CSU, Chico - CISC Meeting Notes Meeting Date: October 18, 2011 Meeting Location: MLIB 338 ATTENDING TEAM MEMBERS AND GUESTS ✔ Weddington, Phyllis ✔ Alber, Bob ✔ Kelley, Meredith ✔ Corona, Stacie Rethans, Arno ✔ Reed, Dan ✔ Post, Bill ✔ Foreman, David DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. IRES Performance Report: Bill shared the performance report with the group briefly explaining the purpose of the report, how it was structured, and invited the group to read the report at their leisure. Focused on the expenditure categories for both the IRES budget as well as the Enterprise budget. Also reviewed the Enterprise briefing book and associated projects as well as the Enterprise budget display. 2. Governance – SharePoint and Data: The committee reviewed Andy’s SharePoint governance document with highlights pointing to governance role expectations. Phyllis aggregated the information and presented suggested additions to the original text. The committee agreed the revised text added clarity to the document. Additional language needs to be drafted to outline the process for discussion items to come to the committee. Phyllis and Andy will create a draft and send it to the committee for review. Also shared Andy’s summary of where the SP project is to date and the events (environment build out, FAQs in the campus wiki, email to targeted groups, pilot SharePoint team meetings, training, and migration) that are going to happen as we approach the November 14 rollout date. Meredith, Phyllis, and Andy have been working on the data governance document. It should be ready for committee discussion in November. 3. Consulting funding: Meredith shared the need for consulting assistance for the Degree Audit team to incorporate the new GE definitions into PeopleSoft. The request is in the amount of $78,100 for 11 weeks of consulting time to provide training and assist with the building process. Decision is yet to be made whether we will support two GE schemas or if all students will be moved to the new GE program. Regardless, there is a lot of work to do to prepare for implementation of the new GE and to assist students who will be caught between the two programs. Bill pointed out that this is an example of the impact decisions made across campus have on the support organizations. Question discussed is whether the funding for consulting associated with implementation of the new GE program should be paid from the Enterprise budget or from another source (Loker’s grant did not cover support expenses). Agreed that regardless of funding, consulting was imperative to make a successful transition from the old to new GE and Meredith needed to move ahead to schedule the consultant’s time. Bill will schedule a discussion with Sandra/Arno to clarify the funding source. Given the 11/12 projections for the Enterprise budget, there are not sufficient funds to cover the $78,100 expenditure. Availability of the Enterprise budget rollover ($900+K) for this type of expenditure is still in question. TO DO LIST SUMMARY # Task 1. Draft process language for SP governance doc 2. Discussion with Sandra et al regarding new GE consulting costs and funding source Responsible Party Andy/Phyllis Bill Due Date ASAP ASAP Status TO DO LIST SUMMARY # Task 3. Prep Data governance document for next meeting. Distribute to committee for review 4. Create a CISC SP site. 5. Invite Jerry to discuss Enterprise server strategy FUTURE MEETINGS Date: November 15, 2011 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Enterprise IT projects; inventory and priority Responsible Party Andy/Phyllis/Meredith Due Date 11/9 Andy/Bill/Phyllis When the new SP site is available For Nov meeting Phyllis Time: 1:15 – 2:30 Place: MLIB 338 Status