Action Verbs jump A Project LA Activity


Action Verbs

A Project LA Activity jump

What is an action verb?

 A verb is one of the most important parts of the sentence.

It tells the subjects actions, events, or state of being. It is always found in the predicate of a sentence. A verb that shows action is called an action verb.

The words are action verbs :

ride ran coughed swallowed sang awake

Can you find the action verb in each sentence?



The girls danced in the recital.

Our mailman drove a funny car last week.



His teacher wrote the answers on the board.

Alice worked on her homework last night.

Move On

No, try again.

Yes, that word is an action verb!

Move On

Try another sentence

Present verbs

 An action verb that describes an action that is happening now is called a present tense verb .

The bird flies through the sky.

Flies is a present tense verb because it is happening right now.

Present tense verbs

 Many present tense verbs end with s , but some end with es , or ies .

cr ies sleep s splash es

Past Verbs

 Verbs which tell about actions which happened some time ago are past tense verbs .

The dog wanted a bone.

Wanted is a past tense verb because the action has already happened.

Past tense verbs

 Many past tense verbs end with ed, but some end with d, or ied .

tried clapped played

Future Verbs

 Verbs which tell about actions which are going to happen are future tense verbs .

We will awaken at six a.m.

Will awaken is a future tense verb because the action has not yet happened.

Future tense verbs

 Future tense verbs use special words to talk about things that will happen: will, going to, shall, aim to, etc.

going to start will enjoy shall email

Helping Verbs

 A helping verb works with a main verb to help you understand what action is taking place.

Elmer was using the computer.

23 Helping Verbs may might must be being been am are is was were do does did should could would have had has will can shall

(main) (main) (main)

Helping Verbs

Other things to keep in mind:

•Not every sentence will have a helping verb with the main verb.

•When you see an "ing" verb such as "running", be on the lookout for a helping verb also.

Helping Verbs

•Sometimes there is another word which separates the helping verb from the main verb.

One common example is "not", as in: The boy couldn't find his socks. The helping verb is could and the main verb is find.

Helping Verbs

•A sentence may contain up to three helping verbs to the main verb. An example would be: The dog must have been chasing the cat. The helping verbs are: must, have, and been; the main verb is chasing.

Online Verb Games

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Helping Verb Quiz

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Find the Verb Game

Jeopardy Challenge Board

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Verb Machine

More Verb Activities

 Irregular Verb Worksheet

 Verb Concentration Game

 ANTS PICNIC (Irregular Verb Game)

 Verb Worksheet

