California State University, Chico CSUEU, Chico Chapter 302 Summary of February 3, 2011 Executive Board Meeting Present – Pat Heath, Diana Askea, Jenny Roden, Bill Patton, Diane Carter-Hood, Teri Randolph, Scott Dickerson, and Debbie Vermette 1. Change of Meeting – Russell Kilday-Hicks, VP for Representation, will be coming to campus on Feb. 22nd to discuss contract negotiations. Therefore, the regular meeting, scheduled for Feb. 16th, will be moved to accommodate this important event. 2. Organizing Chair Replacement – Tammara Askea has retired from her campus job and also her Chico Chapter Organizing Chair position, although she has agreed to design/produce the next chapter newsletter. Since the Organizing Chair is a key position, Pat asked for ideas: Ask for co-chairs to reduce the responsibility on one person. Join forces with student labor groups. Find out which software Tammara uses for the newsletter (Scott will ask her). Find someone to organize the newsletter articles (possibly the Communications Chair) to hand them off to the designer. Find someone to maintain website. Since Roberta Roebuck is helping to move it over to the Cascade system, she will be asked if she could help maintain the website as well. Terri also said she would help with that job. Scott noted that HQ wants us to use the standard template and he is working on using what they to offer while still remaining unique. Use Tammara’s goodbye party to ask her what she does and get ideas for how the group can carry it forward until we get a specific person to fill the role. 3. HR Concerns – Discussion on the lack of communication with HR personnel, mainly in knowing who is in charge of certain issues and who to contact. 4. New FMS Admin Position – Discussion on the need and validity of the search for an Admin I in FMS. Are these duties currently being handled by someone else? Can we obtain a job description of that staff position? Can a hold be put on the hiring until these questions are answered? Darrell Bartlett will be asked to weigh in on this matter. Meeting summary prepared by Debbie Vermette.