Blueprint Table—Social Studies: U.S. Government EoC 9–12

Blueprint Table—Social Studies: U.S. Government EoC
Based on NM Social Studies Standards Grades
9–12 Standard/ Content ID
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III-A.1 Congress
Analyze the structure, powers, and role of the legislative
branch of the United States government.
8 Questions:
III-A.2 Executive
Analyze the structure, powers, and role of the executive
branch of the United States government.
5 Questions:
III-A.3 Pres. Elections/Electoral College
Examine the election of the president through the
nomination process, national conventions, and Electoral
3 Questions:
III-A.4 Judiciary/ Supreme Court (cases)
Analyze the structure, powers, and role of the judicial
branch of the United States government, including
landmark United States Supreme Court decisions.
8 Questions:
III-A.5 Civil Rights/Civil Liberties
Analyze the rights, protections, limits, and freedoms
included within the United States Constitution and Bill of
2 Questions:
III-A.6 New Mexico
Compare and contrast structures and powers of New
Mexico’s government as expressed in the New Mexico
2 Questions: Written response (?):
Blueprint Table—Social Studies: U.S. Government EoC
Based on NM Social Studies Standards Grades
9–12 Standard/ Content ID
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III-C.2 Underpinnings/Foundation Documents
Analyze and explain the philosophical foundations of the
American political system in terms of the inalienable rights
of people and the purpose of government.
4 Questions:
III-C.3 Declaration of Independence
Analyze the fundamental principles in the Declaration of
2 Questions:
III-C.4 Historical Sources/Structure
Analyze the historical sources and ideals of the structure of
the United States government.
4 Questions:
III-C.6 Types of Government
Compare and contrast the unitary, confederal, and federal
2 Questions: Written response (?):
III-C.9 Limited Government
Analyze and evaluate the concept of limited government
and the rule of law.
5 Questions: Written response (?):
Blueprint Table—Social Studies: U.S. Government EoC
Based on NM Social Studies Standards Grades
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III-C.10 Unknown if tested
Compare and contrast the characteristics of representative
III-C.12 Unknown if tested
Compare and contrast the philosophical foundations of
forms of government to understand the purpose of the
corresponding political systems (e.g., socialism, capitalism,
secular, theocratic, totalitarian).
Written response: 1 Question
Blueprint Table—Social Studies: U.S. Government EoC
Based on NM Social Studies Standards Grades
9–12 Standard/ Content ID
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III-D.1 People and Policy
Describe and analyze the influence of the non-elected (e.g.,
staff, lobbyists, interest groups).
3 Questions:
III-D.2 Citzenship
Analyze the rights and obligations of citizens in the United
2 Questions:
Blueprint Table—Social Studies: U.S. Government EoC
Based on NM Social Studies Standards Grades
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III-C.2 Underpinnings/Foundation Documents - Philosophy
1. In each colony, citizens could elect representatives to _________.
A. Congress
B. Legislature
C. Government
D. House of Representatives
2.During the 1600s and 1700s what was the criteria to vote/hold office?
A. White men who owned slaves
B. White men who owned a certain amount of land
C. White men with large families
D. White men over the age of 25
3. What was not a freedom that the colonists established?
A. Religious freedom
B. Freedom of speech
C. Freedom of press
D. Freedom of representation
4. What was the Zenger case about?
A. Freedom of press
B. Freedom of speech
C. Freedom of religion
D. Right to bare arms
1. Who was allowed to hold office in 1600s and 1700s?
a. Black people with land
b. White men with land
c. Native Americans with land
d. Japanese with land
2. What is one way citizens served their communities?
a. supporting education
b. driving their cars
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c. killing people
d. flipping coins
3. What is tyranny?
a. correct usage of power
b. helping others
c. abusing power
d. taking a nap
4. Who created the first direct democracy?
a. Romans
b. United States of America
c. Russians
d. Athenians
1. What are individual freedoms?
a. freedom to vote
b. freedom of speech
c. freedom to own land
d. freedom of press
2. What freedom did Hamilton declare was a basic right?
a. freedom of religion
b. freedom of speech
c. freedom to assemble
d. freedom of the press
3. What is a direct democracy?
a. a system in which the power is shared by all the people
b. a group of people chosen to make laws
c. a form of government in which laws are made directly by the citizens
d. a government in which representatives are elected
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4. What did many colonist fear?
a. independence
b. government
c. the Constitution
d. war
A group of people that make the laws.
