Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 1 I. Departmental Mission Statement The DSS Mission was revised this year as part of DSS annual program review. Old Mission: The mission of Disability Support Services, which parallels the mission of CSU, Chico, is to increase access and retention for students with permanent and temporary disabilities by ensuring equitable treatment in all aspects of campus life. The program acts as a catalyst and agent for compliance with Federal, State, and CSU laws, regulations and policies mandating equal opportunity and access for persons with disabilities. Disability Support Services provides co-curricular and academically related services which empower students with disabilities to achieve academic and personal success. New Mission: Essential to the larger mission of the University, Disability Support Services is designed to support the academic success of qualified students with disabilities and to provide leadership to the University community to ensure equal access to University programs and resources. DSS provides a comprehensive range of academic support services and fosters an accessible physical, technological and learning environment to facilitate retention and graduation II. Department Goals: The DSS Department Goals were revised this year as part of DSS annual program review. Old Goals: 1. To provide accommodations that will assist students to overcome barriers and reduce the impact of their disabilities on their college experience. (CSU Chico Strategic Priority 1) 2. To promote awareness of the needs and capabilities of students with disabilities among students, faculty, staff, administration, and the surrounding community. (CSU Chico Strategic Priority 1 and 2) 3. To serve as a resource for members of the university community, prospective students, parents, and the public. (CSU Chico Strategic Priority 4 ) 4. To determine student needs and improve program quality through ongoing assessment of Disability Support Services. (CSU Chico Strategic Priority 1) New Goals: University Access: Advocate responsibly for an accessible learning environment by coordinating academic support services, promoting universal design for learning, and by removing informational, physical and attitudinal barriers. (CSU Chico Strategic Priority 1; Division of Student Affairs Goal 1) Disability Management: Promote self-advocacy and self-determination, while reinforcing personal responsibility necessary for students with disabilities to fully participate in an inclusive campus and attain their educational goals. Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 2 Education and Outreach: Provide leadership to the University community, including students, staff and faculty, to enhance awareness of the needs and capabilities of students with disabilities. (CSU Chico Strategic Priority 4; Division of Student Affairs Goal 1) Program Evaluation: Engage in systematic program assessment strategies that are designed to support, enhance and improve services to students with disabilities. (CSU Chico Strategic Priority 1; Division of Student Affairs Goal #1) II. Departmental Accomplishments Made specific progress on ATI Developed complaint system for Campus ADA website Developed a Disability Leadership Council Co-Developed a faculty website re: accessible instructional materials Conducted two disability awareness simulation workshops Conducted two ADA workshops for staff and faculty Conducted a Quality of Services survey via Student Voice Had successful disability awareness events on campus IT Development – Insight Reporting Dashboard Developed an Accessibility statement for public events – adopted by Public Affairs Accomplishments- A Highlight Accessible technology initiative: Report of ATI Progress 2008-2009 Update from ATI Leadership Council: The ATI Leadership Council is part of the shared governance model to manage the ATI; Reports to the Executive Sponsors. There are 13 members of the council, including two DSS Directors. Sandy Parsons has been asked to represent DSS Directors. The ATI LC has developed “work plans” to prioritize projects that will assist in campus implementation and management of the ATI ATI LC work plans: Revise the Coded Memo Develop online Procurement training Develop an accessible documents curricular library Develop captioning guidelines Develop and ATI Moodle site Develop VPAT data base Revision of Coded Memo: Sandy Parsons is on the ATI LC that is working on memo revision. The ATI coded memo is being revised to more appropriately reflect attainable campus goals. Recognizing individual campus ability to implement the requirements, and the current budget crisis, there are no implementation deadlines in 2009. Final revision expected to be released End of September 2009 Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 3 2009 Campus Reports: ATI LC is working on draft template to simplify reports so that they more effectively align with milestones of the coded memo. ATI Priority Areas- campus updates on 2008-2008 accomplishments, challenges, future plans Priority #1: Web Accessibility: (Jerry Ringle/Tony Dunn) On track with milestones of coded memo Created Juno monitoring software- very impressive system to monitor compliance of sites 95% of first 50 “critical sites” are compliant with automated system tool Next step is to roll out automated compliance checks with next layer of sites and do “hand checking” of each critical site Web Services has