A dog can be the eyes for a person with a seeing disability. disability When something stops you from doing something that most people can do Say the word disability How might a trained dog help someone with a hearing disability? The standstay position is difficult for a dog to learn. position Describing a the way a person or thign stands, sits, or lies down Say the word position Is it more comfortable to be in a standing position or a sitting position for a long period of time? Dogs get very attached to their trainers. attached Feeling very close to a person or thing Say the word attached If you feel attached to someone do you want to be near them or do you stay away from them? Trained dogs give assistance to people who have special needs. assistance When you help someone or something Say the word assistance Would you be more likely to give assistance to your friend or an elderly person? Dogs depend on their owners for food. depend When you need someone or something Say the word depend Do you depend on your friends or your parents to cook you dinner? Dog owners have the responsibility of caring for their dogs. responsibility Something you have to do or take care of Say the word responsibility Is it your responsibility to go to school or go to work? A frisky puppy can jump and play for hours. frisky Very lively and playful Say the word Which is more likely to be frisky, a kitten or a snail? People with birds have an affinity for pets with feathers. affinity When you naturally like something Say the word affinity Are you more likely to have an affinity for reading a good book or cleaning your room? exercise bicycle sometimes special