Federal Government
2. A document giving permission to create a government.
A. Charter
B. Bill of Rights
C. U.S. Constitution
D. Magna Carta
3. A form of government which laws are made directly by citizens.
A. Republic
B. Democracy
C. Royal Authority
D. Direct Democracy
4. What was used to list the powers the English monarch could not take away?
A. Magna Carta
B. Tyranny
C. Compact
D. They did not have one
2. What was one of the Delegates’ first acts?
Articles of Confederation
(a) Voted to revise the Articles of Confederation (b) Voted to NOT revise the
(c) Voted to reform the Government
(d) Ratify the first
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3. What was Madison’s Plan?
(a) Proposing a weak national government with a
strong state government.
(b) Two house legislature
(c) A strong national government with legislative, executive, and judicial branches.
(d) Combined senate/legislature.
3. What was the Great Compromise?
E. Two house legislature; representation based on each state’s population
F. Two-house legislature; House of Representatives elected n basis of state population; two Senators for each state, regardless of
G. One-house legislature; representation equal for all states.
H. Four-house legislature, freedom for all born in the United Sates of ‘Merica
4. What did the delegates decide about slavery?
E. Abolished it immediately
F. Regulated the slave trade
(c) Agreed that they could not interfere with slavery.
(d) Wrote an amendment to the constitution that gave all slaves freedom.
1. Which two people describes the rights mentioned in the Declaration of Independence as “unalienable”?
A: John Locke and Jefferson
B: James Madison and Jefferson
C: Billy Madison and Jefferson Ford
D: Thomas Paine and Thomas Edison
2. The colonists refused to relinquish the right to representation, which they felt was:
A: “Priceless”
B: “Preposterous”
C: “Useless”
D: “Necessary”
4. Who did the Framers give the power of the executive branch to? (c)
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a. Vice President
b. Congress
c. The President
d. Senate
2. What job is the president not approved to do? (d)
a. To make treaties approved by senate
b. To execute or carry out laws
c. To appoint ambassadors to form countries
d. To declare war
3. Who can declare war? (b)
a. The president
b. Congress
c. Senate
d. House of Representatives
4. If the President nominates a judge, who can reject his nominees? (b)
a. Congress
b. Senate
c. Vice President
d. None of the above
5. The government under the Articles of Confederation had the absence of which branch(es)? (a)
a. Executive and Judicial Branches
b. Legislative Branch
c. Judicial and Legislative Branches
d. Judicial Branch
III-C.3 Declaration of
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5. Who was an influence of direct democracy for the
A. Ancient Greece and Rome
B. Athens
C. England
D. Spain
2. Two philosophers that inspired the colonists were?
A. John Locke
B. Montesquieu
C. Andrew Hamilton
D. A and B
1. What is the beginning of the Declaration of
Independence called?
a. List of Grievances
b. Declaration of Natural Rights
c. Resolution of Independence
d. Preamble
2. Who didn't sign the Declaration of
a. John Hancock
b. John Penn
c. John Adams
d. John Smith
6. Who was the one appointed to write the
Declaration of Independence?
J. Benjamin Franklin
K. John Adams
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L. Thomas Jefferson
M. Thomas Paine
2. A written agreement to make and obey laws for the
welfare of the group.
G. Carter
H. Bill of rights
I. Compact
Madison’s plan included which branch(s)
Legislative and Executive
Judicial and Legislative
Legislative, Executive and Judicial
2. Which plans were used for the Compromise?
J. Madison’s and Virginia
K. Madison’s and New Jersey
L. Virginia and New Jersey
M. Madison’s, Virginia’s and New Jersey’s
3. Each side gave up part of what it wanted in order
to benefit all became known as what?
E. Three-Fifths Compromise
F. Compromise
G. Great Compromise
H. Bicameral
4. When was the Missouri Compromise established?
E. 1870
F. 1808
G. 1880
H. 1820
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Blueprint Table—Social Studies: U.S. Government EoC
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8. What was the Three-Fifths Compromise?
(a) Counted Each white as a full citizen and
accepted their vote.
(b) Counted each black as a full citizen and could
(c) Counted each slave as three fifths of a person.
(d) Counted each asian as three fifths of a person.
2. Who could legally vote?
R. Every legal citizen of the united states.
S. Everyone who could make it to a poll booth.
(c) Only native americans and blacks.
(d) Only those who were not legally a citizen.
1. At this time in life what did (Life, liberty, and the the
pursuit of happiness) do when it came to african slaves?
III-C.4 Historical Sources/Structure
Who wrote Common Sense to persuade colonist?