a schedule of these activities outlined on their website. CO is exploring new automated system tool that is more effective Web services has excellent resources on their website http://www.csuchico.edu/ati/web Priority #2 Instructional Materials: (Bill Loker/Sandy Parsons) Revision of AA Department Manual Sandy Parsons and Bill Loker met with EPPC (2/5/2009) to review revision of AA Department Manual Department Manual revised/process to add courses includes need to indicate course accessibility IMAP committee working checklist for faculty to use when developing new classes to ensure accessibility Sandy Parsons added to the “intent to offer” email distribution list; Sandy provides feedback on all new syllabus and course content to faculty and department chair Faculty Training/Awareness Campaign IMAP team has focused on the syllabus this year http://www.csuchico.edu/tlp/accessibility/syllabus More faculty trained via TLP “camps” on accessibility TLP created Accessibility website and tutorials for faculty- excellent resource http://www.csuchico.edu/tlp/accessibility TLP will provide training to EPPC on accessible syllabus May 7, 2009 Bill Loker and TLP working on developing list of faculty mentors on accessibility CELT training on Universal Design HR has agreed to include ATI overview for all new faculty orientation Sandy Parsons submitted article published in Inside Chico in May 2009 Textbook Ordering/Bookstore Bookstore developed One Click Adoptions for textbooks Developed process of notifying Dean Undergraduate Studies of all textbooks not ordered by due date Provost sent note re: importance of early text book adoption Bookstore searches for electronic versions of textbooks Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 4 Book requests Fall 2008 80% compliance 6 weeks out Spring 2009 textbook ordering compliance down 5% in part due to departments waiting to assign faculty (budget) Accessible Instructional Materials Requests for instructional materials/textbooks in alternate format has increased 33% (annual cost of apx. $60,000) Library/Electronic Reserve has improved process of providing materials-improved accessibility significantly Early Identification of Students with Disabilities: DSS met with Admissions to improve process of early identification of students with disabilities Admissions agreed to change “What’s Next” document to include contact with DSS early for textbook/ instructional materials conversion http://em.csuchico.edu/admissions/docs/WhatsNext.pdf Priority #3 Procurement: (Sara Rumiano/Jerry Ringle) Due to relaxed milestone deadlines, procurement office will not lower IT review to $2500 in 2009 Procurement office rolled out new “Information Technology Procurement Review” which includes 508 accessibility review Jerry Ringle is first level reviewer of IT over $10,000 for accessibility Sandy Parsons reviews all IT that may require alterative access/delivery to meet accessibility needs ATI LC is working on system wide VPAT data base Sara Rumiano will consider meeting with AAS group to broaden awareness of new procurement requirements Sara Rumiano will reach out to RESP to broaden awareness for grant managers re: need to purchase accessible IT, even with grant funds ATI Project Plan Sandy Parsons revised ATI Project Plan to align with original coded memo milestones. Available for review on ATI website. http://www.csuchico.edu/ires/projects/current/ati Auto Sync Contract System wide contract for captioning instructional materials Sandy Parsons is campus administrator of contract Three users approved this year: DSS, Continuing Education and Business Department Users submit materials to be captioned/Usage report comes to Sandy who prepares invoicing information to Business and Finance ($80.70 per media hour) Chico State usage to date is apx $5000 (most is Continuing Education usage) Service is very fast and effective CO ATI LC is developing guidelines for campus re: when and what to caption in order to prioritize CSU Common Management Systems Group: Sandy Parsons is campus representative on system wide workgroup Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 5 Group is working on accessibility issue related to CMS/People Soft Some Progress is being made to add accessibility features and working with Oracle to “repair” accessibility limitations Disability Leadership Council The DLC became a recognized student leadership group on campus this year. Along with DSS Advisors, Parsons and Evans, group developed a mission statement, by-laws, program goals and job descriptions for officers. Membership continues to thrive as well as their involvement in campus activities. The DLC has participated in the following events this year: Health Fair The DLC did an amazing job developing awareness activities for Traumatic Brain Injury and noise induced hearing loss. The TBI demonstration focused on the risks of not wearing a helmet while riding bicycles. They solicited donations of two helmets from local bike shops and gave them away at the fair. The other awareness activity was regarding noise induced hearing loss associated with IPod use and safer uses of ear buds. There demonstration included varying levels of music thresholds which was an excellent means to get students’ attention. They gave away earplugs with the slogan “protect your ears”. Tabling Earth Day- sensory garden The DLC solicited donations from the Little Red Hen Nursery and received plants and a planter in order to build