Performance Testing of Rate Adaptation Algorithms in WLAN Author: Muhammad Sohail Khan Supervisor: Prof. Rikku Jäntti Comm Lab TKK Wireless Local Area Networks Growing popularity and demand due to mobility Easy to deploy with low costs Operates in Unlicensed band Provide access to high speed data and multimedia services IEEE 802.11 Multirate Capability IEEE 802.11 standard is most mature and accepted technology for broadband access Current specifications provides multiple transmission rates at PHY layer 802.11b PHY supports 1,2,5.5 and 11 Mbps 802.11a/g PHY support 6,9,12,18,24,36,48 and 54 Mbps Optimal Data Rate Selection Different Modulation Schemes for the PHY Data Rates SNR and BER requirement Highly volatile nature of Wireless channel due to pathloss, fading and interference Data rate selection in WLAN Fixed Auto Contribution to Thesis Experimental Testing of three Rate Adaptation Algorithms Designing of a realistic testbed Channel Simulator 802.11 Task Group n Channel Models Analyze throughput performance under varying channel conditions Rate Adaptation Mechanism Selection of optimal PHY Data Rate according to Varying wireless Channel conditions Estimation of channel Data Rate selection No specifications in 802.11 standard Implementation manufacturer specific Rate Adaptation Mechanisms Statistics Based Mechanisms Decision at sender Estimators : frame errors, throughput calculation Examples: ARF, AARF SNR Based Mechanisms Decision at receiver Estimators: SNR, RSSI Examples: RBAR Onoe Belongs to Statistics based mechanism Uses credits as a function of number of Successful and erroneous transmission/retransmission over an observation period Implementation detail starts at 24 Mbps for 802.11a/g and 11Mbps for 802.11b Updates credits in fixed observation period of 1 second Credits incremented if less then 10% packets needed retry else decrease the credits Switch to next higher Data Rate when credits value reaches 10 Sample Rate Throughput based mechanism Increases throughput by sending packets at Data Rate with minimum average transmission time Implementation Detail Starts with highest Data Rate If more then 4 retransmissions decrease until packet is sent Periodically sends 10th packet at randomly selected Data Rate Calculate average transmission time for probe packets Switch to Data Rate with lowest average transmission time AMRR (Adaptive Multi Rate Retry) Retry Based Mechanism which adaptively increases threshold for rate increase Uses Binary Exponential Backoff to adapt length of period for rate and transmission parameter Implementation Detail Uses 4 pairs of Data Rate and Transmission Counters (r0/c0, r1/c1, r2/c2 and r3/c3) Starts with r0 and if transmission fails retry c0 times and switch to r1 r3 always minimum rate r1 and r2 set to immediate lower rate then r0 Experimental Testbed Reliable and Controlled test environment through use of PROPSim C2 Channel Simulator Configurable Repetitive Open Source MadWiFi Drivers for WLAN Adaptors Traffic generation tool IPerf Experimental Testbed Channel Models Channel Models Proposed by 802.11 Task Group n Delay Profile of the Channel Models Model A: representative of a typical office environment, non-line of sight (NLOS) conditions with 50 ns rms delay spread Model B: representative of a large open space and office environment, NLOS conditions with 100 ns rms delay spread. Model C: representative of large open space (indoor and outdoor), NLOS conditions with 150 ns rms delay spread. Model D: representative of large open space (indoor and outdoor), same as Model C, but for LOS conditions. A 10 dB spike at zero delay with rms delay spread of 140 ns. UDP Throughput vs Pathloss For Channel Models A,B,C and D 8 8 SampleRate AMRR Onoe 7 6 Throughput (Mbps) Throughput (Mbps) 6 5 4 3 4 3 2 1 1 63 66 69 72 75 Pathloss value (dB) 78 81 0 60 84 8 66 69 72 75 Pathloss value (dB) 78 81 84 SampleRate AMRR Onoe 7 6 Throughput (Mbps) 6 5 4 3 5 4 3 2 2 1 1 0 60 63 8 SampleRate AMRR Onoe 7 Throughput (Mbps) 5 2 0 60 SampleRate AMRR Onoe 7 63 66 69 72 75 Pathloss value (dB) 78 81 84 0 60 63 66 69 72 75 Pathloss value (dB) 78 81 84 Loss Ratio and TCP throughput vs Pathloss for Channel Model C 100 8 SampleRate AMRR Onoe 80 SampleRate AMRR Onoe 7 Throughput (Mbps) Loss Ratio (%) 6 60 40 5 4 3 2 20 1 0 60 63 66 69 72 75 Pathloss value (dB) 78 81 84 0 60 63 66 69 72 75 Pathloss value (dB) 78 81 84 Conclusions AMRR gives worst performance in terms of throughput. Onoe Performs better at low pathloss value Switches between too many Data Rates Conservative in nature. Sample outperforms Onoe and AMRR at High pathloss value The End Thank You!