Civil War Vocabulary 

Civil War Vocabulary
 Abolish: to end (Many people worked hard to abolish slavery).
 Abolitionist: a person who works to end slavery
 Agricultural: An economy based on farming (Think the South!)
 Blockade: A barrier; to use warships to stop other ships from entering or
leaving a port.
 Border States: Slave states located between Northern and Southern
states that did not break away from the union.
 Civil War: a war between people in the same country
 Confederacy: The Southern states that seceded from the U.S.
 Draw: finish equally (a battle can end in a draw).
 Industrialized: Having many factories and businesses (Think the North!)
 Iron-clad: Something covered with iron (The Merrimack was an iron-clad
ship because it was covered with iron)
 Racism: treating a person badly because of skin color or place of birth
 Secede: to withdraw from, or pull out, because of a difference
 Surrender: To give up (Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox, VA)
 Underground Railroad: System of safe houses that slaves used to escape
north to freedom
 Union: The Northern states in the U.S.