Academy of Science Class of 2016 Student and Parent Insight Packet Dear rising seniors and parents, This semester marks the beginning of the end – the beginning of the final process that will lead to submitting your applications next fall and enrolling in college in the fall of 2016. As a senior, once you narrow the list of choices to those institutions that really appeal to you and you send in the applications, you hand the control of the process to the colleges. For now, though, it’s all up to you. It’s time to get started. Thank you in advance for taking the time to respond to this questionnaire. For students, the process of completing this questionnaire is also intended to assist you in making final choices of the institutions to which you plan to apply. Good decisions are made by gathering good information and being organized. The extent to which you are able to take time to provide thoughtful answers to this questionnaire will be a determining factor in the strength of your final list. For parents, your responses will help me as I assist your student with his/her college planning and in writing the letter of recommendation which will accompany the transcript sent to each college to which s/he applies. I value your insights and welcome your participation in this process, and appreciate your support of your son or daughter this spring and summer with the on-going process of information gathering, reading and research, and campus visiting. Substantial progress should be made over the spring and summer and your senior should return to AOS in September with a clearer fix on his/her interests and preferences. Remember that selfassessment, evaluation, patience, persistence, organization, and above all, good humor and perspective are the elements of a happy transition from high school to college. A copy of this completed questionnaire (preferably electronic) is due to me no later than June 30, 2014. Jayne C. Fonash Director of School Counseling Academy of Science P.S. This word document can be found on the AOS website under the School Counseling channel, and can be completed and submitted electronically (hint - much easier to read!!) Please take as much or as little space as necessary to respond to each question. SECTION ONE: PARENT INSIGHT QUESTIONAIRRE Student’s Name _____________________________________________________________ Parent’s name (completing this questionnaire) ____________________________________ Parents’ E-Mail Address (for correspondence)_____________________________________ Date being completed_____________________________ 1) Describe your family! List other children in the family, their ages, and colleges attended: 2) Parents’ occupations and post-secondary education (colleges/graduate schools attended and degrees earned): 3) What influenced you to send your son/daughter to AOS? 4) Tell us about your family (individuals, history, cultural influences, special circumstances) -anything that would be helpful for us to know as we work with your son or daughter? 5) Think of what you would see as an ideal college for your son or daughter. How would you describe it in terms of location, size, competitiveness, and programs of study, cost, activities, and other features? 6) Paying for college concerns all parents. Do you think that you will be applying for need-based financial aid? Merit scholarships? Will cost be a determining factor in where your child applies or enrolls? 7) Please list three adjectives that describe your student and provide examples. a) b) c) 8) Describe briefly what you see as your son’s or daughter’s greatest strengths (academic and personal). 9) If you were writing his/her letter of recommendation, what experiences, achievements, events, or relationships would you highlight? 10) No one is perfect! In which areas is he/she less gifted (academic and personal)? To what degree is s/he aware of/concerned about any weaknesses? 11) Are there particular colleges in which you have a strong interest and which you would like your senior to seriously consider? 12) Do you have any special connections at these colleges which we should know about? If so, please describe them: 13) Will you be visiting colleges with your son or daughter? What colleges do you hope to visit? 14) Any questions we should have asked here but forgot? Is there anything else we should know? We are especially concerned that we know about any strong preferences or limits you expect to be honored in your child’s college search. 15) Please share any questions or concerns you have about the college admission process and your son/daughter’s plans. Also, feel free to elaborate on your responses to any of the questions on this form on additional paper. Thank you for your help! SECTION TWO: STUDENT INSIGHT QUESTIONAIRRE Student’s Name _____________________________________________________________ Students’ E-Mail Address (for correspondence) ___________________________________ Date being completed_____________________________ 1) What aspects of your high school years have you enjoyed the most? If you could live them over again, would you do anything differently? If so, what? 2) What values are most important to you? What do you care about most? 3) How do you define success? Are you satisfied with your accomplishments to date? What do you want to accomplish in the years ahead? 4) What kind of person would you like to become? Of your unique gifts and strengths, which would you most like to develop? 5) 6) If you had a year to go anywhere and do whatever you wanted, where would you go and what would you do? What events/experiences have shaped your growth and way of thinking? 7) What are your academic interests? Which courses have you enjoyed the most and which have been the most difficult for you? 8) What are your career goals at present? 9) What do you choose to learn when you can learn on your own? Consider interests pursued beyond class assignments: topics chosen for research papers, independent projects, reading on your own, job or volunteer work, etc. 10) How do you learn best? What methods and styles of teaching engage your interest and effort the most? 11) Please list three adjectives that describe you and provide examples. a) b) c) 12) How would someone who knows you well describe you? Your finest qualities? Your most conspicuous shortcomings? 13) How have you grown or changed during your high school years thus far? 14) Is there a particular event that stands out to you as significant in your life? If so, please describe the event and how it impacted you. 15) Which relationships are most important to you and why? Describe the people whom you consider your best friends, your best critics, your best advocates. 16) How do you make decisions for yourself? What are the best decisions you have made recently? How much do you rely on direction or advice from others? 17) What is your favorite book? Why? 18) In reviewing your transcript is there anything you’d like to explain to colleges in order to put your grades or course selection in an appropriate context? If so, explain. 19) Of all the activities in which you have been involved during high school, which activity has been most important to you and why? (You may choose a school-affiliated program or an independent one.) 20) How have you contributed to the school or local community? 21) How have you shown evidence of leadership ability? 22) How have you demonstrated good character? 23) Describe any work or volunteer experiences you have had. What did you “take” from the experience? How did you make a contribution – what did you “give” the experience? 24) Please complete the attached resume of school and community activities. Alternately, you may attach a resume that includes this information. (Hint – Naviance has a great resume builder.) 25) Who have you approached (or do you plan to approach) for teacher recommendations? 26) Tell me about your research: how did you develop your question, what are you learning from the process, what are your hopes for next year? Also, please attach a copy of your abstract to this document. ACTIVITY RECORD Please don’t assume that your counselor can identify an activity by its initials or that he/she knows what an activity entails. Be as specific as possible. You may use your own resume format, but make sure that it reflects the information asked for on this sheet. Grade Year 9 10 11 12 School, Community, Summer Activities Hours/ Week Week/ Year Offices Held, Honors Won WHERE DO YOU PLAN TO APPLY? Please list the schools to which you plan to submit applications. In the box for the type of application you plan to submit (early action, early decision, rolling admission or regular decision) please list the due date for the application at each institution. Institution Early Action Early Decision Rolling Admission Regular Decision