detail or exactness EXEMPLARY Worthy of imitation INDUSTRIOUS Hard-working PERSISTENT Refusing to give up or let go Week #1 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: OUTLOOK Degrees of looking at something OPTIMISTIC Expecting everything to come out all right; hopeful; OPTIMIST PESSIMISTIC Expecting the worst possible outcome; PESSIMIST PRAGMATIC Willing to see things as they really are and deal with them sensibly; PRAGMATIST REALISTIC True to life or nature; REALIST SKEPTICAL Tending to doubt or question things; SKEPTIC Week #2 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: ADMIRATION Great respect ADMIRATION a feeling of wonder, pleasure, or approval ADORATION the act of paying honor, as to a divine being; worship ESTEEM to regard highly or favorably; regard with respect or admiration IDOLIZATION to regard with blind adoration, devotion, etc REVERENCE a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe; veneration Week #3 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: ANGER A strong feeling of displeasure aroused by a wrong ANIMOSITY A feeling of strong dislike, ill will, or enmity that tends to display itself in action FURY Unrestrained or violent anger, rage, or passion INDIGNATION Strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base RESENTMENT The feeling of displeasure or indignation at some act, remark, person, etc., regarded as causing injury or insult. ACRIMONY sharpness, harshness, or bitterness of nature, speech, disposition, etc. Week #4 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: ANIMATED Full of vigor and spirit ANIMATED Full of life, action, or spirit; lively; vigorous LIVELY Full or suggestive of life or vital energy; active, vigorous, or brisk SPIRITED Having or showing mettle, courage, vigor, liveliness, etc. VIGOROUS Full of or characterized by energetic activity; energy; intensity VIVACIOUS Lively; animated; gay Week #5 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: APATHETIC Having or showing little or no emotion AMBIVALENT having ”mixed feelings about someone or something APATHETIC having or showing little or no emotion: not interested or concerned; indifferent or unresponsive BORED tired or weary by being dull, repetitious, or uninteresting DISINTERESTED unbiased by personal interest or advantage; not influenced by selfish motives: not interested; indifferent. UNCONCERNED not involved or interested; disinterested; not caring; unworried; free from solicitude or anxiety. Week #6 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: ARCHAIC Very old and outdated ANCIENT dating from a remote period; of great age ANTIQUATED continued from, resembling, or adhering to the past; old-fashioned: no longer used; obsolete or obsolescent ARCHAIC marked by the characteristics of an earlier period; antiquated: primitive; ancient; old OUTDATED no longer in use or fashionable; out-of-date; outmoded; antiquated. PRIMITIVE being the first or earliest of the kind or in existence, especially in an early age of the world: unaffected or little affected by civilizing influences; uncivilized; savage Week #7 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: BEGINNER Practicing an art or occupation for the love of it, but not as a profession DILETTENTE A superficial amateur ; someone who claims an interest but lacks real knowledge FLEDGLING A young bird NEOPHYTE Someone who is new, young or inexperienced NOVICE An apprentice or beginner in any business or occupation; often associated with nuns Week #8 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: BRAVERY Brave or courageous AUDACIOUS extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless BOLD not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring DAUNTLESS not to be intimidated; fearless; intrepid; bold INTREPID resolutely fearless; dauntless VALIANT boldly courageous; brave; stout-hearted Week #9 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: COMPLAINING Full of complaints or disapproval CRITICAL inclined to find fault or to judge with severity, often too readily DEPLORING to regret deeply or strongly; lament; to disapprove of; censure DISSATISFIED not pleased; discontented QUERULOUS full of complaints; complaining; characterized by or uttered in complaint; peevish WHINY complaining; fretful; cranky Week #10 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: DEFIANCE Boldly resistant or challenging CHALLENGING testing one's ability, endurance, etc; stimulating, interesting, and thought-provoking DEFIANT boldly resistant or