GBU 321 Business Communication 10:00-10:50 MWF e-mail:

GBU 321 Business Communication
10:00-10:50 MWF
Instructor: Chad Phillips, Nelson 300, Office: 601.925.3317, Cell: 601.278.8802
Course Description: Principles and applications in letter, memo, and e-mail
writing, career research and employment communications. Other topics include
international, interpersonal, and oral communication and legal and ethical
communication guidelines (3 credits).
Rationale: Communication is a foundation skill of any successful business person.
To persuade, inquire, and inform while maintaining the goodwill of others are
important abilities that this course will help the student develop and improve.
Prerequisites: ENG 101 and ENG 102
Information Literacy: This section of Business Communication includes an
information literacy emphasis as part of U Research, Mississippi College's Quality
Enhancement Plan (QEP).*
Course Objectives: Through hands-on, active experiences, students will:
 Develop basic and advanced writing techniques for business letters,
memorandums, and e-mail messages
 Compose a letter, memo, or e-mail message delivering negative news
and/or a persuasive message
 Prepare for employment by organizing, formatting, and producing a
persuasive application letter and resume
 Set up and go on an interview related to the chosen career
 Deliver an effective, short business presentation using Power Point
presentation software
 Write a short report using APA style
 Present an effective voice mail message
 Determine the correct business strategy for the routine message, good
news message, bad news message, persuasive message, or collection
 Apply new and prior information to the planning of a product or
performance* [4a]
 Communicate the product or performance effectively and clearly to others*
 Acknowledge sources and use information following the conventions of
business* [5a]
Course Topics: See Tentative Schedule at end of syllabus.
Required Textbook:
Bovee, C. L. & Thill, J. V., (2014). Business communication today12e, Upper Saddle
River, NY: PrenticeHall.
Students can choose the hardback version, a notebook version, or an ebook
version. In each case, students will need the access code to the
Attendance & Other Policies:
 Class attendance is essential to your deriving the full benefit from enrolling
in this course; therefore, the following guidelines have been established
regarding attendance:
o Three tardies equals one absence.
o Those with perfect attendance (no more than two tardies)
throughout the semester will receive an additional 2 points added to
their final point total.
o As stated in the MC attendance policy, a student will receive a grade
of F immediately upon accumulating 8 absences.
 Missed class assignments or test: You will be allowed to make up in-class
assignments as long as they are turned in at the NEXT class meeting. Missed
assignments must be turned in within one week. Nothing after one week
will be accepted. If you will miss class on an exam day for an excused
reason, you must let the professor know before class begins on test day
that you will be missing the exam and give the excused reason for missing.
Since the final exam is comprehensive, the comprehensive exam will count
for the exam missed. If you do not contact the professor prior to the exam
(leaving a voice mail is acceptable), you will not be allowed to have the
comprehensive exam count in its place, and you will receive a zero for that
exam grade.
 Required materials and behaviors: Each student will be expected to
purchase a copy of their own book. Each student will be expected to read
the chapters assigned, open the book to the appropriate chapter at each
class meeting, and take notes during each class. Students will NOT be
allowed to wear baseball caps during tests.
Methods of Instruction: The instructor will use lecture, demonstration,
PowerPoint presentations, and MyBCommLab activities. The students will
complete a career project whereby they will go on a job interview for feedback
for future use. The students will write and evaluate others’ writing. After each
reading assignment, students will take a short quiz on the reading. Students will
use TurnitIn software in preparing their research papers.
Moodle instructions: I will be posting our power point slide presentations using
Moodle. You can get to this class’s moodle site by going to the MC website and
choosing Moodle. You will be required to use this site. Use of this site will be one
component of your final grade.
Academic Integrity: Mississippi College students are expected to be scrupulously
honest. Dishonesty, such as cheating or plagiarism, will be regarded as a serious
offense subject to severe penalty including, but not limited to, loss of credit and
possible dismissal.
Student Evaluation:
91 - 100 = A, 81 - 90 = B, 71-80=C, 61-70=D, 0-60=F
Grades that are given as letter grades have the following values:
A+=100, A=95, A-=91, B+=90, B=85, B-=81, C+=80, C=75,
C-=71, D+=70, D=65, D-61, F=50
Grade Distribution
Oral Presentation using PowerPoint***
In-class and Out-of-class Assignments*
Career Project
*Out-of-class assignments must be typewritten
** 10 points deducted for each error
***Oral Presentation topic: The topic can be chosen from one of the following or
you may choose your own topic with the approval of the instructor.
