Horizon Elementary Student/Parent Handbook Information 2015-2016 HORIZON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HOURS Office Hours 7:30 AM 7:50 AM 10:50 AM 11:35 AM 2:35 PM 2:39 PM 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM First Bell/Student Entry into Building/Breakfast Tardy Bell/Morning Announcements/Instructional Day Begins AM Kindergarten Dismissal PM Kindergarten Arrival Dismissal for all Bus Riders Dismissal of Walkers, Car Riders, and Day Care Students ACCESS TO BUILDING (Before and After School Hours) Parents please keep in mind that the teaching staff contract time is 7:30 AM -2:50 PM and the office staff is on duty until 4:00 PM. At times, staff may work beyond their contract time for daily preparations and/or meetings. If your child has forgotten something in the classroom, please visit the front office and a staff member will call the classroom to confirm the teacher is still present. Office and custodial staff have been instructed to only allow students access to rooms if the teacher is still there. Checking on the status of teacher availability by office staff is only until 4:00 PM. Teachers are instructed to lock their rooms when they leave for the day. Custodial staff then only unlocks the specific areas they are working in as needed. It would be disruptive to their cleaning schedules if interrupted by parents/students to leave their cleaning projects to go and unlock various rooms. So please be mindful that between 2:50 PM and 4:00 PM each day students may only access classrooms if the office staff can confirm that teacher is still present. ARRIVAL Students may enter the building at 7:30 AM. They are not permitted to arrive before this designated time, as staff members are not on duty for supervision. For your child’s safety, please adhere to this rule. Parents who drop students off at school prior to 7:30 AM on a regular basis will be contacted by the principal to resolve the problem. ATTENDANCE (Absences, Early Dismissal, Tardy) All students have the responsibility to be in school and on time each day. Horizon Elementary instructional day begins at 7:50 AM. Parents should set the example by stressing the importance of regular, on-time attendance and by planning vacations and appointments on weekends, holidays and after school hours whenever possible. Absences If your child will be absent from school, please notify Horizon through the schools absentee e-mail at hrzabsentee@lcps.org (this is the preferred method), or the call-in line at (571)434-3261, prior to 9:00 AM. Both are available 24 hours a day. Please include student’s name, teacher, and reason for absence. Information relating to lengthy absences should be made directly to the office and teacher by note. Whenever a student is absent from school, documentation is required to verify the reason for the absence. Parents are required to notify the school as to the reason for the absence. Any absence not confirmed by the parent will be considered unexcused. If the parent has not called the school to verify the absence, the school will make a reasonable effort to call the parent to verify the day’s absence. Upon the student’s return to school, a written explanation from the parent/guardian is required for each absence. The note should include: date(s) of the absence, reason for the absence, and signature of the parent/guardian. Students are excused for personal illness, a death in the family, medical or dental appointments, court appearances, religious holidays, illness in the immediate family, or emergencies that require the student to be absent. If a student is absent for more than 10 days or 10% of the total number of days of membership, whichever is determined appropriate by the principal, the school will send a letter to the parents requiring a physician’s note for all further absences. At the principal’s discretion, contact may be made sooner or waived due to extenuating circumstances. At the point at which a student accumulates 5 unexcused absences, a referral will be made to the Attendance Officer. Early Dismissal If you need your child to leave school earlier than normal for an appointment, please send a note to the teacher. Please come into the school office and ask the secretary to call for your child. Please do not go directly to the classroom. Teachers are instructed not to dismiss a child unless the office calls for them. *Please note that we do not call students out of class until a parent has arrived in the office. The school day ends at 2:35 PM. Early dismissal from school on a regular basis must be approved by the principal. The appropriate paperwork must be completed and submitted to the principal for approval which includes the reason the student needs to be released early on a regular basis. Tardy The school day officially begins at 7:50 AM. Students who are tardy must report to the front office prior to going into the classroom. Office staff will record the student’s arrival so that attendance records can be changed from an absence to a tardy. The student will be given a tardy slip to give to his/her teacher. Students may not be dropped off in front of the school. Occasional tardiness for valid reasons is not a serious offense; however repeated or habitual tardiness encourages the formation of undesirable personal habits and disrupts the orderly instructional process of the school. A student is considered tardy if he/she is not in their classroom by the time school begins at 7:50 AM. When a child arrives to school tardy, a parent/guardian is required to provide justification