challenging DISOBEDIANT neglecting or refusing to obey; not submitting; refractory REBELLIOUS defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel UNRULY not submissive or conforming to rule; ungovernable; turbulent; intractable; refractory; lawless Week #11 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: DEPRESSED Depressed, sad DEJECTED depressed in spirits; disheartened; low-spirited DESPONDENT feeling or showing profound hopelessness, dejection, discouragement, or gloom GLOOMY sad, dejected, or melancholy MELANCHOLY a gloomy state of mind, especially when habitual or prolonged; depression WOEFUL wretched; unhappy Week #12 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: DISRESPECT Boldly rude or discourteous; displaying lack of respect CONTEMPTUOUS showing or expressing contempt or disdain; scornful INSOLENT boldly rude or disrespectful; contemptuously impertinent; insulting INSUBORDINATE not submitting to authority; disobedient DISDAINFUL scornful SAUCY impertinent; insolent Week #13 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: EMOTIONAL PLEASURE Feelings of satisfaction DELIGHTED highly pleased ELATED very happy or proud; jubilant; in high spirits GLEEFUL full of exultant joy; merry; delighted EUPHORIC intensely happy or confident JUBILANT showing great joy, satisfaction, or triumph; rejoicing; exultant Week #14 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: FACETIOUS Not meant to be taken seriously or literally AMUSING showing great joy, satisfaction, or triumph; rejoicing; exultant HUMOROUS funny; comical JOCULAR given to, characterized by, intended for, or suited to joking or jesting; waggish; facetious SMART quick, witty, and often impertinent in speech WITTY amusingly clever in perception and expression Week #15 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: FLIPPANT Lacking proper respect or seriousness FLIPPANT frivolously disrespectful, shallow, or lacking in seriousness; characterized by levity GLIB readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely so IMPERTINENT intrusive or presumptuous, as persons or their actions; insolently rude; uncivil IMPUDENT of, pertaining to, or characterized by impertinence or effrontery PERT boldly forward in speech or behavior; impertinent Week #16 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: FUNNY Pleasantly entertaining AMUSING pleasantly entertaining or diverting COMICAL producing laughter; amusing; funny ENTERTAINING amusing; diverting HUMOROUS funny; comical WHIMSICAL given to fanciful notions; capricious Week #17 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: GOTH/EMO Characterized by gloomy or hideous feelings MORBID suggesting an unhealthy mental state or attitude; unwholesomely gloomy, sensitive, extreme, etc. GRISLY causing a shudder or feeling of horror; horrible; gruesome GRUESOME causing great horror; horribly repugnant; grisly MACABRE gruesome and horrifying; ghastly; horrible LUGUBRIOUS mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner Week #18 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: GREAT QUANTITIES (Part 1) Better ways to say “a lot” ABUNDANT present in great quantity; more than adequate; oversufficient COPIOUS large in quantity or number; abundant; plentiful PLENTY a full or abundant supply or amount PLETHORA excess, superfluity PROFUSE abundant; in great amount Week #19 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: GREAT QUANTITIES (Part 2) Better ways to say “a lot” BOUNTIFUL abundant; ample EXCESSIVE going beyond the usual, necessary, or proper limit or degree LIBERAL abundant; lavish LAVISH using or giving in great amounts PROLIFIC characterized by abundant production Week #20 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: GREAT QUANTITIES (Part 3) Better ways to say “a lot” AMPLE fully sufficient or more than adequate for the purpose or needs; plentiful; enough FRUITFUL producing an abundant growth NUMEROUS very many; being or existing in great quantity PLENTEOUS plentiful; copious; abundant TEEMING abounding or swarming with something Week #21 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: HARSH Ungentle or unpleasant in action or effect ACRIMONIOUS caustic, stinging, or bitter in nature, speech, behavior, etc. BRUSQUE abrupt in manner; blunt; rough BRUTAL savage; cruel; inhuman DISSONANT disagreeing or harsh in sound; discordant HARSH ungentle and unpleasant in action or effect Week #22 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: HAUGHTY Arrogantly superior and disdainful ARROGANT