The Pursuit of a Healthy Diet Chapter 2


The Pursuit of a Healthy Diet

Chapter 2

The ABCs of Eating for Health

 Adequacy

 Balance

 Calorie control

 Moderation

 Variety

Nutrient Recommendations

 The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)

 The DRI for nutrients

 Estimated Average Requirement (EAR)

 Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)

 Adequate Intake (AI)

 Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)

Nutrient Recommendations

 The DRI for Energy Nutrients

 Estimated Energy Requirement (EER)

 Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution

Range (AMDR)

 Carbohydrate: 45%-65% of calories

 Fats: 20%-35% of calories

 Protein: 10%-35% of calories

The Challenge of Dietary


 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

 Adequate nutrients within energy needs

 Weight management

 Physical activity

 Food groups to encourage

 Fats

 Carbohydrates

 Sodium & potassium

 Alcoholic beverages

 Food safety

Grazer’s Guide to Smart


 Grazing - eating small amounts of food at intervals

 Choose snacks that contribute to nutritional needs

 Healthful

 High in fiber

 Nutrient rich

 Balance of energy nutrients

Introducing the MyPyramid Diet-

Planning Tool

 Use the power of the pyramid to achieve a healthy lifestyle

 Activity

 Variety

 Proportionality

 Moderation

 Personalization

 Gradual improvements

Introducing the MyPyramid Diet-

Planning Tool

 Use the power of the pyramid to build a healthful diet

 Estimate your energy needs (Table 2-4)

 Build your daily eating plan (Table 2-5)

 Let the pyramid guide your food choices

Introducing the MyPyramid Diet-

Planning Tool

 Using the pyramid to meet nutrient needs

 Using the pyramid to moderate energy intakes

 Gaining calorie control: the discretionary calorie allowance

Rules of Thumb for Portion

Sizes-It’s All in Your Hands

 One fist, clenched = 8 fl oz

 Two hands, cupped = 1 cup

 One hand, cupped = 1/2 cup

 Palm of hand = 3 oz

 Two thumbs together = 1 tbsp

More Tools for Diet Planning

 Food labels

 Statement of identity

 Name & location of manufacturer, packer, or distributor

 Net quantity

 Ingredients list

 Nutrition Facts panel

More Tools for Diet Planning

 Nutrition Facts panel

 Amounts & daily values for mandatory nutrients

 Daily Values

 Nutrient content claims

 Health claims

More Tools for Diet Planning

 Exchange lists

Color Your Plate for Health with a

Variety of Fruits & Vegetables

 Color your plate with health-protective foods

 Phytochemicals

 Antioxidant nutrients

 Be adventurous: select from as wide a variety of fruits & vegetables as possible

 Make it easy on yourself!

A Tapestry of Cultures &


 Native cuisines vs. Americanized versions

 Mexican

 Chinese

 Italian

 Mediterranean diet

 Indian

A Tapestry of Cultures &


 “Soul food” or “southern” cooking

 Kosher foods (Jewish)