to determine the reason for the student’s tardiness. If this does not occur and documentation is not provided by the parent, the tardy may be considered unexcused. If a student is tardy more than 10 times, a letter will be sent to the parent as notification of the school’s concern for the student’s non-attendance, and a physician’s note may be required. If the pattern of tardiness does not improve a referral will be made to the Attendance Officer. Students Attending on Special Permission Multiple days tardy or absent can impact a student’s special permission status. Special permission is contingent upon the student maintaining regular attendance, good behavior, and being in compliance with school rules and regulations. There is a commitment of the student’s parent or guardian to provide a means of reliable transportation for the student to and from school. BIRTHDAYS A very special part of a young child’s life is the celebration of his/her birthday. Each child will receive a birthday greeting on HTV morning news program. In an effort to keep all children safe and healthy, Loudoun County Public Schools has guidelines that do not allow any food to be brought in for a child's birthday. Additionally, non-food gifts of any kind, to include pencils, stickers, balloons, floral arrangements, etc. should not be brought to school for a child's birthday. Party invitations: Children should not distribute party invitations at school unless every child in the class will receive an invitation. This is to help avoid hurt feelings. CAFETERIA Breakfast / Lunch Program Horizon provides a nutritious breakfast and hot lunch program for our students. Checks should be made payable to “County of Loudoun” or pay online at https://www.myschoolbucks.com. 2 Students may pay on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Free and Reduced lunch applications are sent home at the beginning of each school year. New applications must be submitted each school year; forms must be completed and returned to the school before we can authorize free or reduced lunches. Students will not be permitted to charge lunch; students who forget their lunch or lunch money will be given a jelly or cheese sandwich. We have set guidelines for the breakfast program and at this point we believe they will ensure the least amount of disruption to the instructional day and will be the most efficient. The guidelines are as follows: Breakfast will be available from 7:30 AM – 7:50 AM All Horizon students may participate: K am, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Breakfast will not be offered after the tardy bell rings Students will use the same lunch account number for payment of breakfast Students must be finished eating the BAG breakfast by 8:05 AM Students will not be marked tardy if they are late to class because they are getting breakfast The cost of breakfast is $2.10 Milk may be purchased to accompany a packed lunch. Ice cream is also sold in the cafeteria during lunchtime. Lunch - $3.00 Reduced Lunch – n/a Adult Lunch - $4.10 Elementary Cafeteria Prices – 2015-2016: Breakfast - $2.10 Milk - $0.60 Reduced Breakfast – n/a Ice Cream - $0.75 Cafeteria Rules All students in grades 1-5 eat lunch in the cafeteria Monday through Friday at a scheduled time with their class. The following cafeteria rules will be reviewed in the classroom with all students the first day of school prior to eating in the cafeteria. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Always walk in the cafeteria Use a quiet voice while talking Ask permission before leaving your seat Food is not to be shared under any circumstances All trash must be picked up before dismissal from the cafeteria Lunch Visitors Parents and visitors are always welcome to have lunch with their child. Please be sure to sign in at the office for a visitor pass before going to the cafeteria. Please call the cafeteria before 8:00 AM to place your lunch order with the kitchen staff. The cost is $4.10 for visitors, the student’s lunch account may not be used for parent/visitors’ lunch. CANCELLATIONS/DELAYED OPENINGS/EARLY CLOSINGS When schools are closed/delayed or closed early due to inclement weather or any other emergency, announcements to this effect are made over local radio and TV stations as early as 6:00 A.M. You can also access this information through the Loudoun County Schools web page at www.lcps.org. Connect-Ed phone calls will also be made by LCPS to the primary number listed on your students contact sheet. Please do not call the school, as the line must be kept open for emergency calls. Delayed Openings When road conditions are not satisfactory, the opening of school may be delayed for one or two hours. A one-hour delayed opening causes no change in the program at Horizon Elementary. However, a two-hour delayed opening would necessitate the following changes to the kindergarten program: 3 Two-Hour Delayed Openings – Program Schedule Adjustments Half-Day Kindergarten, STEP (4 year old) A.M. Session – will begin two (2) hours late and remain in school for two hours. These students will leave school one hour later than usual. P.M. Session – will begin one (1) hour late and remain in school for two hours, dismissing at the regular time. Full Day Programs Students in these programs will arrive two (2) hours late and remain until the end of the normal school day. Early Childhood Pre-School Students will begin two (2) hours late and remain in school for three (3) hours. These students will leave school one (1) hour later than normal. Early School Closing Each family should have a plan for emergency school closings. A form on which parents should indicate their family’s emergency plan is included in the First Day Packet. If, for any reason, school is closed early, we will be able to remind children of the plans their parents have developed so that each child will know where to go if he/she should go home to an empty house. The classroom teachers will keep these plans in the classrooms and remind the children of the plan in the event of an early closing. Due to the large number of students in this school, we cannot call individual parents. We receive our information about school closing by telephone or e-mail from the Loudoun County Schools Administrative Office. