The Role of Digital Rights Management in
Regina Hirn, Kentucky Accessible Materials Database
Marlene Parish , Kentucky Accessible Materials Database
What does digital rights management involve?
What are the roles and responsibilities of a Digital
Rights Manager (DRM)?
What are the federal eligibility regulations that impact the use of digital content?
What does the future hold for digital instructional materials?
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Definition: Text, images, audio, and video that has been digitized; collection of reusable learning assets
Flexible (re-size; highlight; change font, color, style; read by screen/text reader; transform into alternate media)
Equitable access to the curriculum
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Assistive technology can “read” a limited number of file formats
Text embedded in images is not accessible
Some formats are proprietary (only work within one program)
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Internet Explorer (.html)
Word (.doc or .rtf)
Adobe (.pdf)
Text (.txt)
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Images - .jpeg .bmp .gif
Audio/visual - .mp3 .mpeg
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Digital Content vs. Accessible Digital Content
Locked vs. Unlocked Files
– study by the American Association of the Blind found that more than 50% of electronic book titles offered for digital sale were “locked” and therefore not available to common screen reader software
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1998 – prevents the “circumvention of technological measures used by copyright owners to protect their works” and “tampering with copyright management information”; includes unauthorized access and unauthorized copying of copyrighted works
Accessible Content - next generation digital content offering built in scaffolding (i.e. audio, maps, questioning, video, images, etc) that can be accessed by the student at any time and does not require the teacher to do extra work differentiating the material
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Digital Rights Management
Section 508
Students with disabilities have increased access to the general curriculum
Students can work more independently
Less staff time needed to provide reading accommodations
Supports student inclusion in general education settings
Text-to-speech compliments traditional reading instruction
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A system to protect digital assets and to control the distribution and usage of those digital assets.
“DRM technology is to control access to, track and limit uses of digital works”
American Library Association
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Staff member designated annually by the school principal to request, receive, and track the usage of copyrighted accessible digital materials for students with print disabilities
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Library Media Specialist,
Special Ed Teacher,
Regular Ed Teacher,
School Technology Coordinator, or
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Identify and request digital content from KAMD
Receive and log requested content; maintain documentation regarding student eligibility
Disseminate copyrighted digital content to teachers of qualifying student user on an “as needed” basis; unused files must be store in a secure location
Maintain Digital Textbook Usage Tracking Form
Ensure teacher and student copyright compliance
Files are not being copied on computers
Content is not being provided to students who are not qualified or being posted to the internet
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Copyright compliance
Fair Use (using digital content for purposes such as research, teaching, criticism, review, or news reporting is not an infringement of copyright)
Inventory Maintenance
Access control
IDEA 2004 and NIMAS
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Electronic materials (CDs) only issued to authorized DRMs
Each CD has a unique identifier embedded to track any unauthorized release or use
Improper school use of KAMD material will result in termination of access to KAMD and possible penalties related to copyright infringement
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Copyrighted materials (i.e.,CDs) may not be reproduced or distributed to non-authorized users (i.e., students without disabilities)
Only students with print disabilities covered under federal law may use copyrighted materials on CD from KAMD
Use of CDs cannot replace purchase of textbooks
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The National Instructional Materials Accessibility
NIMAS outlines a set of consistent and valid XMLbased source files created by K–12 curriculum publishers or other content producers.
NIMAS is the standard that publishers now use when creating source files of digital content used for conversion into specialized formats, such as;
Braille, Large Print, HTML, PDF, Audio/MP3
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(Part D, Sec. 674)
• Establish and support, through the APH, a center to be known as the 'National Instructional Materials Access Center' not later than 1 year after IDEA 2004 (OverDrive)
• Receive and maintain a catalog of NIMAS print instructional materials
• Provide access to print instructional materials in accessible media (source files)
• Develop procedures to protect against copyright infringement.
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Supports copyright indemnification for publishers
Helps to develop a national bank of source files
More economical
Reduces duplication of effort
Improved quality of accessible student products
Supports existing systems while improving timeliness
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Authorized users prepare specialized formats for children
The NIMAS Process
Guess what happens here.
SEAs &
NIMAC does its magic!
K-12 publishers submit file sets
Produced by NICHCY, 2007
Authorized users prepare specialized formats for children
The NIMAS Process
SEAs &
NIMAC does its magic!
Produced by NICHCY, 2007
K-12 publishers submit file sets
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SEA: textbook adoption process, Kentucky statute and regulations
LEA: off-list adoption process, documentation of print disability
Publisher: file upload to NIMAC
CIIDL: file download and conversion to studentready digital format; duplication and delivery to schools upon request
KSB: assign conversion to AMP for braille and large
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Print Version
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<p class="pagenum" id="p74">Page 74</p><p><a class="pageHyperlink" href="bodymatter.htm#p73">Previous page:
73</a> | <a class="pageHyperlink" href="bodymatter.htm#p75">Next page: 75</a></p></div><a name="1185"></a><h3 id="1185">Everyday Magnets</h3><p>Many things use magnetic force to help them work.</p><p>Computer games have magnetsin them.</p><p>Magnets help keep refrigerator doors closed.</p><p>Some toy cars have magnets in them.</p><p>The magnets make their motors run.</p><div class="imggroup"><img src=".\images\U00C04\965502-0074-01.jpg" alt="Can" id="p965502-0074-
01"></img><p class="caption"><strong>A can opener cuts the lid of a can. A magnet lifts the lid off the can.</strong></p></div><div>
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Standardizes production of accessible curriculum materials.
Establishes concept of universally designed curriculum materials
Helps to move “Market Model” further into reality of publishers.
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Digital content can be “tagged” and read by consumer technology such as laptop computers or MP3 players.
….The summer evenings were long. It was not dark,…
Tom Sawyer
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The definition used within IDEA 2004:
“Blind or other persons with print disabilities”
Children served under IDEA who may qualify in accordance with the act entitled, “An Act to provide books for the adult blind,” approved March 31, 1931
(2 U.S.C. 135a; 46 Stat. 1487) to receive books and other publications produced in specialized formats
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OSEP NIMAS Regulations Summary
"(i) Blind persons whose visual acuity, as determined by competent authority, is 20/200 or less in the better eye with correcting glasses, or whose widest diameter if visual field subtends an angular distance no greater than
20 degrees.
(ii) Persons whose visual disability , with correction and regardless of optical measurement, is certified by competent authority as preventing the reading of standard printed material.
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(iii) Persons certified by competent authority as unable to read or unable to use standard printed material as a result of physical limitations .
(iv) Persons certified by competent authority as having a reading disability resulting from organic dysfunction and of sufficient severity to prevent their reading printed material in a normal manner."
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From the Library of Congress’ National Library Service for the
Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) :
“Nonorganic factors--such as emotional or environmental causes, intellectual or educational deficiencies, or other possible nonorganic or nonphysical causes--must be ruled out and cannot be taken into consideration. When certifying applications for service for persons with reading disabilities, certifying medical authorities are encouraged to consult with colleagues in associated disciplines.”
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From the Library of Congress’ National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) :
“The signature of a doctor of medicine is required by federal regulation on the application to certify not only that a reading disability exists and is serious enough to prevent reading regular printed material in a normal manner, but also that the identified condition has a physical basis.”
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Purchase from publishers who offer instructional materials in an accessible digital format
Identify sources of freely available accessible curriculum materials
Purchase audio book
Use alternate text
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NIMAS Question and Answers
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“Accessible Textbooks in the Classroom” NIMAS report
Teaching Every Student Blog (June 11, 2007)
CAST UDL Bookbuilder
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