Monday, February 29th, 2016 AP English Language and Composition Mastery Objectives: SWBAT reflect upon creative elements and respond in a critical manner. AGENDA: 1. For one last exercise with satire in preparation for your satire submittal, read “A Truly Modest Proposal” with clock buddy and identify all elements of satire. 2. With same partner, read “The Damned Human Race” by Mark Twain(see webpage), determine any satirical elements you can find, and find all the examples of exactly the type of people that Twain is disparaging. Present these examples on board. 3. In groups, complete MC questions about tone, purpose, and rhetorical devices for the passage “Two Ways of Looking at a River” by Mark Twain. Write questions and answers on board and vote for best questions. HOMEWORK/UPCOMING DUE DATES: Satire assignment is due on Tuesday, 3/1 (see webpage). Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is due to be completed by Thursday, 3 March. Optional enrichment project is due NLT Tuesday, 3/8. Requirement: 2-4 minutes long, 5-10 slides….