John Locke
Thomas Pain
Patrick Henry
Thomas Jefferson
2. What did the Articles of Confederation create?
A. National legislature
B. President
C. House or representatives
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D. Supreme Court
3. What rebellion took place in 1786 Massachusetts?
A. Shays Rebellion
B. Nat Turner’s Rebellion
C. Bacon’s Rebellion
D. Stone’s Rebellion
4. The colonists used Montesquieu’s idea of Separation of government which included what?
A. Legislative, Executive, and Judicial
B. Congress, Supreme Court, Executive
C. Military, Legislative, State
D. State, National, Judicial
1. When was George Washington elected
a. 1783
b. 1887
c. 1787
d. 1883
2. Who has the authority to interpret the law?
a. Executive Branch
b. Congress
c. President
d. Supreme Court
3. What power is shared by both State and National Government?
a. Coin Money
b. Establish Schools
c. Collect Taxes
d. Regulate Marriage
4. Who appoints federal judges?
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a. Executive Branch
b. Supreme Court
c. Legislative Branch
d. Judicial Branch
10. How many states were needed to ratify the Constitution?
X. All states
Y. 8
Z. 4
AA. 9
2. What were the supporters of the Constitution known as?
N. Federalists
O. Feminists
P. Turbanists
Q. Anti-Federalists
3. Which group feared a strong national government?
I. Republicans
J. Democrats
K. Whigs
L. Anti-Federalists
4. Who contributed in writing The Federalist?
I. James Hamilton, Alexander Madison, and John Jay
J. John Jacob, Alexander Jay, and James Madison
K. James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay.
L. John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, and Alfred Wegener.
1. The philosophical foundations the American political system was based on is:
A:Life, Liberty and Liquor
B:Life, Liberty and Property
C:Life, Lacerations and Loss of Limbs
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D:Life, Liberty and Laughter
1.What ancient civilization B.C. to be exact, influenced the U.S constitution
a) Egypt
b) Persia
c) Greece
d) Carthage
2. What historical document influenced the U.S. Colonist when creating the constitution
a) Charter of Henry I
b) Code of Hammurabi
c) Magna Carta
d) Charter of Saint Patrick
III-C.6 Types of Government
11. Explain how checks and balances work.
2. The constitution states the goals of what?
A. Government
B. Citizens
C. Judges
D. Law enforcement
3. What compromise was reached over slavery?
A. 3/5th compromise
B. Congress can’t ban the importation of slaves until 1808
C. Slaves were allowed to vote
D. A and B
12. A government created to be a whole.
BB. Confederal
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EE. Anti-Federalists
1. Anti-Federalists were by definition:
A: Opponents of the Constitution
B: Opponents of the Bill of Rights
C: Supporters of the Federalist Papers
D: Both A and C
2. The Bill of Rights issue was brought to surface by:
A: John Locke
B: Federalists
C: Anti-Federalists
D: Federalists
1. What was the difference between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan?
2. What are the goals of the government?
13. Who created the world’s first direct democracy? What people later had direct democracy in their society, and how did they
practice this type of government in the community?
The people who created the world’s first direct democracy was the Athenians. The people who had later applied direct democracy to
their society was the American colonists, they practiced this government in the community by holding town meetings on the local issues.
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2. What type of government has a king or queen that holds all the power? Explain why this type of government was not wanted.
What was the document that King John had to prevent this type of government for being used?
The type of government that has a king or queen that holds all the power is a monarchy. A monarchy was not wanted because the
people were not treated like citizens, they were subjected to the monarch’s command that resulted in resentment toward’s the king or queen.
The document that prevented a monarchy that was signed by King John was the Magna Carta.
III-C.9 Limited Government
1. The Constitution creates a government with powers limited by the consent of what?
A. the president
B. Congress
C. Supreme Court
D. the people
2. What three main principles limit the governments power?
A. Federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances
B. Unalienable rights, separation of powers, Federalism
C. Patriotism, Citizenship, Presidential power
D. Separation of powers, checks and balances, unalienable rights
3. The delegated powers belong to whom?
A. President
B. Congress
C. People
D. Judges
4. What powers are NOT denied to the states?
A. Coin money
B. Declare war
C. Regulate marriages
D. Maintain an army and navy
5. Checks and balances are for who?
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A. The three branches of government
B. State and national government
C. The people and government
D. Government and businesses
14. The government with limited powers created by the Constitution is called..
FF. Concurrent powers
GG. Reserved powers
II. Limited government
2. The division of power between the states and the federal/national government.
R. Reserved Powers
S. Federalism
T. Concurrent powers
U. Separation of powers
3. Which is NOT a power of the Legislative Branch
M. May override a presidential veto
N. Approve treaties
O. May interpret laws
P. Approves appointment of judges
4. Which is a power os the Judicial Branch
M. Appoints federal judge
N. May veto acts of Congress
O. May interpret treaties
May call Congress into special session
6. Summarize the duties of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.
1)What is Federalism?
