Chapter Ten: Public Relations Tactics

Chapter Ten:
Public Relations
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Allyn & Bacon 2008
Media Relations
 Printed Materials
 Broadcast Materials
 Personal Appearances
 Product Placements
 Podcasts and Blogs
 Interviews and News Conferences
 Press Parties and Media Tours
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Allyn & Bacon 2008
News Release
Most common tactic
Answer basic questions
Follow a format
Content standards and rules
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Allyn & Bacon 2008
Photographs draw attention and are
Make photos appealing to gatekeepers
 Consider:
Quality, Subject, Composition,
Action, Scale, Angle, Lighting, Color
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Allyn & Bacon 2008
Advisories and Fact Sheets
Media advisories or “alerts” are memos to
let the press know about something they
may want to cover
 Fact sheets provide more detail and
 Contain
pertinent information about an
organization and its products/services
FAQs are a version of a fact sheet
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Allyn & Bacon 2008
Media Kits and Pitch Letters
Media kits contain
 News
release, news feature, fact sheet,
background info, graphics, executive bios, and
Electronic press kits
 Pitch letters are short notes or letters sent
to journalists to draw their attention to a
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Allyn & Bacon 2008
Newsletters, Magazines, Brochures
Organizational versus subscription
 Print newsletter format
 4-8
pp, 8.5 x 11 page
Electronic newsletters and e-zines
 Tips on how to create print materials
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Allyn & Bacon 2008
Audio News Releases
 Indicate
length, conversational style, all caps
Public Service Announcements
 Radio Media Tours
Guidelines for writing for radio news
Be concise
Time by reading aloud
Remember it’s spoken journalism
Use simple language
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Allyn & Bacon 2008
Video News Releases
Allow maximum flexibility for use
 Keep soundbites short
 Never use a “reporter”
 Never superimpose your written info
 Provide a true news angle
Satellite Media Tours
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Allyn & Bacon 2008
Personal Appearances
Talk shows on radio and television
 Topics should be newsworthy or trendy.
 Coach guests
 Placing a client requires knowing the show
format and audience.
 Shows book guests weeks in advance.
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Allyn & Bacon 2008
Product and Issue Placement
Product placement
 Using
products in films and on television
Issue Placement
 Health
issues are often written into plots
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Allyn & Bacon 2008
The Internet
 Began
as digital radio broadcasts
 Allow PR to reach highly targeted audiences
 Growing
 Pitching to bloggers
No spam, know their likes/dislikes, e-mail contact,
disclose affiliation, keep pitches short, link related
published item(s)
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Allyn & Bacon 2008
Media Interviews
Prepare interviewees
 Know your message objectives
 Know your interviewer’s style
 Print and broadcast styles differ
 Be
concise for broadcast
 Print interviews may take an hour or so
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Allyn & Bacon 2008
News Conferences
Two-way communication
 Do not call a conference for routine news
 Different types of news conferences
 When scheduling, be aware of deadlines
 Both
print and broadcast
Location must accommodate technical
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright ©
Allyn & Bacon 2008
Press Parties and Media Tours
Press party is a social gathering that ends
with a pitch
 Types of media tours
 Journalists
are invited to visit companies, etc.
 Familiarization trips are used to promote
tourist destinations
 Company reps travel to talk person-to-person
with journalists
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright ©
Allyn & Bacon 2008