68th Forum Standing Committee Meeting/Teleconference 12 May 2006 M

68th Forum Standing Committee Meeting/Teleconference
12 May 2006
Member: Officer/Government/Organization
Participants & Advisors
President’s office:
President’s Special
Dr S. Wibulpoprasert
Ms P. Silkavute
Dr G. Bengtsson
Mr R. Hickman
Ms Yumiko Nomura
Prof. J. Katima
Adviser to VP Africa:
Mrs A. Olanipekun
Asia & Pacific:
Eng. A. Rivero for Dr E. Nieto
Russian Federation
Prof. B. Kurlyandskiy
Mr J. Monreal Urrutia
Mr C. Auer
Mr C. Blunck
Mr J. Shoaff
Mr W. Allen
Ms A. Bandemehr
Ms Diane Beal
Past President:
Mr H. Cavalcanti
Africa Region:
Mr M. Sylla
Ms N.F. Mondoh
Asia & Pacific:
Ms V. Naidu
Mr S. Mousavi (for
Ambassador S.S.R. Tabatabaei)
Ms Yingwa Shen for
Ms Wenchao Zang
Mr Z. Bekzhanov
Dr M. Ciraj
Costa Rica
Ing F. Paredes
Dr J.F.M. De Kom
Dr Barry Reville
Mr Lee Eeles
Dr S. Clarkson
Dr M. Brownstein
Ms Sheryl Bellard
Prof. Dr. U. Schlottmann
Dr M. Dreyer
Dr G. Karlaganis (Switzerland)
Dr R. Visser
IOMC Secretariat
Dr T. Meredith
Ms C. Vickers
Dr M. Gubb
Mr M. Eisa
Public Interest
Ms K. Kunzer
Dr R. Quijano
Mr J. Weinberg
Chair, IOCC:
IOMC organizations
FORUM IV host::
Mr Bjorn Erikson
Dr Irma Makalinao
Prof. R. Awang
Dr Zoltan Szabo
Dr Aranka Hudak
IFCS Secretariat:
Dr J.A. Stober
Dr J. Tickner
Dr K. Shea
The President welcomed members and other participants to the teleconference..
Acceptance of Agenda (IFCS/FSC/06.23)
The proposed agenda was adopted.
Acceptance of Record of 67h meeting (IFCS/FSC/06.22)
J. Shoaff indicated that the US would be submitting editorial comments and a substantive
comment. The record was accepting pending the submission of written comments by the US.
Forum V Planning
The President referred to the Proposed Time Schedule for Forum V Preparations
(IFCS/FSC/05.15 rev 5) noting that it presented the current agreed schedule and had been updated
as the FSC taken decisions in the planning process.
Plenary/Decision Items
Forum V Plenary Open Information/Discussion Session on Applying Precaution in the
Context of Chemical Safety (IFCS/FSC/06.25)
J. Tickner introduced the final draft of the thought starter prepared by the Working Group (WG)
according to the objectives and work plan agreed by the FSC at its previous meeting. He noted
that the WG has initiated its discussion on the case examples to be presented during the Forum V
plenary session. The Secretariat noted that the WG during its last teleconference agreed that the
questions for the plenary session were guides and not intended to be restrictive. The WG agreed
that any suggestions for additional questions should be submitted in writing by 9 May and would
be reviewed and agreed during the FSC teleconference on 12 May. No additional suggestions had
been received.
S. Clarkson proposed several wording change that he would submit in writing:
- "bogged down" (last para Background section) be replaced
- "to promote more health and ecosystem protective decisions" (section The Open
Information/Discussion Plenary Session at Forum V, 1st sentence, 1st para ) be revised to read " to
promote appropriate health and ecosystem protective decisions"
It was suggested and agreed that "bogged down" be replaced by "hindered".
The FSC agreed to the paper with the proposed changes.
Toys and Chemical Safety (IFCS/FSC/06.26)
K. Shea informed the FSC on the establishment of the WG, the status of its membership and the
work plan for preparing the paper. The paper was being prepared as a thought starter, not an
exhaustive review. She introduced the draft outline reviewing each section, its proposed focus,
content and status of development. She highlighted areas where FSC input was particularly
requested. She asked the FSC members for any general comments and invited them to send her
any specific detailed comments, including references, in writing by early next week.
J. Schoaff noted the ambitious time schedule and suggested that section VI. Summary and Points
for Discussion should be of a general nature focusing on information sharing on what countries
are doing. G. Karlaganis referred to the work that WHO EURO is undertaking following the
Budapest Ministerial Conference in 2004 and suggested that the work may contribute to the
The President stressed that the outline represented a work in progress and encouraged members
to send comments and contributions to K. Shea.