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL, as the line must be kept open for emergency calls! You will receive a Connect-Ed call in the case of an emergency closing. CHANGES: ADDRESS OR PHONE Any change to an address requires a parent or guardian to complete a “Change of Address Form” and attach a copy of one of the following: a signed lease, deed, settlement papers, mortgage statement or deed of trust. Any changes to the home phone number, work number or cell phone must be reported to the school promptly in writing, or by using the Phoenix/ParentVUE information system. Directions on using the ParentVUE System will be forthcoming. This will assist us in case of emergencies. CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT Under Virginia Law, school employees are required to report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect to the department of Social Services. This law, which was designed for the protection of children, provides immunity from civil or criminal liability in connection to reports, unless malicious intent is proven. CONDUCT Horizon Elementary is a Positive Behavioral Interventions Support (PBIS) School. PBIS is a school-wide system to assist students, parents, teachers, and staff members understand and meet behavior expectations to create a climate that promotes high student achievement in academics and as individuals. The idea of this system is to continually reinforce positive behaviors so that students are regularly rewarded for making choices that represent the best of who they are. Guidance is provided through constant reinforcement of the PBIS idea with staff modeling of behaviors and praise, guidance lessons, and support from the staff and parents. Respecting self, others and property is a simple reminder strategy for students. With the PBIS System in place, all Horizon students are expected to be courteous, respectful, helpful, and serious about the business of learning! The behavior expected from students in school is a combination of common courtesy and 4 safety considerations. Students having problems meeting these expectations are handled individually with, we hope, full parent/school cooperation. When a child has been referred to the office, parents may need to be contacted to discuss the information about their child’s involvement. We believe that children need fair and consistent treatment. We address each case individually and each child individually. Our ultimate goal is to teach children the correct way to solve problems and how best to work with others. In most instances, problems are resolved by talking with the students involved. Should corrective actions be necessary for students who violate rules and regulations, every attempt will be made to “get the facts” and to provide a fair meeting for all of the student(s) involved. Unless School Board policy directs a specific action for an offense, the administrators are responsible for determining the appropriate measure in each disciplinary case. Examples of disciplinary measures are detention, counseling, reprimand, behavioral plan, and denial of a school privilege, removal from class, lunch in the office, bus suspension and school suspension. The Loudoun County Student’s Rights and Responsibilities booklet will be sent home the first day of school. Review it with your child. Sign and return the acknowledgment page. CURRICULUM Classroom teachers and specialists are responsible for selecting and defining instructional objectives in each curriculum area. They follow the State of Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL’s) and county guidelines in implementing the curriculum. Teachers work together in grade level teams to discuss needs and determine the scope and sequence of instruction. Teachers utilize a variety of grouping strategies and methods to differentiate for academic and behavioral needs of students. Specialists provide instruction in fine arts, physical education, Spanish, library skills, special education, technology, speech and gifted education. All students in grades one through five receive the services of a music specialist, art teacher, librarian, Spanish, and physical education instructor. Kindergartners receive library time once a week. The school counselor is available to meet with students, parents or staff during school hours, by appointment. The counselor works with individual students and small groups. Parents, teachers and administrators can make student referrals to the counselor. The counselor also conducts guidance lessons in every classroom. Interim Reports Interim reports are sent home to communicate your child’s progress. Teachers send home these reports if there is a concern about your child’s progress. Should you have questions or concerns regarding the contents of the interim, you may schedule a conference with the teacher. Interim reports