 Company email policies and procedures
Men vs. Women’s Communication Styles
Preparing to do business in [foreign country]
Tips for Handling Conflicts
Cell phone etiquette
Time Management Techniques
The Stair-step approach for a Career in _____________
Leaders to Emulate
Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
Privacy Issues in the Workplace
Business Codes of Conduct
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Managing Diversity in the Workplace
Blogging in Business
Life as an International Student
What NOT to Wear
The Importance of Listening
Using Social Media in Business
Student Assistance
A. Early Alert System
Mississippi College has adopted the practice of finding students early in the semester
who may be exhibiting behaviors that could ultimately have a negative impact on their
academic progress. These behaviors are often called “red flag” behaviors and include,
but are not limited to, excessive absences, poor test grades, and lack of class
participation or evidence of non-engagement. Identifying these behaviors early gives
the instructor the opportunity to raise the “red flag” on behalf of a particular student so
that the student can take the appropriate action to redirect his/her progress. The
system alerts the student, the student’s advisor, and the Office of Student Success.
These messages are intended to help a student recognize an area of concern and to
encourage him/her to make some choices to improve the situation. When a student
receives an Early Alert message, the student should quickly make an appointment to
talk with his/her professor about the situation. Also, students can make full use of the
Office of Student Success to set academic goals and connect to campus resources.
B. Students with Disabilities
In order for a student to receive disability accommodations under Section 504 of the
Americans with Disabilities Act, he or she must schedule an individual meeting with the
Director of Student Counseling Services immediately upon recognition of their
disability (if their disability is known they must come in before the semester begins or
make an appointment immediately upon receipt of their syllabi for the new semester).
The student must bring with them written documentation from a medical physician
and/or licensed clinician that verifies their disability. If the student has received prior
accommodations, they must bring written documentation of those accommodations
(example Individualized Education Plan from the school system). Documentation must
be current (within 3 years).
The student must meet with SCS face-to face and also attend two (2) additional follow
up meetings (one mid semester before or after midterm examinations and the last one
at the end of the semester). Please note that the student may also schedule additional
meetings as needed for support through SCS as they work with their professor
throughout the semester. Note: Students must come in each semester to complete
their Individualized Accommodation Plan (example: MC student completes fall semester
IAP plan and even if student is a continuing student for the spring semester they must
come in again to complete their spring semester IAP plan).
Student Counseling Services is located on the 4th floor of Alumni Hall) or they may be
contacted via email at . You may also reach them by phone at 601925-7790. Dr. Morgan Bryant is director of MC Student Counseling Services.
August 26 .............................................................................................................. Class orientation
You will be required to use your Mississippi College email account for this course.
August 28 & 31 ...................................................................................................................Chapter 1
September 2 & 4 ................................................................................................................Chapter 2
September 7........................................................................................................Labor Day No Class
September 9..................................................................................................................... Chapters 3
September 11........................................................................................................ Test Chapters 1-3
September 14.....................................................................................................................Chapter 4
September 16 & 18 ..................................................................................................... Chapter 5 & 6
September 21 – October 7.....................................................................................Chapters 7, 8 & 9
October 9 ............................................................................................................. Test Chapters 4-9
October 12 ......................................................................................................... Fall Break No Class
October 14 – October 30 ....................................... Chapters 18 & 19; Appendix A; Career Project
October 30 ...................................*Career Project Speaker: Tracey Harrison, Director of PR at MC
November 2 - 6 ....................................................................................................... Chapter 16 & 17
November 9 ........................................................................... Work Day—Team Oral Presentations
November 11 -23 ................................................................................................ Oral Presentations
November 24-27 ............................................................................... Thanksgiving Break – No Class
November 30 – December 4 ..................................................................................... Chapters 10-12
December 7 ................................................................................ Work day--Team Research Papers
December 9 ................................................................. Research Paper Due Review for Final Exam
December 11 ..................................................................................................................... Study Day
December 14, Monday, from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m ......................................... Comprehensive Exam