making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; insolently proud CONCEITED having an excessively favorable opinion of one's abilities, appearance, etc HAUGHTY disdainfully proud; snobbish; scornfully arrogant; supercilious PROUD having or showing a high opinion of one's own dignity, importance, or superiority UPPITY affecting an attitude of inflated self-esteem Week #23 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: HELPLESS Without skill or aptitude to complete a task BUNGLING to do clumsily and awkwardly; botch HELPLESS unable to help oneself; weak or dependent INEPT without skill or aptitude for a particular task or assignment; maladroit INCOMPETENT lacking qualification or ability; incapable UNABLE lacking the necessary power, competence, etc., to accomplish some specified act Week #24 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: HIPPIE Not argumentative or hostile; soothing HALCYON calm; peaceful; tranquil PEACEFUL free from war, strife, commotion, violence, or disorder PASSIVE not reacting visibly to something that might be expected to produce manifestations of an emotion or feeling SERENE calm, peaceful, or tranquil; unruffled TRANQUIL free from commotion or tumult; peaceful; quiet; calm Week #25 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: IMPULSIVE Doing things without thinking or changing quickly CAPRICIOUS subject to, led by, or indicative of whim; erratic FICKLE likely to change, especially due to caprice, irresolution, or instability; casually changeable IMPULSIVE actuated or swayed by emotional or involuntary actions MERCURIAL changeable; volatile; fickle; flighty; erratic VOLATILE unable to hold the attention fixed because of an inherent lightness or fickleness of disposition Week #26 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: INFLUENTIAL Exerting or possessing influence AUTHORATATIVE exercising or asserting power; commanding CONSEQUENTIAL of importance or significance FORCEFUL powerful; vigorous; effective IMPORTANT of much or great significance or consequence WEIGHTY important or momentous Week #27 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: INTERPERSONAL To keep to one’s self INTROVERTED a shy person; a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings LACONIC using few words; concise RETICENT disposed to be silent or not to speak freely RESERVED avoiding familiarity or intimacy with others TACITURN inclined to silence; reserved in speech; reluctant to join in conversation Week #28 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: IRRITATING Annoying; causing impatience or anger BOTHERSOME causing annoyance or worry; troublesome EXASPERATING to irritate or provoke to a high degree; annoy extremely INCENCSING to arouse the extreme anger or indignation of INFURIATING causing or tending to cause anger or outrage; maddening IRRITATING annoying; provoking Week #29 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: LETHARGIC Laziness or lack of feeling APATHETIC having or showing little or no emotion; indifferent or unresponsive INDIFFERENT without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic INERT inactive or sluggish by habit or nature LETHARGIC drowsy; sluggish SLUGGISH indisposed to action or exertion; lacking in energy; lazy; indolent Week #30 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: MEDITATIVE Reflective or thinking deeply about something CONTEMPLATIVE denoting, concerned with, or inclined to contemplation; meditative INTROSPECTIVE the act or process of looking into oneself MEDITATIVE given to, characterized by, or indicative of meditation; contemplative PENSIVE expressing or revealing thoughtfulness, usually marked by some sadness RUMINATING to meditate or muse; ponder Week #31 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: OMINOUS Foreshadowing imminent doom FOREBODING a strong inner feeling or notion of a future misfortune, evil, etc.; presentiment ILL-BODING foreboding evil; inauspicious; unlucky OMINIOUS portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious PORTENTOUS ominously significant or indicative THREATENING tending or intended to menace Week #32 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: OUTGOING Friendly, interested in others AMIABLE/AMICABLE having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities; affable CONVIVIAL friendly; agreeable EXTROVERTED outgoing, gregarious GENIAL warmly and pleasantly cheerful; cordial GREGARIOUS fond of the company of others; sociable Week #33 