Chapter 11: Global Public Relations

Chapter 11:
Global Public Relations
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Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright ©
Allyn & Bacon 2008
What is international public relations?
International corporate public relations
International government public relations
The rise of NGOs
Public relations development in other nations
Opportunities in international work
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright ©
Allyn & Bacon 2008
What is International Public Relations?
International Public Relations:
The planned and organized effort of a
company, institution, or government to
establish mutually beneficial relations with
the publics of other nations.
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright ©
Allyn & Bacon 2008
International Corporate Public Relations
Differences in languages, laws, and culture
 High
Context (ex. Europe and the United
 Low
Context (Ex. Japan and Thailand)
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright ©
Allyn & Bacon 2008
International Corporate Public Relations
US firms might be hired by
other countries to …
off protectionist moves.
ongoing information.
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright ©
Allyn & Bacon 2008
International Government Public Relations
Advance political goals
Ascertain probable U.S. reaction to a projected action
Advance the country's commercial interests
Assist with communications in English
Convince key publics to support a policy
Lobby for changes in legislation in the nation’s self-interests
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Allyn & Bacon 2008
The Rise of Nongovernmental
Organizations (NGOs)
NGO depend on international support for
their causes.
Amnesty International
Doctors without Borders
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright ©
Allyn & Bacon 2008
Public Relations Development in
Other Nations
Australia, Singapore, and Hong Kong
Russian Federation
Middle East
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright ©
Allyn & Bacon 2008
Opportunities in International Work
New Golden Age of Global Marketing
Foreign Language Facility a Key
Corporate Protocol an Increasing Specialty
Openness to Language and Culture Central
Graduate Study Is an Asset
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright ©
Allyn & Bacon 2008
Opportunities in International Work
Take multiple courses in international relations,
global marketing, foreign languages, etc.
 Study abroad for a semester
 Serve an internship with a company in another
A note of caution: American students should not
assume they have an “inside” advantage
working for an American-based global
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright ©
Allyn & Bacon 2008