CCTL Grant Rubric


CCTL Grant Rubric

Grant #: _________________ Applicant: ____________________________ Reviewer: ____________________________


 The application includes the faculty member’s name, department and a title for the project

Abstract clearly describes the project

The writing is clear and the proposal is understandable

The goals of the project or the impact the project will have on active learning in the college course is clearly explained


The proposed project is consistent with the goal of incorporating an active learning college strategy into a course and evaluating its effectiveness

A detailed implementation plan of how active learning will be incorporated into the course is well detailed

The proposed plan and timetable are realistic

Potential problems and alternative tactics are considered


Assessment techniques are described clearly and are appropriate for measuring the effectiveness of the active/integrative teaching strategy


The applicant describes how the project will contribute to the understanding and advancement of active students learning at Niagara University

The applicants indicates how the results of the project will be disseminated through channels emphasizing the scholarship of teaching and learning

*These are clear and attainable


The applicant has the ability and expertise to complete the project as described

Updated: 2.25.2015


Updated: 2.25.2015
