CSUEU E-BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY April 8, 2015 12:00-1:00 pm in SSC122/124

WEDNESDAY April 8, 2015
12:00-1:00 pm in SSC122/124
Attendance: Jessica Verardi, Phil Sacksteder, Teri Randolph, Kirby Pierson, Angela Corral, Megan Rawie, Heather Kilcoyne, Judy Rice; Tom Dimitre by
speaker phone
Agenda Item
Motions and Action
Minutes from March 11, 2015
Several grammatical corrections and a missing hyperlink added.
Proper Protocol for
Communication with HR
Will policies put into place under the last president still be honored? Yes.
Spring Membership Meeting
An incident occurred where our current President was contacted by an
HR manager about another member of the E-Board. The manager
shared personal, confidential information with Jessica about this
member without his permission, without him being present, and
without a signed waiver on file.
It was discussed that stewards and E-Board members are still staff
members first and foremost and their personal information should be
kept confidential unless they ask for representation, or sign a waiver of
Tom recommended that we send a directive letter to Sharyn Abernatha
and Administration reiterating our past procedures including that for
employee/Union member business to be discussed there needs to be a
meeting with at least 2 stewards present.
Megan will work on the newsletter
Teri will find and email her the newsletter template
Email topic ideas to Megan
Ideas: IRP, rally, stewards
Thursday April 23, 2015
WEDNESDAY April 8, 2015
12:00-1:00 pm in SSC122/124
Attendance: Jessica Verardi, Phil Sacksteder, Teri Randolph, Kirby Pierson, Angela Corral, Megan Rawie, Heather Kilcoyne, Judy Rice; Tom Dimitre by
speaker phone
Membership Update
Jessica will be out of town
Angela will get a cash advance for pizza/beverages
Tom will do a follow-up about the rally at the meeting
What else should we cover?
Megan will talk about the membership drive
Judy will email invitations/include custodians
Planning meeting 4pm on Wed. April 15th
We will aim for 80% membership at first; it is more attainable than the
asked for 90%
This can be helped by sharing our progress through email
announcements and web-updates
E-Board: know your contract to train members
Judy will send out pims list; to be saved securely (not on bay or
Stewards for Units
Tabled for next meeting