Experiences with United Nations Development Accounts Statistics Projects Lessons from UNSD Executed Projects


First Steering Committee Meeting on SADC Project

Durban, 14 July 2006

Experiences with United Nations

Development Accounts Statistics


Lessons from UNSD Executed Projects

Grace Bediako

United Nations Statistics Division



Historical context

Rationale and specific experiences of the projects

Indicators of success

Lessons learnt

Implications for the SADC Project


Historical Context (1)

How did development accounts projects start?

Began with the CARICOM project (1999-2001)

Was followed by:

Association of South-Eastern Asian Nations (ASEAN)


Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

(UN ESCWA) (2002-2004)

Economic Community of West African States

(ECOWAS) (2004-2006)

SADC project, now starting, is the fifth project that UNSD is executing (2006-2009)


Historical Context (2)

Projects fall within the UNSD Technical assistance programme but does not define the beginning of

UNSD technical assistance

UNSD has a component of its regular budget for technical assistance activities, such as workshops, expert group meetings, technical advisory missions, study tours; etc.

By taking the project approach, the assistance has become more holistic and allows for more systematic and results oriented interventions

All with positive and enduring outcomes


Rationale for these projects

As a technical assistance activity, projects are designed to introduce practical dimensions to the regular programme of UNSD, which primarily involves:

Developing methodological materials, including standards in concepts, definitions, and classifications,

Compilation and dissemination of statistics

Review of national practices in various aspects of statistics production

By these projects UNSD works with countries through regional groups to bridge capacity gaps


Rationale for projects (2)

Provide financial resources, which serves as a catalyst to strengthen the regional institution, in its statistical coordination role and promotion of statistical development.

Strategies involve:

Taking advantage of differences in levels of statistical development and capacities to promote south-south cooperation internally, and with other regional groupings

Building on the cohesion among countries in the economic communities,

Bridging critical resource gap at the regional level/economic community, for a selection of activities


Specific Project experiences (1)


Strengthening Capacity in the Compilation of

Statistics and Indicators for Conference

Follow-up in the CARICOM Region (1999-2001)

Fifteen countries


Main objectives

To strengthen co-operation among national statistical systems

To develop a critical mass of statisticians in the

CARICOM region

To improve the ability of national institutions to produce and disseminate relevant statistics on environment, social and gender concerns routinely

To strengthen regional capability to produce analytical reports on the state of the environment, social and gender concerns.


Priority areas (CARICOM)

Statistical co-ordination

Communication between statistics producing institutions

Social and gender statistics

Environment statistics

Information technology: infrastructure and computer skills


Successes (CARICOM)

Two regional reports on

Social and gender


Social, gender and environment statistics placed on the agenda of Standing

Committee of Caribbean Statisticians (SCCS)

An advisory committee (sub-committee of

SCCS) established to guide the development of on social, gender and environment

Project activities integrated into regular programme of the CARICOM Secretariat


Specific Project experiences (2)


Strengthening Regional Capacities for

Statistical Development in South East

Asia (2000-2003)

Ten countries


Main objectives (ASEAN)

Strengthening national statistical systems in the ten ASEAN countries

Strengthening the intra-regional co-operation among the ten statistical systems and, reinforce existing south/south networks

Strengthening the statistical capacity of the

ASEAN Secretariat, to draw on national data systems and to produce analytical reports on major economic and social issues

Improve data exchange and dissemination in the region, through technology upgrades


Priority areas (ASEAN)

National and satellite accounting through the implementation of relevant provisions of the 1993 System of National Accounts

Harmonization of development indicators for the ASEAN countries

Statistical organization and management

Information technology for statistics


Successes (ASEAN)

Production of the publication “ASEAN IN


Development of software on inputoutput compilation

Compilation of good practices in organization and management of statistical systems

Establishment of a statistical unit at the

ASEAN Secretariat


Specific Project experiences (3)


Strengthening Statistical Capacity in the

Region of the Economic and Social

Commission for Western Asia (2002-2004)

Thirteen countries

Main objective:

 to build a statistical network to play a catalytic role in improving the production and dissemination of statistics and indicators in the ESCWA region


The Role of the Network

Improve the organization of the countries’ statistical systems and strengthen the capacity of the countries to disseminate their data

Strengthen the capacity of the countries to routinely produce statistical data

Develop common methodological approaches for data collection, processing, and dissemination in area of environmental, social and demographic statistics

Strengthen the capacity of ESCWA Statistics

Division in regional coordination


Priority areas of focus


Management of statistical operations

Dissemination and marketing of official statistics

Population and housing census

Environment statistics

Disability statistics


Successes (ESCWA)

Steering committee of Directors of

Statistics set up

Focus on Population and housing census beneficial to most countries

Testing of handheld devises in a national census (Oman)

Development and testing of software for application in Optical and Intelligent

Character Recognition (OICR) for Arabic characters in population censuses



Specific Project experiences (4)


Strengthening statistical capacity-building in support of the Millennium Development Goals in the region of the Economic Community of West

African States (ECOWAS) 2004-2006

Fifteen countries

The overall goal of the project is to strengthen national statistical systems in the ECOWAS region to enable them to meet their statistical needs and to improve the availability and quality of data required to develop and compile the millennium indicator list for the MDGs


Priority areas

Statistical activities planning, data analysis and dissemination

Statistical organization and user-producer relations

Poverty statistics

National accounts

Energy and environment statistics

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

Information and Communication

Technology (ICT)



Steering committee of Directors of

Statistics set up

Project activities integrated into strategic plan of ECOWAS

Publication on poverty measurement under preparation


Lessons from Past Projects (1)

The use of the steering committee (of heads of statistics) ensured the continued relevance of project goals, focus and activities

Heads of Statistics played critical role in the development and implementation of the projects, and thus in their success

Form of the projects the same, but focus areas varied according to regional and national needs

Regional and national statistical offices committed resources, in terms of time and effort of their staff, hosting of project meeting and study tours, provision of technical expertise

Leadership of regional secretariat a necessity


Lessons learnt (2)

Common grounds

Heads of statistics directing the affairs of the project

Regional Secretariat institutionalize key elements of project goals and objectives

Networking with south-south cooperation enhanced

Resources, especially for ICT enhancement and study tours, allocated according to need

Compilation and dissemination of indicators

(publication) one of the key outputs

At least one significant milestone


Specific achievements

Real success of these projects lies in the enduring changes beyond project span

CARICOM – Introduction of a social and environment component into its Statistics Subprogramme

ASEAN – Establishment of the Statistics Unit at its Secretariat

ESCWA – Development of software for use of

IT, i.e., Optical character recognition and hand held devices technologies in census- taking

ECOWAS – Institutionalizing the meetings of

Heads of Statistics


Implications for SADC Project

Maximizing benefits and impact

Identify one important goal that can have long lasting impact

Ensure synergies with ongoing and planned activities (such as use of existing meetings of heads of statistics)

Make it worthwhile by focusing on critical gaps

Commit time and human resources, at national and regional levels, to participate in activities and contribute

SADC Secretariat has a big responsibility for its success


Specific Project experiences (5)


Strengthening statistical capacity-building in support of the Millennium Development

Goals in the Southern African Development

Community (SADC) region (2006-2009)

Fifteen countries

Details of the project to be given in another presentation


Thank You