are sent home halfway through the report period to communicate poor or failing grades, if necessary. Report Cards Report cards are sent home four times each year in the elementary grades. When a student is having academic difficulty, the teacher will either call the parent or send a note to the parent. You can expect report cards in November, January, April and June. Exact dates for report card distribution will be published in the Horizon newsletter. Recess In grades 1-5 recess is considered a part of the elementary curriculum. It is defined as “a daily, 15-minute, teachersupervised, unstructured break from the teaching and learning routine.” Students go outside even in cold weather. Be sure a jacket or coat is brought to school. Testing Formalized standardized tests and District-wide assessments are given at various grade levels throughout the year. Testing dates and grade levels involved will be announced in the school newsletter and posted on our web-page. Test results are shared with parents as soon as they become available from the test scoring services. The following tests are given: • Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) – 2nd Grade • Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) Assessments – Grades 3-5 5 • Phonological Assessment Literacy Screening (PALS) – Grades K-2 • Direct Reading Assessment (DRA) – Grades 1-5 • Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test (IAAT) – Grade 5 • Benchmark Assessments – Grades 3-5 Parent/Teacher Conferences All parents will be contacted to schedule a conference with the classroom teacher to discuss student progress, strengths, and weaknesses before the end of November. Parents are encouraged to also request conferences when a need arises. DAILY DISMISSAL PLANS AND CHANGES We require all students to have their parents fill out the “How I am going home” and the “Early Closing Procedures” forms at the beginning of each year. Permanent changes require new forms to be filled out and returned to the teacher. Temporary changes require a note or fax from the parents (written notes are preferred, faxes should be sent no later than 12:00 PM to indicate a change.) The school day ends at 2:35 PM each day. Early dismissal from school on a regular basis must be approved by the principal. The appropriate paperwork must be completed and submitted to the principal for approval which includes the reason as to why the student needs to be released early on a regular basis. Dismissal Last minute pick-ups at the end of the day cause confusion in the office, classroom, bus loop and Kiss and Ride area. It also interrupts our dismissal procedures. Once students are on their bus, it is our policy not to remove them. Plan to arrive at school before 2:15 PM for any last minute pick-ups. Parents needing to pick up students during the school day for appointments should notify the teacher by sending in a note in the morning. Students will be called to the office after parents have signed them out and presented identification. Allow yourself a few extra minutes for this transaction to take place. Changing After School Arrangements All children are expected to go home or to their child care provider each afternoon after school. If the child will be visiting friends after school, please send in a written note giving your permission. The note should include the teacher’s name, the name of your child and the bus # or form of changed transportation. Children will not be allowed to use the school telephone to make such arrangements. Also, your child’s after school plan cannot be changed on the basis of a phone call. In the event of an emergency, our fax machine can be used to send a note to the school for a change in after school plans. The fax number is (703) 444-7418. If your child normally goes to a day care center after school and you change plans for one day, please be sure to notify the day care that the child will not be attending that day. IMPORTANT NOTE: Children sometimes confuse transportation information so we will not be able to accept verbal notification from them when a change is made. Please understand that if we do not receive proper notification of the change (in writing), your child will be going home as designated on the most current form designated by the parent. DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY Any student who causes deliberate damage to school property will be expected to pay for repairs or replacement, whichever is necessary. DRESS CODE The primary responsibility for the proper dress and grooming of students rests with the parent or guardian of each student. The school has the responsibility; however, to see that the cleanliness, dress, and grooming of students does not present a danger to the health or safety of themselves or fellow classmates. Clothing must be in good taste, of a comfortable fit and follow school standards. Students should dress for the “business of school.” Inappropriate attire consists of any clothing that disrupts the learning environment because it is distracting or offensive. 