Test 3 study guide Chapter 8 What are chromatin?

Test 3 study guide
Chapter 8
What are chromatin?
What are chromosomes?
Know centromere, sister chromatids, histones, nucleosomes
Know the cell cycle:
G1, G0, S, G2
M(mitosis): what happens in prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telephase
Cytokinesis between plant cells and animal cells
What do spindle fibers do? What is the purpose of centrosome?
Know the cell cycle checkpoints and why
What are signals?
What are kinases and cyclins?
Explain contact inhibition and why that is important for cell to have
What is the function of telomere?
Explain apoptosis
Know the characteristics of cancer cells
What is metastasis?
What is angiogenesis?
How are cancers treated?
How can cancer be prevented?
Chapter 9
Key terms: allele, barr body, homologous chromosome, homologue
Know the differences between mitosis and meiosis
Know the importance of meiosis:
phases of meiosis I and meiosis II
comparing Meiosis to mitosis, meiosis I to mitosis, meiosis II to mitosis
How do the chromosome number change? What is a diploid? Haploid?
What is interkinesis?
What is nondisjunction?
Know abnormal chromosome inheritance
Down syndrome
Turner syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome
Chapter 29
Know how animals reproduce: asexual v sexual
Asexual: Budding, fragmentation
Sexual: parthenogenesis
Gonads, zygote, external and internal fertilization, copulation
Key terms:
Oviparous: egg- laying animals
Ovoviviparous: eggs are retained in the body until they hatch, releasing fully developed
offspring that have a way of life like the parent
Viviparous: animals produce living young
Placenta: a complex structure derived from the chorion, which first appeared in a
Shelled egg
Why is the placenta important?
Male reproductive system:
Spermatogenesis (know all the cells and it chromosome number)
Where does spermatogenesis occur?
Know the structures and their functions:
testes, epididymis, vas deferens, urethra, penis
the structures of a sperm
What is contained in semen and the organs that are involved in the production of semen?
What are the phases of ejaculation?
Know the hormones: GnRH, LH, FSH, testosterone
What are secondary sex characteristics in male?
Female reproductive system:
Oogenesis and where does it occur? Know the cells and its chromosome number
Know the structures and their functions:
Oviducts, uterus, vagina, endometrium, fimbriae
Where does fertilization take place? In the ampulla
The ovaries:
primary follicle
Primary oocyte
Secondary oocyte
Hormones LH, FSH, Estrogen, Progesterone levels
What happens in the follicular phase? Luteal phase?
Days of the menstrual cycle
What happens at menopause?
Know the different birth control methods and their purposes
Know artificial insemination by donor and GIFT
Know the STDs
Human Development:
Early embryonic: cleavage, morula, blastocyst
Later embryonic: gastrulation (know germ layers and what they give rise to)
Neurulation: notochord, neural plate, neural tube
Umbilical cord
Know the placenta and its importance
Fetal development
Lanugo, vernix caseosa
Stages of birth: 1. Cervix dilates
2. baby emerges
3. placenta expels