Document 17564467

California State University, Chico
CSUEU, Chico Chapter 302
Summary of August 18, 2010 General Meeting
 Jessica Post, Chapter President, noted that a welcome-back pizza lunch has been
scheduled for Sept. 29 on the Kendall Hall lawn. Commitment cards will be available for
members to confirm their level of involvement in union activities. An email will be sent
explaining details.
 A Communications Committee has been formed to facilitate better communication to
members via newsletters, emails, etc. Amy Gremore will serve as committee chair.
 The Organizing Committee chair is now Tammara Askea. (Alicia Trider asked to step
down because of other time commitments.)
 The rumor that the SETC workers are getting a raise has no basis in fact. They are still in
negotiations so there may be several rumors that come out regarding their contract.
 Our CSUEU contract negotiations will begin in January 2011.
 A regional meeting will be held at Cal State Maritime on Sept. 18. Members are
encouraged to contact Jessica if interested in attending.
 Jerry Brown is the union choice for governor. Voter recommendations will come from the
Legislative Committee closer to the election.
 Michael Baird, Director of Civic Engagement spoke on what civic engagement has to do
with the union. Chico State, as an institute of higher education, is responsible for
providing educated decision-makers, leaders and citizens for California. Higher education
is sometimes accused of being unresponsive to solving society’s problems. CSUEU
promotes justice and equity among workers but the public’s perception does not mirror
that. We are being bombarded by friends, family, and acquaintances about the
misconception of excessive salaries and benefits. It is our job to change their minds and
to lobby legislators to support higher education by creating spaces for public dialogue
and framing issues that speak to people’s interests. Put a ‘face’ on issues by talking about
how you helped a student succeed. Stories go much further than statistics.
Meeting summary prepared by Debbie Vermette.