6 Clothing students should refrain from wearing to school: Short/tight skirts, shorts and/or dresses (must be at least fingertip length) halter or spaghetti string tops without a shirt/sweater over it mid-drift tops that expose the stomach area excessively baggy shorts or pants mesh/see-through athletic shirts without a T-shirt underneath clothing that displays inappropriate language, artwork, symbols, alcohol/drug messages a bandana and/or hat while at school Heelies and/or shoes with wheels Shoes must be worn at all times Children must wear sneakers/athletic shoes with solid, rubber soles for all physical education classes. Parents will be called if their child arrives to school dressed inappropriately. It may be necessary for a change of clothing to be brought to school for the child. DRUGS AND ALCOHOL The possession, use, or distribution of drugs or alcohol on school property is prohibited by law. Students who violate this law will be subject to criminal prosecution as well as school punishment. A more detailed explanation of this policy is available in the school office and library. EMERGENCY FORM A form with your child’s emergency information will come home with the “First Day Packet.” The following is extremely important: 1. Update this card, sign and return to school immediately. 2. If any information changes during the year, notify the school immediately. HEALTH The school clinic is located in the office area and is staffed by a Registered Nurse. The clinic is open daily from 7:30 AM – 2:40 PM. Allergies If your child has allergies to food or other substances, a medication form for severe allergies must be completed by the parent and the child’s physician. In the event of a reaction at school it is important that the school knows what action should be followed. Health Screenings A vision and hearing screening will be conducted for all Kindergarten, third graders and students new to Loudoun County during the first two months of school. Dental screenings are performed in February on children who have returned the form requesting the screening. Illness When a child becomes ill at school, the parent/guardian or designated adult will be notified that the child needs to go home. It is therefore important that information on the emergency form be current. If your child has had a fever greater than 99.9, he/she should be kept home for 24 hours after the fever subsides. If your child is diagnosed with a strep infection, he/she must be on antibiotics for 24 hours and fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. Injuries In case of injury, a student will be cared for by our school nurse. School personnel will render first aid treatment only. If emergency medical treatment is necessary the parents will be contacted and if needed 911 will be called. Emergency telephone numbers where parents can be reached and the name and telephone number of the student's family doctor must be on file at the school; it is extremely important to maintain current emergency contact 7 information on the student emergency information form in the front office. These contacts are the ones notified if the school is unable to contact the parent/guardian. Lice If you detect head lice on your child, please notify the school. If lice are detected at school, the child will be sent home for treatment. Upon returning to school your child must be seen in the clinic to have hair rechecked before returning to class. Medication Parents/Guardians are advised to give medications at home whenever possible. If it is necessary that a medication be given during school hours please follow the medication at school guidelines. All medication is kept and administered in the school clinic. Medication must be brought to school in the original container with the original label intact. A parent/guardian must bring medication to the nurse. In order to administer prescription medication, there must be written instructions from the physician that includes: Student’s name Name and purpose of medication Dosage and time of administration Possible side effects and measures to take if they occur End date for administering the medicine Parent’s signature, giving permission to administer medication Physician’s signature All prescription medication must be in the original container with child’s name, medication, and dosage. No medication will be given to a student without this information. All non-prescription medication must be brought to school by a parent/guardian and must be in the original package with the name of the medication and instructions. A parent must also sign and date the medication form stating when and what dosage to administer. All medication forms can be accessed and downloaded by visiting Health News at the Horizon web page: www.lcps.org – Select the “Parents” tab and the forms are located under “Medication at School – For Parents.” Completed forms, along with the medication should be delivered by the parent to the school nurse. FIELD TRIPS Field trips always relate to the curriculum and extend what the student has learned in the classroom. School buses are used for transportation with school personnel and parents responsible for supervision. Parental permission is required before any pupil is taken on a field trip. FIRE DRILLS Schools are required by law to have a fire drill once a month during the school year. GIFTED PROGRAM Differentiated instruction is provided to all students in grades K-5. SEARCH, a classroom resource program is part of the K-3 standard curriculum. A county-wide, center-based program, FUTURA, serves identified gifted students in grades 4 and 5. GUIDANCE The elementary guidance program provides classroom lessons to all students. The guidance counselor is also available for small group or individual counseling. Teachers and parents can refer their children to the counselor. Students may also ask to meet with the counselor. Parent permission must be granted for a student to meet regularly with the counselor in a small group or in an individual setting. The guidance counselor also provides resources to parents pertaining to their children. 