CSU, Chico - CISC Meeting Notes Meeting Date: June 21, 2011 Meeting Location: MLIB 338 ATTENDING TEAM MEMBERS AND GUESTS ✔ Weddington, Phyllis ✔ Kelley, Meredith Alber, Bob Rethans, Arno ✔ Reed, Dan ✔ Post, Bill ✔ Foreman, David ✔ Miller, Andy - Guest DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Enterprise Budget: Bill shared what he currently knew about the enterprise budget – previously discussed dissolution/split has not been resolved; there has been suggestion of a 10% cut for FY 11/12; the $989K reserve was swept by the budget office in March but the distribution of those funds is not known. Requests for enterprise budget funding for training and student assistants are on the table. Becky has requested $9K to fund student assistants for FY 2011/12 (summer-fall-spring) to work on several HR projects. Deborah F. has a list of training requests for HCM 9.0 classes for the September/October timeframe that she will compile for a funding estimate. If the enterprise budget cannot continue to fund training, those requests will be redirected to individual units for funding. Deborah will continue to manage the training program in conjunction with the CO. In summary, the questions surrounding this budget should be sorted out shortly and we will proceed from there. 2. Scope of CISC: Discussed whether it made sense to have the CISC serve as a governance leadership committee for IT projects. This committee has morphed several times during the past decade as the campus worked through CMS implementation and upgrade projects as well as providing oversight for enterprise budget expenditures beyond CMS. Governance would add a new component to the role of the CISC. 3. Governance documents: Reviewed the IT Governance and Data Governance draft documents and those will be sent to the committee for further comment. More work needs to be done on the Data Governance processes and that will be happening in the near future. Andy shared the progress that is being made on SharePoint governance, timeline for completion, and the SharePoint value proposition (document will be sent to the committee). 4. Outcomes: After much discussion regarding various IT projects, concerns about data management, speculation on the scope of governance versus the types of IT projects that may benefit from an active governance process, the committee agreed that they uniquely positioned to assume an IT governance role. More work will be done to define the committee’s role as well as how governance applies to different IT efforts. TO DO LIST SUMMARY # Task 1. Send governance docs to committee 2. 3 Contact Becky/Lori re HR representation FUTURE MEETINGS Date: July 19, 2011 Responsible Party Phyllis Due Date ASAP Dave ASAP Time: 1:15 – 2:30 Status Distributed with meeting notes In progress Place: MLIB 338 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Enterprise IT projects; inventory and priority Business process improvements Workflow/electronic signatures Administrative Technology Committee status