their sensory garden. They developed a relationship with Little Red Hen who has agreed to provide plants “for life” for the DLC. Additionally, the DLC wrote a proposal and was awarded funding from the Associated Students Sustainability group for a permanent sensory garden on campus. Disability Awareness/Simulation Fair The DLC was introduced to the Student Council for Exceptional Children and co-sponsored this October’s Simulation Fair. Presentation to class Student representative on the campus ADA committee Information Technology Project The Problem: Data Elements: PeopleSoft has serious limitations for DSS. Specifically, PeopleSoft only tracks six disability categories: Communication, Deaf, Learning Disability, Mobility Limitations, Other Functional Limitations and Visual Limitations. These data elements are insufficient, especially considering that 41% of the students we serve fall under the “Other Functional Limitations” category. We are not reporting an accurate picture of who we serve. For example, only students who use sign language interpreting are reported as being deaf, which shows three on our campus. However, there are eight deaf/hard of hearing students on our campus at this time. In order to make informed decision about who we are presently serving, what services are necessary and the cost implications, we need to have these data elements expanded. Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 6 Additionally, People Soft only tracks nine services: Registration assistance, disability-related counseling, specialized equipment, test taking, and interpreter services, on campus mobility, note taker, reader services and “other”. There are several problems with these data elements. There is no standard definition for the data elements. For example, what is registration assistance? Is that priority registration or is it help finding classes that are appropriate for one’s disability issues? What is a reader service? Is that having a person read text for you or is it having texts produced in alternate format? Reports: Currently, reports that are generated from the present data elements (Enrollment Management Reports) only reflect the primary disability and primary services. Most of our students have more than one disability and receive several services. This is evidenced in Section VI, which shows that the most utilized service we have is test-taking. However, it does not reflect the whole picture. If someone has test taking, and alternate media, and on-campus mobility, the primary report only reflects test-taking. Data Management: Managing data for DSS is challenging and done primarily with homegrown excel worksheets. While effective on a very basic level, these worksheets do not allow for effective communication with other systems, nor do they provide adequate reporting capabilities. Again, IR staff is working to develop a homegrown data management system that will work cooperatively and communicate with PeopleSoft. Progress: This year, we have worked tremendously hard with Information Resources. IR has committed time and resources to make DSS a priority and Data Warehouse staff has been assigned to work directly with me to expand and define PeopleSoft elements, define and create a reporting dashboard, and to build a data management system. They have made tremendous progress this year and we are actually beginning to use the changes. Additionally, we met with the CSU Chico Registrar who agreed to allow DSS to have a reporting dashboard available on Insight. In order to accomplish this, we will need to develop a new business practice and security feature so that our data can be appropriately managed for security. The Insight Reports currently developed are: Accommodations and students by term Accommodations Summary for a term Accommodations summary over terms Diagnosis and students by term Diagnosis summary over a term DSS academic plan count by college Students with dual diagnosis DSS Students The DSS Students report is an interactive report that allows Advisors to pull student schedules, explore required text books, and obtain their EOP, financial aid, and Veteran status. It also provides basic demographic information, such as ethnicity. Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 7 We are just beginning to use our new data elements and reports. I estimate that it will take two to three years before being fully usable for all reporting purposes. III. Changes in Policies and Procedures The Office of Civil Rights recommends clearly written and communicated policies regarding how to access academic adjustments and services for students with disabilities; and suggest that the lack of clear policies is the most common cause for complaints to Office of Civil Rights. Therefore, DSS continues to audit its policies, procedures and guidelines as new guidance regarding the implementation of Section 504 and the ADA emerges. The following policy statements, procedures and business practices were developed this year: DSS Mission and Program Goals- Revised and posted to website (noted in Section I) Disability Leadership Council Mission, and by laws – Developed Alternate Media Request form- Revised Program Evaluation “End of the Semester Debriefing” –Developed C:\Documents and Settings\skparsons\My Documents\PROGRAM EVALUATION\ASSESSMENT\end of the semester debreifing.doc Transition letter for High School Counselors- Developed C:\Documents and Settings\skparsons\My Documents\COORESPONDANCE\hs