A)The division of power between the states and the federal, or national, government.
B)Power shared by the federal and state governments
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C)Powers that constitution neither gives to congress nor denies to the states
D)Gives each branch of government ways to limit the powers of the other two.
2)What system gives the federal government the authority it needs while helping to protect each states rights?
3)What are reserved powers?
A)To reserve the power of the government
B)Powers that the constitution neither gives to congress nor denies to the states
C)Gives the pope the right to vote
D)Gives congress more power
4) What does checks and balances do?
C)Gives each branch of government ways to limit the powers of the other two.
D)To give people money
5)Who can impeach or accuse the president or other high officials of serious wrong doing?C
C)House of representatives
6)Who appoints the the federal judges?
A)Executive Branch
C)Judicial Branch
D)Legislative Branch
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7)Who interprets our laws?
A)House of representatives
C)Judicial Branch
8)How are the powers divided in the U.S government?
A) With three branch
B)The president has all the power
C)The people have all the power
D)None of us has any power
9) Who can check the actions of congress?
A)Judicial Branch
10)BY _______ and ______ each other, The three branch of government ensure that they work together for the welfare of the
citizens .
B)check and balances
11) What does the judicial Branch do?
A)Makes laws
B)Interprets treaties and declare executive acts unconstitutional
C)Tells the president what to do
D)Sit on their butts all day
12)What is one thing that the legislative branch does?
A)Declare acts unconstitutional
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B)May veto acts of congress
C)May cal congress into special session
D)Approves treaties
13) What is one thing that the executive branch does?
A)May override a presidential veto
B)May interpret treaties
C)May call congress into special session
D)May interpret laws
14)What does the Consitition have to do with Limited Government?
A)powers limited by the consent of people
B)Allow no rights
C)allows people to rule
D) the president has all the say
III-C.9 Limited Government
1. The Constitution creates a government with powers limited by the consent of what?
A. the president
B. Congress
C. Supreme Court
D. the people
2. What three main principles limit the governments power?
A. Federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances
B. Unalienable rights, separation of powers, Federalism
C. Patriotism, Citizenship, Presidential power
D. Separation of powers, checks and balances, unalienable rights
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3. The delegated powers belong to whom?
A. President
B. Congress
C. People
D. Judges
4. What powers are NOT denied to the states?
A. Coin money
B. Declare war
C. Regulate marriages
D. Maintain an army and navy
5. Checks and balances are for who?
A. The three branches of government
B. State and national government
C. The people and government
D. Government and businesses
15. The government with limited powers created by the Constitution is called..
JJ. Concurrent powers
KK. Reserved powers
LL. Federalism
MM. Limited government
2. The division of power between the states and the federal/national government.
V. Reserved Powers
W. Federalism
X. Concurrent powers
Y. Separation of powers
3. Which is NOT a power of the Legislative Branch
Q. May override a presidential veto
R. Approve treaties
S. May interpret laws
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T. Approves appointment of judges
4. Which is a power os the Judicial Branch
P. Appoints federal judge
Q. May veto acts of Congress
R. May interpret treaties
May call Congress into special session
6. Summarize the duties of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.
1)What is Federalism?
A)The division of power between the states and the federal, or national, government.
B)Power shared by the federal and state governments
C)Powers that constitution neither gives to congress nor denies to the states
D)Gives each branch of government ways to limit the powers of the other two.
2)What system gives the federal government the authority it needs while helping to protect each states rights?
3)What are reserved powers?
A)To reserve the power of the government
B)Powers that the constitution neither gives to congress nor denies to the states
C)Gives the pope the right to vote
D)Gives congress more power
4) What does checks and balances do?
C)Gives each branch of government ways to limit the powers of the other two.
D)To give people money
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5)Who can impeach or accuse the president or other high officials of serious wrong doing?C
C)House of representatives
6)Who appoints the the federal judges?
A)Executive Branch
C)Judicial Branch
D)Legislative Branch
7)Who interprets our laws?
A)House of representatives
C)Judicial Branch
8)How are the powers divided in the U.S government?
