UWM Information Technology Policy Committee Agenda

UWM Information Technology Policy Committee Agenda
December 10, 2004, 8:00– 9:30 AM
Regents Room, CHA 211
Feedback to david@uwm.edu
Excused: Leonard Parker
1. Approval of the November 2004, minutes as posted on the ITPC website
2. CIO Update (Bruce Maas)
a. APBS requirement for direct deposit
3. Migration of D2L to Learn@UW (Alan Aycock, Bob Kaleta & Bruce Maas)
4. Presentation on Financial Aid vis-à-vis Student Laptop Programs (Jane HojanClark)
5. Progress of IT Review Committee (Rita Cheng)
6. Redrafting of Acceptable Use Policy (Stephen Pevnick and Scott Emmons)
7. ITPC Academic Staff representation needed on working group
8. Anti-plagiarism System Considerations (Scott Emmons)
9. Recruitment of ITPC volunteer for the Educational Technology Committee
a. First meeting on December 10 at noon in Chapman 310
10. Rescheduling of the February 2005 meeting from the 11th to the 4th to
accommodate the Provost
11. Topics for future meetings:
a. Intellectual property rights with respect to central file sharing and Xythos
b. Mass email policy
c. Motion regarding emeritus faculty web pages
“The committee requests that a web site be maintained by I&MT on one of its computers
for the web pages of emeritus faculty who request this service and help with the initial
setup of their web pages. A link to these web pages should be provided on the UWM
home page under something like "Web pages of UWM Emeritus Faculty." This hyperlink
should point to a list of hyperlinks to each of the participating emeritus faculty member's
web pages. If an emeritus faculty member's hyperlink receives less than 10 hits in any
calendar year, then it may be deleted from the I&MT server. The number of hits each
year should be accessible to the participating faculty member. The web site should be
maintained by I&MT after the faculty member is deceased, as long as the emeritus
faculty member's site receives at least 10 hits per year.”