counselors.doc Finals administration- Revised Admissions “What’s Next Letter”- Revised to include students with disabilities/DSS issues http://em.csuchico.edu/admissions/docs/WhatsNext.pdf “Intent to Offer” new courses email distribution letter -Developed C:\Documents and Settings\skparsons\My Documents\ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY INITIATE INFORMATION\Intent to Offer Notice.doc Academic Honesty statement –Developed C:\Documents and Settings\skparsons\My Documents\POLICY AND PROGRAM\Academic Honesty.doc Bookstore notification of late submission – Developed Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 8 IV. Resources Summary Budget Analysis FY 2008-2009 Attached is the DSS Budget Worksheet that I maintain internally. C:\Documents and Settings\skparsons\My Documents\BUDGET\Budget template 2008.xls DSS will end the year approximately -$46,562 in the red. Budget Forecast FY 2009-2010 C:\Documents and Settings\skparsons\My Documents\BUDGET\Budget worksheet 2009-2010.xls A budget discussion memo outlining cuts, needs and program consolidation and collaboration issues were sent in separate cover to the AVPSA. Work Study: All legally mandated DSS services are provided by student employees: Educational assistants, proctoring, mobility assistance, and production of alternate media. $93,000 of the DSS expenditures is student wages. Historically, DSS has received relatively little work study, but would definitely benefit from additional work study allocation to manage the cost associated with student employee salaries. I will request at least $65,250 in work study funds. Please note that DSS is requesting $65,200 in work study. Rising Costs for DSS: Alternate Media Production: This is a very challenging area for DSS. We are the only CSU without the benefit from a full time dedicated staff to manage this service. My concern is that there is rapid growth of emerging technologies that are being developed to make this process more efficient, as well as, students are entering Chico State wanting these new formats and we are not prepared to accommodate them. Because we operate solely with hourly students who are engaged in production, we do not have time to explore improvements in our process, technologies. No one at DSS has had formal training in alternate media production. Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 9 This year, the cost of alternate media production was approximately $55,000 in student wages which equates to $354 per book. The requests for instructional materials in alternate format have been steadily increasing over the past few years. Students are arriving on our campus with experience using this technology and expecting it. Last year, requests for alternate media increased 32%. We expect that we will continue to see an increase as each generation becomes more technologically savvy. However, at some point, we hope that publishers and technology to convert instructional materials will more effectively manage the demand. Other Funding Considerations: Workability IV Contract: I submitted a contract to the California Department of Rehabilitation to initiate a Workability IV program on our campus. Given the financial climate, DOR will likely consider new contracts carefully, but initial meetings with local administration have been favorable. A Workability IV contract would allow DSS to provide some support services that we have never provided before. Human Resources: DSS continues to apply for and receive Human Resources assistive technology program funds to help off set student wages that are used to support an employee with a disability. Learning Disability Testing: Presently, our LD specialists conduct about 30-40 tests each year. We are not legally obligated to do this, but do as a courtesy for students who either don’t have health insurance or the financial means to obtain the testing. Many colleges charge a fee related to this testing. Average is $200 per exam. This requires additional discussion and consideration with the VPSA. Staffing: We continue to lobby for a full time staff person dedicated to Alternate Media and Assistive Technology. Two DSS Advisors are beginning to consider their retirement options for the next 2-3 years. As such, Director is beginning succession considerations. Professional Development: Alternate Media Strategies provided by Butte College Post Traumatic Stress Disorder provided by local Neurophysiologist Veterans Issues provided by Veterans Administration Emerging Technology provided by DAIS Alternate Media strategies provided by AHEAD Emerging Technology webinar provided by WebAIM Partnership Meetings: Counseling Center, Financial Aid, CAVE, Admissions, CADEC, Advising, Math Department. DSS continues to expand its resource library with current literature on disability and professional development topics. Committee Representation: ATI Leadership Council (Chancellor’s office) – Parsons ATI Steering Committee –Parsons Instructional Materials (IMAP) - Parsons, Prator, Hermanson, Evans. Boyes Procurement Accessibility – Parsons Web Accessibility –Parsons, Evans Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 10 FASP Textbook subcommittee –Parsons, Evans Emergency Preparedness Committee –Parsons Diversity Scorecard –Parsons Commencement Committee-Hermanson World AIDS Day Committee-Parsons University Construction Advisory Committee –Parsons Campus Planning Executive Committee –Parsons Americans with Disabilities Act Committee –Parsons, Hermanson, Evans, DLC member Campus Climate Committee –Alexander Health and Safety Committee –Evans Common Management System Committee –Parsons Web Content Committee –Parsons City of Chico ADA Transition Team- Evans Behavioral Assessment Team (BAT) – Parsons SSC Open House Committee- Parsons VEST (Veterans Education Support Team) – Prator, Hermanson Facilities/Equipment: Purchase of Caption Mic Captioning System – using group 2 money Purchase of Kurzweill Networked system – using group 2 money DSS Big Cart was returned from Engineering department with accessibility retrofit complete V. Program Evaluation of Past Year The following addresses progress on program objectives established in 2007-2008 Annual Report. 