The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education Ideas exchange proposal Please use this form to submit a proposal for an ideas exchange at the conference. The ideas exchange sessions are designed to provide a forum for sharing ideas and gaining feedback from participants about: the “nuts and bolts’” of strategies already in place; work in progress; ideas yet to be put into practice; other relevant issues where a focussed discussion will be useful. Selected “Ideas exchange” sessions will be provided with a 30 minute timeslot in which presenters will introduce the idea(s) (10 minutes) and then facilitate 20 minutes of interaction with session participants. The program committee may cluster submissions on a similar theme for a session. Title Authors The Issue Outline the issue relevant to the conference theme that your session aims to address. Approach Describe the approach being taken, or planned for the future. Briefly indicate previous work on which this strategy builds, either your own or others’. Progress? Indicate the stage of development of this strategy: New idea, not yet implemented Work in progress – initial Evaluated, with pointers for future development trial to report Key questions What are your key questions to participants? (These questions will be used to evaluate the potential of the session to generate a productive interactive session.)