Math 311, Winter 2003, Lab 5 Part I: the amazing confidence interval In this part of the lab, we’re going to have Minitab compute many, many 95% confidence intervals and see what percentage of these confidence intervals capture the true mean of the distribution (hopefully you can guess). The population we will be pulling our data from will be uniformly distributed between 9 and 11. Thus the mean of the population will be μ = 10 (obvious) and the standard deviation will be σ = 0.57735 (not obvious!). Step 1: Start Minitab Step 2: Have Minitab compute 10,000 rows of 36 columns (c1-c36) of uniformly distributed data with a lower endpoint of 9.0 and an upper endpoint of 11.0. Recall menu series is Calc>Random Data>Uniform… This gives us 10,000 samples of size n = 36 If 10,000 takes too long, try 5,000. Step 3: Have Minitab compute the mean of each row and store that mean in column c38. Title this column “Sample Means.” Step 4: Have Minitab compute the lower bound for each of our 10,000 confidence intervals and store this in column c40. Do this as follows: select Calc>Calculator and then type c40 in the “Store result in variable” box. Then type c38 – 1.96*0.57735/6 in the “Expression:” box. Make certain you know where each of these numbers came from. Title column c40 “Lower bound.” Step 5: Have Minitab compute the upper bound for each of our 10,000 confidence intervals and store this in column c41 Do this as follows: select Calc>Calculator and then type c41 in the “Store result in variable” box. Then type c38 + 1.96*0.57735/6 in the “Expression:” box. Title column c41 “Upper bound.” Step 6: Now we need to figure out which, if any, of the confidence intervals we just computed captured the true mean (μ = 10) of the population. So, select Calc>Calculator and then type c43 in the “Store result in variable” box. Then type 10 >= c40 And 10 <= c41 in the “Expression:” box. This command will return a 1 in column c43 if 10 is in the confidence interval. It will return a 0 if 10 is not in the confidence interval. Step 7: Now let’s see how many times μ = 10 was captured by selecting Calc>Column Statistics… then select Sum and an input variable of c43. Leave the “Store result in:” box empty. This command will return the number of times μ = 10 was captured. Question 1: How many times was μ = 10 captured? What percentage is this of the 10,000 confidence intervals you computed? How does this compare to the 95% confidence you were trying to establish? Part II: insurance gumshoes – from the files of “real life.” Download the dataset Firefraud.mtw from the class webpage. Here is the story behind the data: A wholesale furniture retailer stores in-stock items at a large warehouse located in Florida. Several years ago, a fire destroyed the warehouse and all the furniture in it. After determining the fire was an accident, the retailer sought to recover costs by submitting a claim to its insurance company. As is typical in a fire insurance policy of this type, the furniture retailer must provide the insurance company with an estimate of “lost” profit for the destroyed items. Retailers calculate profit margin in percentage form using the Gross Profit Factor (GPF). By definition, it GPF for a single sold item is the ratio of the profit to the item’s selling price measured as a percentage. I.e. Item GPF = (Profit / Sales Price) * 100% Of interest to both the retailer and the insurance company is the average GPF for all of the items in the warehouse. Since these furniture pieces were all destroyed, their eventual selling prices and profit values are obviously unknown. Consequently, the average GPF for all the warehouse items is unknown. One way to estimate the mean GPF of the destroyed items is to use the mean GPF of similar, recently sold items. The retailer sold 3,005 furniture items in the year prior to the fire and kept paper invoices on all sales. Rather than calculate the mean GPF for all 3,005 items (the data was not computerized), the retailer sampled a total of 253 of the invoices and computed the mean GPF for these items as 50.8%. The retailer applied this average GPF to the costs of the furniture items destroyed in the fire to obtain an estimate of the “lost” profit. According to experienced claims adjusters at the insurance company, the GPF for sale items of the type destroyed in the fire rarely exceeds 48%. Consequently, the estimate of 50.8% appeared to be unusually high. (A 1% increase in GPF for items of this type equates to, approximately, an additional $16,000 in profit.) Consequently, a dispute arose between the furniture retailer and the insurance company, and a lawsuit was filed. In one portion of the suit, the insurance company accused the retailer of fraudulently representing its sampling methodology. Rather than selecting a sample randomly, the retailer was accused of selecting an unusual number of “high profit” items from the population in order to increase the average GPF of the sample. To support its claim of fraud, the insurance company hired a CPA firm to independently assess the retailer’s true GPF. Through the discovery process, the CPA firm legally obtained the paper invoiced for the entire population of 3,005 items sold the year before the fire and input the information in to a computer. The selling price, the profit, profit margin, and month sold for these 3,005 furniture items are available in the file Firefraud. Question 2: Suppose we want to know how likely it is to obtain a GPF value that exceeds the estimated mean GPF of 50.8%. Since the data for all 3,005 items are available in the file, we can find the actual mean and standard deviation for the 3,005 gross profit margins (you should do so now). Assume that these data come from a normally distributed population. Find the probability that a randomly selected item will have a GPF that exceeds 50.8%. Question 3: In the previous question you assumed that the data was normally distributed. One method for verifying this is to look at a histogram. Although you cannot use a histogram to “prove” that the data is normal, you can use it to “prove” that it isn’t normal. For example, if the data were skewed strongly to the left in the histogram you would be able to conclude that it wasn’t normal. There are other ways of checking normality besides looking at a histogram. As a rule of thumb, if the data set is from a normally distributed population, then (Q3 – Q1) s 1.34 where Q1 is the first quartile, Q3 is the third quartile, and s is the standard deviation of the data set. (Q3 – Q1 is called the Interquartile Range). Compute (Q3 – Q1) s for these data. What do you conclude? Be careful – notice that the rule of thumb is “if the population is normally distributed, then the ratio is close to 1.34” it does not say “if the ratio is 1.34, then the population is normally distributed.” One may conclude, however, that if the ratio is nowhere near 1.34, then the population probably isn’t normally distributed. Question 4: Recall that the retailer sampled paper invoices for 253 of 3,005 furniture items sold in the previous year. The retailer claimed that, in fact, the 253 items were obtained by selecting an initial random sample of 134 items, and then augmenting this sample with a second random sample of 119 items. The mean GPF’s for the two subsamples were calculated to be 50.6% and 51.0%, respectively, yielding an overall average of 50.8% - a value that was deemed unusually high. Is it likely that two independent, random samples of size 134 and 119 will yield mean GPF’s of at least 50.6% and 51.0%, respectively? (This was the question posed to a statistician retained by the CPA firm.) This is, we want to find the probability, P( x1 50.6 and x2 50.6) , where x1 is the sample mean for the first sample of 134 items and x2 is the sample mean for the second sample of 119 items. Note that since the samples were obtained independently, P( x1 50.6 and x2 50.6) P( x1 50.6) P( x2 50.6) Use the mean and standard deviation of the entire 3,005 furniture items sold as the mean and standard deviation of the population. Question 5: How does the probability obtained in Q4 mesh with the probability obtained in Q2? If you were the statistician retained by the CPA firm, what would you recommend?