The Sound Management of Chemicals and Poverty Reduction (IFCS/FSC/06.27)
M. Dreyer briefly introduce the draft thought starter and provided information on the process
being used to prepare the paper and organize the plenary session (speakers etc). The current draft
version has been sent to a number of external reviewers in the hope that substantive contributions
will be received. The paper is attempting to make specific recommendations for linking the sound
management of chemicals to poverty reduction efforts through examples. He requested the FSC
to sent written comments by 16 May 2006. The penultimate version would be distributed to the
FSC on 8 June 2006 and the final version of the thought starter will be available 15 June 2006.
Concerning speakers at the session, A. Steiner was not available as he would be limiting his work
during the 1st 3 months in office as the UNEP Executive Director to UNEP tasks, L. Goldman
was confirmed, J. Hanna or M. Debois (EC) were tentative and M. Neira (WHO) was confirmed
as a facilitator.
The President asked about the possibility of a speaker from the World Bank. M. Dreyer said the
plans were to limit the presentations to 3 or 4 speakers and it was hoped to have speakers that
could provide practical experience from a developing country. P. Silavute referred to a recent
study undertaken in Thailand on poverty reduction and the sound management of chemicals. She
agreed to send the information to M. Dreyer and the WG.
The President noted that the subject was emphasized in many fora and poverty reduction given
high priority. The session at Forum V will serve to raise awareness and priority among chemicals
management officials and could have a major impact on the future work on the sound
management of chemicals. He encouraged the FSC to contribute to the development of the paper.
Addressing the Widening Gap (IFCS/FSC/06.17 rev1)
Progress report for Forum V
A. Mousavi introduced the draft report prepared at the request of the FSC. The progress report
was based on the FSC Budapest meeting document. It was presented for acceptance by the FSC.
No substantive comments were made on the report. It was accepted.
In response to a question concerning the relationship to SAICM, M. Gibb responded that the
connection was acknowledged.
South to South Cooperation - update on proposal to organize a side event
A. Mousavi reported on the internal discussions in Iran on south-south cooperation. The
government had concluded that it could not champion both the widening gap and south-south
cooperation topics as in their opinion the former focused on bridging the widening gap through
assistance being provided by developed countries. Iran would be willing to support, but not lead,
the organization of a side event on south-south cooperation. He noted that Iran has substantive
on-going cooperation activities with neighboring countries.
P. Silavute reported on discussions and efforts in Thailand. Information had been obtained from
UNDP who referred them to the regional UNDP office, but a meeting had not yet been arranged.
The President noted that south-south cooperation is on-going in many developing countries both
by government organizations and NGOs. He also noted the needs of developing people in
Northern countries. The question was how to organize a productive side event.
M. Gubb expressed the willingness of the SAICM secretariat to take the lead working with others
to organize a side event. He has not yet considered how the programme could be organized, but
perhaps a panel of speakers making presentations on experiences could be organized.
M. Eisa informed the FSC that he has discussed the topic with IPEN and other partners exploring
what could be developed in the area of cleaner production and with other networks. He was
willing to share ideas and contribute to the side event.
The President proposed that the SAICM secretariat take the lead in organizing a side event on
south-south cooperation working with UNIDO, Thailand, Iran, NGOs and any others interested.
The FSC agreed.
Thought Starter on the Future of IFCS (IFCS/FSC/ 06.14 rev 5)
G. Karlaganis present the final draft for the acceptance of the FSC noting that the process to
finalize the thought starter agreed by the FSC was presented on the first page of the paper. He
took the FSC through the paper section by section noting important points such as the ICCM
resolution, section 3.2 which indicated fundamental changes and no duplication of efforts and
section 4 presenting for the Forum's consideration a draft comprehensive resolution. The
President observed that the key items were in sections 3.2 and 4.
G. Bengtsson expressed an objection to the proposed role of providing "objective" comprehensive
reports. He expressed difficulties with the concept of "objective" information and said that it is
not possible to prepare objective comprehensive reports. A good approach are thought starters
where many views are presented. He requested that the term "objective" be deleted. He referred
to a document that he had sent to the FSC on a supplementary issue - what realistically could be
funded. In his view full Forum meetings were duplicative of SAICM ICCM sessions. His
document suggested one possible complementary option.
D. Beal said the US wanted to provide additional comments. It did not have them ready at this
time but could provide them early next week. S. Clarkson recalled the FSC discussions in
Budapest and that some points should have been incorporated into the thought starter including
other options. He recalled his statement at the previous FSC meeting that in Canada only the
Department of Health would provide financial support to IFCS. R. Visser noted that the paper
refers to IFCS as a mechanism for cooperation, expressed the view that IFCS is not an IGO and
that any reference to IFCS as an IGO be deleted.
K. Kunzer asked for clarification on the status of the paper - did it present recommendations from
the FSC? The Secretariat and President clarified that the paper is a thought starter, a collection of
views for the consideration of the Forum, not a consensus document. All thought starters were
intended to provoke thought and bring about discussion on the topics on the agenda. It is hoped
that delegates will use the paper as a basis for dialogue with colleagues in their and other
countries and organizations involved in chemical safety before coming to the IFCS meeting.