8 GUM Chewing gum or candy is not permitted while at school or on school buses. HOMEWORK The individual teacher defines the scope and style of homework. However, all homework that is assigned will be based on one or more of the following purposes: To practice skills that have been introduced and developed in the class To complete unfinished work or projects To relate understandings and skills developed at school to everyday life To enrich the school program by pursuing activities that can be shared with classmates the following day A child should be able to complete his or her work independently; however, we encourage parents to take some time to check over the child’s work. If at any time you feel as if your child is overwhelmed with homework and spending too much time on it, please contact your child’s teacher to discuss this challenge. INSURANCE Information concerning the school insurance is made available to you at the beginning of the school year. LOST AND FOUND Articles of clothing and lunch boxes are put on the “Lost and Found Bin” in the area across from the cafeteria. Eyeglasses, jewelry and valuables are stored in the school office. Please be sure to put your child’s name on all personal items (coats and sweaters, lunchboxes, book bags, etc.) for ease in returning found items. Students should not bring any valuable items to school, not even for the purpose of show and tell. This includes electronic devices. MESSAGES / FORGOTTEN ITEMS In order to keep interruptions of instructional time in the classrooms to a minimum, all parents and other visitors entering the building must FIRST REPORT TO THE OFFICE. Any items, such as lunch boxes, books, homework or messages for students can be left in the office and they will be delivered to the students. We do ask that this is limited and kept to a minimum because calling down to classrooms is disruptive and the front office is a very busy place. SCHOOL STORE Horizon students are expected to be prepared for class. The Horizon School store is located in the hallway near the 5th grade classrooms. Students may purchase supplies on designated days from 7:35 AM to 7:50 AM. SNACK Grades 1 - 5 Students in grades 1 - 5 may have the opportunity to bring a nutritious snack to school. This will be at the discretion of the principal, depending on the lunch schedule. Further information will be coming from your child’s teacher about snack. Please do not send in any drinks, other than water with your child. TECHNOLOGY Horizon Elementary School is completely networked with full access to the Internet and e-mail. Each classroom is equipped with 4 computers and a printer. There is also a computer lab in the school with 28 computers and 4 printers. Students go to the lab at least once a week for instruction. 9 TRANSPORTATION Bicycles For the safety of the children, they are not allowed to ride bikes to school. Please emphasize this rule to your children. Bus Transportation Most students will be bused to Horizon during the 2015-2016 school year. Bus routes and stops are planned and established by the LCPS Transportation Department. Transportation is provided for all kindergarten students at mid-day. A written request from the parent/guardian must be presented to the child’s teacher if a student is to ride a different bus. The request will be approved by the teacher and then sent with the student on the bus to be given to the bus driver. Bus Conduct All students receive instruction in Bus Safety rules at the beginning of each school year. It is of great importance that students follow these safety rules at all times. 1. Please review the bus safety rules with your child, including safety at the bus stop. Stress the importance of following these safety rules at all times. 2. If your child is to take a different bus or get off at a different bus stop, a written note must be given to the teacher. The office will then issue a bus pass to your child. 3. No live pets of any kind may be transported on the school bus. 4. No glass containers are permitted. 5. Bus transportation to and from school is a privilege, therefore any student who does not abide by the bus safety rules may have their bus riding privileges suspended. Car – Kiss and Ride If you choose to drive your child to and from school, you must follow the “Kiss and Ride” procedures included in your First Day Packet. Staff members will be on hand to monitor Kiss & Ride arrivals from 7:30 AM until 7:50 AM, and all dismissals at 2:35 PM. Please be on time when dropping off or picking up your child. At all other times, park and walk your child to the front office. The cooperation of parents who bring their children to school by car is requested in the following ways: 1. Parents are asked to be mindful of state laws as they apply to motor vehicles and school buses. State laws prohibit motor vehicles passing stopped school buses when their lights are flashing and they are loading or unloading passengers. Do not park in handicap spaces to drop off students. 2. Parents are asked to use the parking lot EAST of the school (closest to the playground) for dropping students off at school. 