California State University, Chico CSUEU, Chico Chapter 302 Summary of August 23, 2011 Executive Board Meeting Present –Pat Heath, Darrell Bartlett, Jennie Roden, Scott Dickerson, Terri Randolph, Carol Ebel, Mario Mena, and Debbie Vermette. Pat distributed copies of the existing Chapter 302 Bylaws and noted that the revised version must be presented to the membership by Sept. 19th to be adopted at the October 19th Chapter meeting. Board members made suggestions for changes and Teri volunteered to make them for Executive Board approval before presenting to the general membership in Sept. It was decided to have regular Executive Board meetings on the 4th Monday of each month at noon. General chapter meetings will continue to be held on the 3rd Wed. of the month and Steward meeting on the 2nd Wednesday. A CSUEU Coffee Klatch (coffee table) will be held on Sept. 29, 7:30-10 am in front of the BMU. Debbie will check with Facilities Reservations about the space, Pat will put notices in Campus Announcements, and Teri will list the event on the website. Meeting summary prepared by Debbie Vermette.