Chapter 1 WELLNESS, FITNESS, AND LIFESTYLE MANAGEMENT Dimensions of Wellness Physical Emotional Intellectual Interpersonal Spiritual Environmental Health vs. Wellness Health Wellness Can be influenced by uncontrollable factors Influenced mostly by controllable factors Presence or absence of Optimal health illness or injury How Have Lifestyles Changed? Behaviors that Contribute to Wellness Physically Active Disease Prevention Healthy Diet Injury Prevention Healthy Body Weight Stress Management Develop Meaningful Relationships Avoid Drugs Plan for Aging Avoid Tobacco Learn About Health Care Environmental Awaremenss Behavior Change Current health habits Target a behavior Learn about behavior Does the behavior affect your level of wellness? Does the behavior increase your risk? Would there be an effect on your health if you changed? Get help if needed Behavior Change “Motivation” Pros and Cons Short term Long term Self-Efficacy Barriers Behavior Change “Developing Skills” Monitor Keep records Analyze and Identify Set Goals S-M-A-R-T Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time frame Plan of Action Personal Contract Compliance Social Influences Levels of motivation If it ain’t broke don’t fix it If it is broke…then fix it Stress Procrastination