1. The Monroe Doctrine 1823- prevent European colonization in the Caribbean.
2. Spoils System- allowed a larger number of citizens to hold office (gave supporters jobs in government)
3. Trail of Tears- Native Americans were forcibly removed to areas west of the Mississippi River.
4. Homestead Act 1862- provided free land to settlers out west.
5. Manifest Destiny- Westward expansion into lands claimed by other nations.
6. Worcester vs. Georgia- Lead to the Trail of Tears
7. Annexation of Texas, Mexican War, “Fifty Four Forty or Fight” : belief in Manifest Destiny
8. Temperance Movement- The movement to ban alcohol
9. William Lloyd Garrison- Wrote/Published the Liberator, abolitionist newspaper.
10. Harriet Beecher Stowe- Wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a novel that helped the Abolitionist movement
11. Frederick Douglass
12. Marbury vs. Madison- established judicial review. Gave the supreme court the power to declare laws
13. Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality, Jefferson’s Embargo Act and the Monroe Doctrine were all passed
to avoid conflict with European Nations.
14. Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Tubman- Underground Railroad, Abolitionist
movement, oppose slavery
15. Seneca Falls Convention- equal rights for women.
16. Declaration of Sentiments- All men and women are created equal.
17. Lucretia Mott , Elizabeth Cady Stanton- secure the right for women to vote (women’s suffrage)
18. Abolitionist Movement- The movement to ban slavery. Think Abolish Slavery
19. Fugitive Slave Act- Slaves that have escaped to the North could be caught and sent back to the South.
Sometimes free African Americans were taken from the North and sold into slavery.