MSCHE Proposed Timetable April 22

Proposed Timetable
Fall 2013: Steering Committee appointed
Spring 2014: Steering Committee develops Self-Study Design
**April 22 visit from MSCHE liaison
August-Sept 2014: Self-Study design reviewed by university community
Mid-September: Steering Committee open meeting with entire community to receive feedback
October 2014: Steering Committee meets with working groups
Nov-Apr 2015: working groups conduct analysis and create reports
April 2015: working groups submit reports
Apr-June 2015: Self-Study draft written
July 2015: Self-Study draft circulated to Exec Staff
September 2015: Self-Study Draft sent to campus for comment
November 2015: Preliminary visit by Middle States team chair
December 2015: Steering Committee finalizes draft
January 2016: Submit Self-Study
March 2016: Self-Study visit