Lowden/Mazza Weekly Update

Lowden/Mazza Weekly Update
Sept. 14th
Fall Pictures
Sept. 15th
Join Scouting Night
Sept. 17th
Back to School Picnic (rescheduled)
Sept. 18th
Math Maintenance Quiz/Word Study Test
Weller Spirit Wear Day
Important Upcoming Dates
Word Study Homework
Week 2
9/24 DARE Posters Due (OPTIONAL)
9/25 Watch D.O.G.S. Informational
Meeting (8:15 am)
9/30 Citizenship Awards (8:15 am)
10/12 Columbus Day Holiday
10/22 Mystery Book Report Due
10/23 Spooky BINGO
Write each word three times in
cursive (on cursive sheet)
Write the definition of your 10
most difficult words.
Divide your words into syllables
(use the dictionary) OR write each
word and draw a picture that
relates to the word.
Have a parent give you a practice
test Thursday for homework.
Your parent must sign the practice
FLE Handbook…
We have had many requests this year for a copy of the FLE
Handbook. We have recently found out, however, that the
County is not reprinting the handbooks. If you would like to see
the handbook, please go to the following website to view the
information. If you have any questions, please give me a call.
This Week’s States and Capitals:
The Fifth Grade Web Page has the weekly
Word Study list as well as a listing of the
homework assignments. Be sure to check it out!
Help our school by sending in
your Box Tops and Campbell’s
Please remember to read every
night for at least twenty
minutes. Students should be
checking out a mystery book for
our first book report.
Record your reading on your
Reading Log. Parents, please
initial your child’s Reading Log
by Wed. and Fri. each week.
Return the Lion Log and Friday
Folders on Mondays.
Phoenix, Arizona
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Students will need to be able to
recall the state and capital as well
as know the spelling of each.
Next Due Date:
October 16