3. Please DO NOT PARK, even for a brief time, directly in front of the school during arrival and dismissal times. This is designated for school bus drop off only. 10 Please note the traffic flow plan: N W E No Student Drop Off S 11 TELEPHONE Students may use the telephone in the office only in an emergency. Forgotten homework, lunches, notes, etc., are not considered emergencies. TEXTBOOKS All textbooks are loaned to the students free of charge. The parent assumes the responsibility of compensating the school for book loss and/or unreasonable damage. A book contract is brought home early in the school year for parent and student signatures. The student or parent must pay for lost or damaged text books or library books. Parent Teacher Association – PTA Horizon Elementary has a wonderful Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA is an integral partner with our school organization. The PTA organizes events for the students and their families such as the Jingle Bell Shop, Bingo Nights and After School Enrichment Classes. Fundraising campaigns generate funds that are used to enhance the school’s instructional program by purchasing books, equipment, and classroom materials. Consider becoming a member of the PTA. For a small membership fee, you too can help Horizon be the best it can be. The PTA accepts all volunteers to help with their programs during the year. Meetings are held several times throughout the year, and all parents may attend. PARENT VOLUNTEERS Parent volunteers are greatly appreciated at Horizon School. They provide assistance to teachers, students and office staff. We hope you take advantage of these opportunities. VISITORS Visitors to Horizon Elementary are always welcome. However, in order to protect instructional time, interruptions to the classrooms are kept to a minimum. All visitors and parents are requested to report to the office immediately after entering the building to receive a “Visitor’s Badge.” Friends of students in our school will not be permitted to visit during the day. The front doors to the school are locked at all times, with the exception of arrival and dismissal times. Once you ring the bell, located on the brick wall to the left of the doors, you will be asked to present a photo ID to the camera (even if the front office knows you well). You will then be granted access to the building. To Request Entry: - Have photo identification ready to display (no exceptions) Push and release button. School staff will answer using the intercom. They will request to see your identification and the reason for your visit. When asked, please hold your photo ID 1-2 inches from the camera. You will be advised when to enter. Only the far left door will release. Please go directly to the office to sign in and obtain a visitor’s pass. Note: School staff does have the right to deny access to anyone who cannot provide identification. VOLUNTEERS School Volunteers Do Make A Difference! Across the nation, mothers, fathers, grandparents, businessmen and senior citizens are finding that their involvement as school volunteers is having a positive influence on student achievement. Volunteers are making a difference in schools! Thank you for your willingness to volunteer in our school! Horizon Volunteer Guidelines 1. Each time you volunteer, please sign in and out on the computer in the school office. This will print you a name badge and track your volunteer hours. If your name is not listed on the volunteer drop down list, please let the office staff know so that we may add it to the drop down list. 12 2. Arrive and depart promptly as scheduled. Remember that the teacher has planned for your arrival and is depending on you. If for some reason you have to cancel or have a change in plans please call the office so they can get a message to the teacher. 3. Please remember that while you are in a classroom, your primary purpose is to volunteer! The classroom teacher will be busy working with students. Volunteering in the classroom is not an opportunity to have an impromptu conference with the teacher, or to just chat with the teacher or the students. Please respect the teacher’s teaching time and our students’ learning time! 4. Confidentiality is so important to the success of any volunteer program and when you are dealing with other people’s children, it is even more important! 5. Please respect the confidentiality of your relationship with the school and make no criticism of the school staff or procedures out in the community. Please address concerns to the teacher and/or school administration. 6. Infants and pre-school children should not accompany their parents to the classroom while they are volunteering. Younger children can be very distracting for you, as well as the other children in the classroom. 7. In the event of any type of school-wide emergency, please go directly back to the classroom where you are working and follow the teacher’s directions. Parent Volunteer Guidelines for Field Trips: No smoking at any time Cell phone use only in emergency Common courtesy and modeling listening skills during presentations Stay with your group at ALL times and always have an accurate count for the students assigned to your group Reminders for all Parent Volunteers in School and on Field Trips: Please turn off or silence all electronic devices before entering the hall, classrooms, lunch rooms, etc. Also, please refrain from having conversations in or outside of the classrooms. This can be disruptive. Please follow the same Dress Code Guidelines that Horizon has for students: p. 6 of student handbook WEAPONS Possession or use of a weapon by a student while under the control or supervision of school system personnel or on school property is prohibited. The term “weapon” is intended to be construed broadly and includes any instrument or device which, by its design or use, is capable of causing injury, harm, or threat of injury or harm to the physical wellbeing of another person. 13