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: PATRONIZE Provide aid or support for ADVOCATE to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly AID to provide support for or relief to; help CHAMPION a person who fights for or defends any person or cause ENDORSE to approve, support, or sustain SUPPORT to sustain or withstand (weight, pressure, strain, etc.) without giving way; serve as a prop for Week #34 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: Pessimistic Characterized by pessimism or gloom DEFEATING a bringing to naught; frustration DESPAIRING given to despair or hopelessness DOWN downcast; depressed; dejected GLOOMY dismal or depressing HOPELESS desperate; despairing Week #35 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: REMORSEFUL Sorry, regretful APOLOGETIC sorry; regretful REGRETFUL full of regret; sorrowful because of what is lost, gone, or done REMORSEFUL contrite, regretful, penitent REPENTANT reproaching oneself for one's past actions or sins; contrite SUPPLICATING to pray humbly to; entreat or petition humbly Week #36 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: SARCASTIC Bitterly humorous BITING cutting; sarcastic CAUSTC severely critical or sarcastic SARCASTIC a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark SARDONIC characterized by bitter or scornful derision; mocking; cynical; sneering SATIRIC the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc Week #37 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: SENTIMENTAL Expressive of or appealing to emotions NOSTALGIC a sentimental or wistful yearning for the happiness felt in a former place, time, or situation. EMOTIONAL actuated, effected, or determined by emotion rather than reason WISTFUL characterized by melancholy; longing; yearning SOFT-HEARTED very sympathetic or responsive; generous in spirit DREAMY soothing; restful; quieting Week #38 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: SHORT Direct, brief, and potentially rude speech or manner CURT rudely brief in speech or abrupt in manner ABRUPT curt or brusque in speech, manner, etc SNIPPY sharp or curt, especially in a supercilious or haughty way; impertinent SNAPPISH disposed to speak or reply in an impatient or irritable manner TERSE abruptly concise; curt; brusque Week #39 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: SOLITARY Alone, single, unsociable ALOOF at a distance, especially in feeling or interest; apart DISTANT reserved or aloof; not familiar or cordial MISANTHROPIC dislikes or distrusts other people or mankind in general RECLUSIVE To live in seclusion or apart from society, often for religious meditation SECLUDED withdrawn from or involving little human or social activity Week #40 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: STUBBORN Unreasonably fixed or set in ways or purpose DOGMATIC asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner; opinionated OBSTINATE firmly or stubbornly adhering to one's purpose, opinion, etc.; not yielding to argument, persuasion, or entreaty PERSISTENT persisting, especially in spite of opposition, obstacles, discouragement, etc.; persevering RESOLUTE firmly resolved or determined; set in purpose or opinion. UNYIELDING not apt to give way under pressure; inflexible; firm Week #41 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: SUBMISSIVE Willing or ready to submit or be obedient ACQUIESCENT disposed to consent tacitly COMPLIANT obeying, obliging, or yielding, especially in a submissive way OBEDIENT complying with or submissive to authority OBSEQUIOUS characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning SUBORDINATE subservient or inferior Week #42 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: SUPPORTIVE Giving support, sympathy, or encouragement ASSISTIVE to give support or aid to; help AUXILIARY providing supplementary or additional help and support ATTENDANT a person employed to assist, guide, or provide a service for others, esp for the general public CONTRIBUTORY to be an important factor in; help to cause COMPLIMENTARY expressing praise; flattering Week #43 ENHANCE your VOCABULARY with TONE THEME: TRANQUIL Pleasant or quiet; free from commotion or disturbance PEACEFUL free from war, strife, commotion, violence, or disorder PLACID pleasantly calm or peaceful; unruffled; tranquil; serenely quiet or undisturbed SEDATE calm, quiet, or composed; undisturbed by passion or excitement TEMPERATE moderate or self-restrained; not extreme in opinion, statement, etc CALM free from excitement or passion; tranquil Week #44