A) With three branch
B)The president has all the power
C)The people have all the power
D)None of us has any power
9) Who can check the actions of congress?
A)Judicial Branch
10)BY _______ and ______ each other, The three branch of government ensure that they work together for the welfare of the
citizens .
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B)check and balances
11) What does the judicial Branch do?
A)Makes laws
B)Interprets treaties and declare executive acts unconstitutional
C)Tells the president what to do
D)Sit on their butts all day
12)What is one thing that the legislative branch does?
A)Declare acts unconstitutional
B)May veto acts of congress
C)May cal congress into special session
D)Approves treaties
13) What is one thing that the executive branch does?
A)May override a presidential veto
B)May interpret treaties
C)May call congress into special session
D)May interpret laws
14)What does the Consitition have to do with Limited Government?
A)powers limited by the consent of people
B)Allow no rights
C)allows people to rule
D) the president has all the say
III-A.2 Executive
1.) To run for President, a natural born citizen must live in the U.S. for how many years?
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2) What is the role of the executive departments in the Presidents cabinet?
A. advise the President
B. take over presidential duties
C. propose bills to congress
D. carry out laws
3) What group is not in the Executive Office of the President?
A. The White House Staff
B. The Vice President
C. Special Advisory Groups
D. Executive Agencies
4) How many years is one term of office for the President?
5) What department was created due to the 9-11 attacks?
A. Department of Homeland Security
B. Department of Defense
C. Department of Justice
D. Department of Veterans Affairs
1. Who has the most power in the Executive Branch?
a. Speaker of the House
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b. The vice president
c. Senate
d. The President
2. What are the two roles a president plays?
a. Chief of State and Democratic leader
b. Party leader and Chief of State.
c. Republican leader and Chief of State
d. Party leader and Democratic leader
3. How old does the President have to be when elected?
a. 45
b. 40
c. 30
d. 35
4. How many executive departments are there?
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a. 15
b. 5
c. 20
d. 10
5. What is the system called that selects most of the employees in the Executive Branch?
a. Civil Service System
b. Civil Assistant System
c. The Selective Service
d. The CIA System
1)Why did the Framers create the president and the three branches?
A)To prevent Tyranny
B)So that way not too much work is on one group
C)Thats how they wanted it
D)They believed that the president wasn’t smart enough
2)How many terms can the president be elected to (maximum)?
A)One term
B)Three terms
C)Two terms
D)Four terms
3)How many years is one term in office for the president?
A)Three years
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B)Two years
C)Six years
D)Four years
4)What system also helps limit the presidents power?
B)Checks and Balances
C)No one
D)The vice president
5)Who decides how much money (budget) the president gets?
B)Just the Senate
D)Just the Judicial Branch
6)Who serves as head of the executive branch as chief executive?
A)The president
B)The vice president
7)What is a bureaucracy?
A)The right to keep some information secret from congress and the courts
B)Formal Agreements between nations
C)Is an organization of government departments, agencies and offices
D)A team of executive branch officials
8)Who largely makes up the Executive Office of the President (EOP)?
A)People that are chosen by the senate to help the president
B)People the President chooses to help make foreign and domestic policy.
C)People chosen by congress in order to get help with law making
D)People who the president doesn’t even talk to
9)Who is the presidents most trusted advisers and assistances?
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D)White house staff
10)What is the Vice presidents duties?
A)Controlling the senate
C)There in case the president dies and nothing else
D)A back up plan
11)Who was the first president of the United States?
A)George Washington
B)George Bush
C)Abraham Lincoln
D)We never had a first president
16. How old must a person be to meet the age requirements of President?
A. 30
B. 25
C. 35
D. 20
2. The President is commander in chief of the
A. Army
B. Navy
C. Army and Navy
D. Senate
3. Executive agreements are
A. A set of plans for dealing with national problems
B. A set of plans for guiding our nations relationships with other countries
C. Official representatives to foreign governments
D. Agreement with other countries that do not need senate approval
4. An organization of government departments, agencies, and offices is a
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A. Bureaucracy
B. Administration
C. Cabinet
D. Treaties
5. An important group of policy advisers is a
A. Bureaucracy
B. Administration
C. Cabinet
D. Treaties
17. What is the maximum years can a president be in office?
a. 1 term
b. 4 years
c. 3 terms
d. 8 years
2. Which branch of government is responsible executing the laws
a. Legislative
b. Judicial
c. Executive
d. Congress
3. Which of the following is included in the first five executive departments created by George Washington?
a. Department of Treasury
b. Department of Education
c. Department of Energy
d. Department of Labor
4. The Executive Branch has become a
a. Cabinet
b. Bureaucracy
c. Administration
d. Office
5. Executive agencies are under the direct control of who?
Blueprint Table—Social Studies: U.S. Government EoC
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a. Vice President
b. Congress
c. Executive Branch
d. President
6. Which of the following is a qualification in order to be President?
a. citizen for 14 years
b. natural-norm citizen
c. 30 years of age
d. Residency of 9 years
How many terms is a President allowed to serve?