1. Develop the Disability Leadership Council which would result in two student led awareness activities during AY 2008-2009. The DLC became a recognized student leadership group on campus this year. Along with DSS Advisors, Parsons and Evans, group developed a mission statement, by-laws, program goals and job descriptions for officers. Membership continues to thrive as well as their involvement in campus activities. The DLC has participated in the following events this year: Health Fair Earth Day- sensory garden Disability Awareness Simulation Fair Additionally, the group wrote a proposal and was awarded funding for a permanent sensory garden. 2. Develop at least one new auxiliary service for DSS students during AY 2008-2009 DSS did not develop a new auxiliary service for DSS students this year. Instead, we focused our energy on building our alliance with the Veterans Education Support Team by working closely with members to write and support a grant to expand services to Veterans and to support a campus Veterans Center. Additionally, DSS submitted a contract to Department of Rehabilitation for a Workability IV Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 11 program which would provide funding support for auxiliary support services. Given the current state of fiscal crisis, DOR is considering all new contract requests carefully and we should be notified of award within six months. Lastly, DSS developed a comprehensive New Student Orientation. Historically, DSS has provided an orientation to new students, but without the benefit of a formal presentation or agenda. This year, DSS will use a formalized presentation to provide orientation to incoming DSS students. C:\Documents and Settings\skparsons\My Documents\PRESENTATIONS\New DSS student Orientation outline.doc 3. Improve alternate media production by realizing 30% compliance in text book ordering and 50% compliance in student requests made in a timely manner during AY 2008-2009. Due to significant efforts on the part of the AS Bookstore and changes in the way that faculty (and Dean of Undergraduate Studies) is notified regarding late textbook acquisitions, we have realized a 80% compliance rate for orders in Fall 2008. Spring 2009 demonstrated a 5% decrease in textbook orders due in part to the instability of the budget and AA ability to plan for faculty assignment. Unfortunately, DSS did not see improvement in students’ timely requests for alternate media. Fall 2008 showed 0% requests made allowing sufficient time to produce instructional materials. After an increase in reminders to students, spring 2009 yielded a 31% compliance making requests in a timely manner (6 weeks prior to school starting). In order to improve requests for fall 2009, we have changed our communication strategies for returning students, as well as, new students, hoping to improve compliance. VI. Ongoing Assessment Efforts This year, I continued to focus on developing a data-driven system of assessment opportunities for DSS, based on the AHEAD assessment framework, as follows: Provide services that are based on institutions mission and service philosophy Collect student feedback to measure satisfaction and quality of services. Collect data to monitor use of and evaluate the effectiveness of services Report program evaluation data to administrations. Note: People Soft data elements and software functionality are inadequate and do not allow DSS to acquire a picture of the full scope of services we provide or disability categories that we serve. Improvements are being made which will improve reporting abilities and should be demonstrated in the next 2 to 3 years. Please see section VII for further discussion and analysis. Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 12 Student Data: This reflects ERSS Data and current reporting capabilities for DSS. 2008-2009 Disability Fall 2008 Quick Data AY 2007-2008: Spring 2009 Total Communication Disability 8 7 15 Deaf 2 2 4 Learning Disability 200 199 399 Mobility Limitation 42 42 84 258 272 530 10 10 20 520 532 1052 Other Functional Disability Visual Limitation Total The majority of DSS students are documented in “other”. “Other” reflect students with mental illness, traumatic brain injury, and health and medical disabilities. Our new reporting system will allow us to maintain our responsibility to report to Chancellor’s office, while allowing DSS to accurately report disability and student data. For example, DSS has the capability of reporting specific disabilities, such as Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Chronic Pain, Heart Disease, and Cancer. Once Advisors have the opportunity to Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 13 revise diagnosis codes in