G. Karlaganis said that he had taken note of all the comments. He proposed that the paper be
finalized through a written procedure. He requested any additional written comments from the US
and others by 18 May. He would prepare a final version by 24 May. The FSC agreed to the time
line and process.
Opening Session
The President asked the Secretariat to update the FSC on the planning for the Opening Session.
The Secretariat referred the FSC to the 67th FSC Meeting Draft Report, section 4.2.2 which listed
the proposals and approach agreed at the FSC meeting in Budapest. She informed the FSC that
both M. Ciraj and A. Mousavi had sent communications stating that neither the Slovenian
President not the Iranian VP/Minister of Environment were available for the Opening session.
The Secretariat has not received any further news from Prof Wangari. Other options that were
agreed to be explored are: Minister of Environment, Spain (Bjorn Erikson) and a panel of grass
roots women working on chemicals issues (President in consultation with S. Rengam). She
reminded members that the Hungarian President, Minister of Health and Minister of Environment
are scheduled to make opening statements. P. Silkavute confirmed that the President's office had
not received further communications from Prof Wangari and had no information on the proposed
The President agreed to follow up with Prof Wangari via telephone by the end of May and P.
Silkavute will contact S. Rengam concerning the panel. R. Quijano will assist on the latter.
Reports requested by previous Forum Sessions
INFOCAP (IFCS/FSC/06.17rev1)
The Secretariat introduced the paper. As requested by the FSC the Forum V INF paper has been
prepared as a progress report based on the FSC Budapest meeting document. It is presented for
acceptance by the FSC. No comments were made on the report. It was accepted.
M. Gubb informed the FSC on a recent meeting with the IFCS Secretariat to discuss the transfer
of INFOCAP. It was agreed that the SAICM secretariat was ready to accept the transfer. In the
short term the network would be operated as is with information added. When resources became
available, it would be upgraded taking into consideration the recommendations of the INFOCAP
Steering Group. The information clearing house function of the SAICM secretariat's function was
considered closely related and INFOCAP would be integrated. Concerning the current Steering
Group, M. Gubb indicated that no decision had been taken and he welcomed the views of the
FSC. The President requested that the SAICM secretariat consult with M. Kern, former Chair of
the INFOCAP Steering Group. M. Gubb agreed stating that M. Kern now a UNEP staff member
was in regular contact.
Side events (IFCS/FSC/06.28)
J. Shoaff referred to the working list and noted that the side event proposed by PAN on the
ecologically sound and integrated pest and vector management was not included. R. Quijano
indicated that PAN would be organizing the event and would be sending information soon.
R. Visser said that the requested GHS side event had been discussed at the IOMC/IOCC meeting
and that UNITAR, ILO and OECD would organize the event. He requested that the GHS event be
scheduled on Wednesday 27 September and that no other events be scheduled in parallel. The
Secretariat referred to the FSC document on the time schedule for Forum V preparations and said
she would be happy to inform the IOMC on 1 August of the full schedule of side events.
S. Clarkson requested that Switzerland consider a different term for its side event rather than
"heavy metals" and suggested using the terminology agreed in the SAICM documents: "metals
posing serious and unreasonable risk". G. Karlaganis stated that Switzerland's preference was to
retain the terminology as it was commonly used and understood as well as being part of the
periodic table.
Forum V Twinning (IFCS/FSC/06.29)
The Secretariat provided an update on contributions and pledges. The President noted that the
contributions and pledges brought the fund to approximately 2/3rds of the estimated amount
needed and thank the contributors for their generous contributions.
M. Gubb provided an update on the implementation of SAICM. The report of the Dubai meeting
was expected to be available shortly on the web. The core SAICM documents: Dubai Declaration,
Overarching Policy Strategy and Global Plan of Action, had been issued by the secretariat in a
document made available on the website. The report of the Quick Start Programme (QSP)
Executive Board meeting along with guidelines and application forms for project proposals would
be available soon. The deadline for the first round of proposals was 18 August 2006. The QSP
Executive Board would meet every 6 months. Its next meeting was scheduled for 18 October
2006. The 5 regional focal points have been confirmed; names and contact details are listed on
the website. Regional meeting planning has been initiated. A planning note presenting a structure
for the meetings and schedule was repaired by the Regional Focal Points and would be made
available on the SAICM website. The first regional meeting was scheduled for 11-14 September
2006 in Cairo. Over 50 national focal points have been designated as well as NGO focal points.
These are also listed on the website. Consideration of the clearing house information function of
the secretariat was on-going.
Other Business
Next Meeting
28 June 2006 12h00 GMT
6 September 2006 12h00 GMT - It was agreed that the teleconference originally planned for 5
September would be held on 6 September 2006.
24 September 2006 14h00 - 15h00 CET (Budapest)