A.)4 terms
B.)2 terms
C.) 5 terms
D.) 3 terms
What is one qualification to be President?
A.) Be 35 years old
C.) live in the U.S. for 20 years
D.)have been governor
What is an ambassador?
A.)the set of plans for guiding our nation’s relationships with other countries
B.)are the offcial representatives to foreign governments
C.)agreements with other countries
D.)a set of plans for dealing with national problems
Who is the White House Staff?
A.)The President
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B.)Asvisors and Assistants
What is the Vice President’s one duty decided by the Constituion?
A.)preside over Congress
B.)preside over Senate
C.)decide laws
18. To be a president, you must be 35 years old and must have been _______________.
(a) a citizen for 10 years
(b) a citizen for 8 years
(c) a citizen for 12 years
(d) a natural-born citizen
2. The War Powers Resolution, which was passed after the Vietnam War, states that troops sent by the president to a foreign country may
not remain for more than ____________ without the approval of Congress.
(a) 30 days
(b) 45 days
(c) 60 days
(d) 90 days
What is one action stated below that the President is allowed to do, without the approval of Senate?
(a) Executive Agreements
(b) Declaring War
(c) Appointment of Ambassador’s
(d) Making a law
4. Which of the options below is an action that does not help the President persuade Congress to turn foreign and domestic policies into
Blueprint Table—Social Studies: U.S. Government EoC
Based on NM Social Studies Standards Grades
9–12 Standard/ Content ID
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(a) Getting members of congress to write bills.
(b) Calling and meeting with members of Congress, and urging them to support the
(c) Sending letter’s to Congress stating the dissatisfaction of not making efficient laws.
(d) Speeches to interest groups and the public to help gain support.
5. On August 9th, 1974, President Richard Nixon left office as a result of which event?
(a) Watergate Scandal
(b) Treason Incident
(c) Nixon Scandal
(d) President Removal
1. How many years can a President of the United Sated be in office for ?
19. 2 years
20. 7 years
21. 5 years
22. 4 years
2. Who makes our nation’s laws?
A. The President
B. The Congress
C. The Constitution
D. Suprime Court
3. How does a President persuade Congress to turn foreign and domestic policies into laws.
NN.By getting members of Congress to write bills.
OO. By letting the house of representatives decide.
PP. By doing an agreement with the governors of the sates.
QQ. By having agreements with other countries.
4. The president may limit the power of the _________?
Z. The Congress
AA. The Justices Branch
President’s programs.
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BB. The Democratic Party
CC.The Republic Party
5. The National Security Council plays a major role in helping The President make?
U. Foreign Policy
V. Laws
W. Agreements
What is the main job of the Executive Office?
a. To assist the Senate
b. To carry out laws
c. To advise the President on important matters
d. To assist Congress
2. What is one of the three main parts of the executive branch?
a. Executive departments
b. Executive officials
c. The President
d. An administration
3. What is the role of the Department of State?
a. Collect state taxes
b. Manage states in general
c. Regulate state laws
d. Carry out foreign policy
4. Who referred to the three branches of government as the “three-horse team”?
a. Richard Nixon
b. Franklin D. Roosevelt
c. Thomas Jefferson
d. Harry Truman
5. What is the name of a formal agreement between nations?
a. A handshake
b. Compromise
c. Treaty
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Based on NM Social Studies Standards Grades
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d. Executive agreement
1. In creating the presidency, the framers did not want a leader with _________ .
a.) Slaves
b.)Unlimited power
c.) Power
d.) Controlled power
2. The president is elected for a term of ______ , and must run for a _______ to serve a second term.
a.) 1yr, day
b.) 2yrs, re-run
c.) 10yrs, a mile
d.) 4 yrs, re-election
3. Who knew that the nation needed a leader who could both carry out laws and represent the nation in meeting leaders of other countries?
a.) The framers
b.) Congress
c.) president
d.) senate
4. A _______ is an organization of government departments, agencies and offices.
a.) administration
b.) cabinet
c.) bureaucracy
d.) treaties