PeopleSoft, new Insight Reports will be more accurate and specific. Again, this will be a process. This reflects ERSS Data and current reporting capabilities for DSS. 2008-2009 Disability Fall 2008 Spring 2009 Total Disability related counseling services 2 3 5 Interpreter services 2 2 4 Notetaker services 11 10 21 On-campus mobility services 10 8 18 Other services 21 19 40 6 6 12 153 166 319 5 3 8 308 313 621 2 2 4 520 532 1052 Reader services Registration assistance Specialized equipment-materials-supplies Test-taking facilitation services Transcription services Total Usage Data AY 2008-2009 2293 tests administered (44% increase) 202 texts converted (32% increase) 1541 Ed. Asst. hrs (7% increase) 65 psycho ed. tests 1886.5 hrs. ASL 2588 Cart Rides (54% increase) 19% increase in DSS students Again, these reports are generated from the present data elements (Enrollment Management Reports) only reflect the primary disability and primary services. Most of our students have more than one disability and receive several services. Once Advisors have the opportunity to use additional service codes in PeopleSoft, new Insight Reports will be more accurate and specific. Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 14 Other Interesting Data: 57 DSS students (apx.10%) are also Educational Opportunity Program students 100 DSS students (apx. 20%) used the Student Learning Center AY 2008-2009 Student Access Survey DSS administered a web based Quality of Services Survey via Student Voice in spring 2009. The survey asked students to consider availability and quality of staff and services of DSS, learning outcomes, as well as, campus climate issues. Full Survey results can be accessed via Student Voice. The following is a sample of survey items. 8% increase over last year Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 15 No effective improvement over last year Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 16 The Bottom Line Most students believe that services are available when they need them, that the quality is effective and appropriate to assist them to gain access to their instructional materials and activities, and that they are learning appropriate advocacy skills. Most students say they would recommend CSU, Chico to other students with disabilities. 10% increase over last year No effective change over last year Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 17 14% increase over last year Learning Outcomes: DSS Student Learning Outcomes are consistent with CSU, Chico Strategic Priority One: believing in the primacy of learning, we will continue to develop high-quality learning environments both inside and outside the classroom. DSS Student Learning Outcomes are based on the belief that the key to a successful academic journey for students with disabilities is the ability and openness to realize their personal strengths and limitations, the desire and aptitude to take responsibility for managing their academic and personal success, and the maturity to utilize resources and services available to assist them. The role of Disability Support Services is to guide students through the process, so that ultimately students can identify their own personal strengths, understand the impact of their disability, think creatively about solutions, and communicate their needs effectively. Upon completion of a semester, students registered with the Disability Support Services will be able to: Identify their specific disability and functional limitations resulting from the disability; Demonstrate the ability to determine and state their accommodation needs; Describe the process involved in requesting disability accommodation for curriculum requirements Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 18 Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 19 Comments: There are some inherent shortcomings to the data related to learning outcomes. Specifically, we have not tracked respondents’ year in school which limits our ability to analyze these results. We have questions regarding who is responding. Are they arriving at Chico State with these abilities or are they developing these skills as a result of participating in DSS? This issue and questions require further discussion and analysis during AY 2009-2010. Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 20 Campus Climate: The DSS Quality of Services Survey includes assessment items which address campus climate and inter-group relations, which is a dimension of the Diversity Scorecard at Chico State. These items focus on the environment of the campus for students with disabilities, who like many others, is a group that has been traditionally marginalized on college campuses. Campus environment can either promote or interfere with student success and as such, assessment results will be used to identify areas for consideration of increased or improved education and awareness efforts Results are interesting and demonstrate the paradox between legal compliance and attitude. We, as a people, can create laws that prohibit discrimination, but we can not legislate attitude. The results demonstrate that most students feel that instructors comply with the law and that Chico State provides equal opportunity for students with disabilities. About one-third of students responding, experience attitudinal barriers on campus, which include jokes, slurs or comments associated with their disability. While we are legally providing accommodations for students, we need to continue to provide basic disability awareness activities for the entire campus community. Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 21 Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 22 Comments: Results of the survey show that for the most part there have been small improvements in campus climate with respect to students with disabilities. Disability Awareness efforts are targeted activities to improve general awareness and sensitivity regarding the abilities and contributions of students with disabilities. Additionally, results show a significant improvement (11% this year vs. 41% last year) in student’s perception that professors are less willing to work with students with disabilities. Given the amount of guidance and efforts put forth as part of the Accessible Technology Initiative and specifically, energy directed at informing and supporting faculty efforts to improve teaching accessibility and effectiveness, we hoped we would see results such as these. This tells us that we are making progress! Disability Awareness Survey DSS surveyed students who participated in a Disability Awareness workshop. Students were offered hands on activities which simulated various disabilities, as well as, viewed a presentation by individuals with disabilities about their life and advocacy. Results: 59% attended Disability Awareness events as part of a class 98% learned something about a disability that they didn’t know before participating in disability awareness activity 100% indicated that their disability awareness increased as a result of attending/participating in the disability awareness activity VII. Analysis After considering assessment opportunities, as well as demographic trends, the following is offered as discussion and analysis of issues and services that require strategic and intentional consideration in the next academic/fiscal year. Alternate Media Production The conversion of instructional materials and textbooks into alternate format is the most challenging program service that DSS provides. The challenges include lack of dedicated personnel, inability to strategically budget, and changes and improvements in technology that we are unprepared to assimilate into our program. This year, the student wage cost to covert instructional materials was approximately $55, 000 which is an average of $354 per book. Campus Wide Factors: Only 20% of text books are ordered by faculty in a timely manner. While the ATI is slowly starting to make an impact and we are seeing an improvement in textbook ordering compliance, it hasn’t improved Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 23 enough to result in earlier textbook acquisition for students. Additionally, there are a significant number of late hire instructors which impacts text book adoption. This is particularly true given the current unprecedented budget crisis. Student Factors: Returning students, while continuing to need reminders and encouragement, understand the importance of making timely requests for textbook conversion. If students made their requests in a timely manner, allowing six to eight weeks for production, they received their books on or before the first day of school. Students who did not make timely requests, primary new students/freshman, did not receive their books, in general, until a month or longer into the semester. The AIM staff struggle with the very large influx of requests that come in the first two weeks of school and even though we have several AIMS working multiple hours, we can not sufficiently meet the demand. We need to explore more appropriate ways of communicating to students that they need to make requests early in order to receive their materials when school begins. Part of the issue, as stated above, is the textbook adoption issue, however, not entirely. Students who require alternate text need to understand the policy and process in requesting conversion services. We’ve updated our website so that all policies and procedures for requesting alternate media are on line and have initiated reminders to students to submit requests in a timely manner. Additionally, we were able to negotiate adding a statement on the “What’s Next” document that Admissions sends out to all admitted students. The statement reminds all students who will require conversion of their instructional materials to register early and contact DSS as soon as possible. Furthermore, we have begun an awareness campaign “Got E-Text” that we use for Summer Orientation so that we can begin the discussion with students at this time. Lastly, I started sending a letter to all Northern California high school psychologists that outlines transition issues for incoming students, including the importance of early registration and timely request for textbooks in alternate media. Student satisfaction with the timeliness of alternate text production has decreased from 72% last year to 47% this year. DSS Factors: DSS has been operating without the benefit of a full-time position dedicated to the coordination and production of instructional materials in alternate format. As such, the Support Services Coordinator is responsible for management of alternate media production without specific training to do so. This is a potentially vulnerable area for DSS. As such, I will expect that DSS will conduct a comprehensive audit of this program which will include using existing staff commitment and expertise as well as developing