Philadelphia University Faculty of Information Technology Lecturer : Dr.M. Maouche Coordinator : Dr M. Maouche Internal Examiner : Dr. A. Alawneh Examination Paper Department of MIS Course Name: Information Systems Modeling (731464) Section: 1 First Exam Second Semester Academic Year: 2014/15 Date: April, 5th, 2015 Time: 50 minutes Information for Candidates 1.This examination paper contains 3 questions, totaling 22 marks. 2.The marks for parts of questions are shown in round brackets. Advice to Candidates 1. You should write your answers precisely, clearly and to the point . 2. Draw clear models. I. Basic Notions Objectives. The aim of the question in this part is to evaluate the required minimal student knowledge and skills. Answers in the pass category represent the minimum acceptable standard. Question1: (8 marks) 1. Categorize each of following business processes related to a commercial company into a suitable and well known business process category: (2 marks) A. Recruit New Staff B. Take order from customers C. Set long term budget goals 2. Mention at least three Goals of the Business Modeling Discipline? (2 marks) 3. Business Processes manipulate business objects. Enumerate a set of potential kinds of object manipulation. (2 marks) 4. Enumerate three different automation opportunities of manual business use cases. (2 marks) II. Familiar Problems Solving Objectives. The aim of the question in this part is to evaluate that the student has some basic knowledge of the key aspects of the lecture material and can attempt to solve familiar problems. Question2: (10 marks) Business Unit: Computer Maintenance Company (CMC) Business Unit Workers Roles: Receptionist, Spare Stock Clerk, Hardware Repair technician, Software Configuration technician, System Functionality tester. A customer brings in a defective computer and the CMC receptionist checks the (hardware or/and software) defect, asks the customer if he desires unused spares rather than used spares (in case of hardware defect) and hands out a repair cost calculation back. If the customer decides that the costs are acceptable, the process continues, otherwise he takes his computer home unrepaired. The ongoing repair process consists of the following (non exclusive) activities: Repair of defected hardware, spares(if required) Configuration of software, Ordering of unused Once the repair is done the proper system functionality is tested. If an error is detected another arbitrary repair activity is executed, otherwise the repair is finished. 1. State the core business process of the above business unit (1 mark) 2. Find out the set of business use cases relevant to the above business process and draw their corresponding UML diagrams (5 marks) 3. Select a (non trivial but manageable) business use case among them and describe it according to the template studied in classroom. (4 marks) III. UnFamiliar Problems Solving Objectives. The aim of the question in this part is to evaluate that the student has some basic knowledge of the key aspects of the lecture material and can attempt to solve unfamiliar problems. Question3: (4 marks) Revisit the scenario of the question2 and write down the overall core business process workflow involving all business use cases determined in question2.2. You may adopt either a pseudo code style or a flow chart style to describe the overall workflow.