Legal Terminology In English The Need for Law All societies develop rules to govern interrelationship of their members. Without legal rules that govern the society , we might succumb to temptation and take the property or even the life of someone in a weal position Some facts about human beings they are vulnerable to attack by others they have approximately equal physical and intellectual powers They have limited concern for others, and limited will power. Given the above knowledge , and the desire to survive Human beings in any society will realize that they must have rules imposing self-restraint. Rules that govern societies : Legal system v. mere custom Settling disputes Tribal Group discussion Making modifications Small tribal societies can function well without any formal legal system. Some societies are governed by informal custom; such as those that with simple economy and cohesive structure; e.g. small tribal society. When a society develops economically, politically and socially , it both requires more complex rules and also loses the cohesion that supports the simpler rules system.