staff expertise in this area. It is clear that hiring a full time staff person to manage this service is untenable due to the budget crisis. As such, DSS will re evaluate present responsibilities and skills to develop a local expertise in this area. As part of our audit, DSS will develop a training manual with protocols, processes and procedures. We have made some productive changes in our processes this year. For example, rather than multiple AIMS handling books, we now assign one book to a work station. A “Lead AIM” coordinates which books are to be converted first on which work stations. This process has led to more control over production and has reduced confusion over assignments and priorities. Additionally, we hired a consultant from Butte College to provide some hands on training with our SSC and AIMS. She provided Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 24 basic hints for improved scanning and editing. Lastly, DSS Director has worked with the High Tech Training Center and negotiated use of their training manuals in lieu of paying for consulting. These manuals will be used to thoroughly audit the program service to be sure that we are operating in the most efficient manner. Campus Climate Issues This is the second year that DSS has assessed campus climate issues. Last year, results demonstrated what we already knew- that there is a great need for on going outreach and education on campus. This year, DSS focused on expanding awareness outreach and education opportunities in variety and audience. We provided opportunities geared toward student (2 Disability Awareness Simulation Fairs, Health Fair, and Sensory Garden), staff (Non Discrimination and Disability Awareness Training via HR) and faculty (ATI/accessible instructional materials training.) This year’s results show some improvements. It’s pretty good affirmation that awareness activities are easy and effective. This is an area on which we can effectively focus even during times of fiscal crisis. Awareness activities are inexpensive, can be created and provided using existing resources and expertise and are a positive way to stay focused on what really matters. DSS Campus Climate items are included on the Chico State Diversity Scorecard. Changing Demographics challenge fiscal preparedness The number of students registered with DSS has increased 19%, with marked increases in requests for all services. During a time of unprecedented fiscal crisis, we have a duty to be remain prudent with resources, challenge ourselves to be more creative with service delivery, but remain realistic that an increase in students with disabilities will mean an increase in funds required to provide legally mandated accommodations. Additionally, the types of disabilities we are seeing are changing dramatically. You’ll note from the student data reporting section that one half of the students we work with fall into the “other” category. This is an 8% increase over last year. “Other” students are those with multiple issues, chronic health disease, debilitating pain, and mental illness. They are students with bi polar, breast cancer, seizure disorder, and brain tumors. These students have complex issues requiring multiple and more challenging accommodations. Advisors are generally assigned between 325-350 students. With the change in students and the increase in multiple disabling conditions, advisors are feeling increased pressure to serve students well. At the same time, our survey indicates that DSS students want more individual time with advisors. Given the fiscal challenges we face, I don’t anticipate additional staff advisors. We will need to explore ways to serve our changing student population the best we can, using staff, campus and community resources wisely. Additionally, the need for on going staff development regarding new and emerging disabilities, and health conditions remains a priority. Furthermore, changing demographics emphasizes the need to strategically partner with the Counseling and Wellness Center and Health Center which will ultimately allow each program to intentionally focus their energy where their expertise is more efficiently utilized. Division of Student Affairs Disability Support Services Annual Report 2008-2009 25 Revise Student Voice Survey This is the second year that DSS has utilized the Student Voice survey as a primary source of program assessment. After careful review and consideration, DSS Director has decided to revise the survey to reduce the number of survey questions from seventy to forty. Additionally, consideration needs to be given to the items constructed to assess learning outcomes. There are some issues with the items that make it difficult to accurately reflect results, such as the inability to identify student’s learning over time and across academic years. The validity of results makes it difficult to do appropriate program development. Student Voice survey revision will help refine the purpose of the survey and more strategically assess program effectiveness, student satisfaction, learning outcomes and campus climate as it relates to students with disabilities. VIII. Program Objectives for next academic year 1. Conduct comprehensive Program Evaluation of DSS using CAS standards in fall 2009. 2. Conduct a program audit of the Alternate Media services program AY 2009-2010. 3. Strengthen collaboration with Counseling Center and Health Center by developing a streamlined reciprocal referral process.