Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics German Grammar and Usage 331-001


German Grammar and Usage 331-001, Spring 2016

B. Merten-Brugger

Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics

German Grammar and Usage 331-001

Spring Term 2016

Tuesday/Thursday 11:00am – 12:15pm (

Kenwood InterdispRschCplx 1130)

Course Instructor:


Office Hours:

Barbara Merten-Brugger; (414) 467-4016;

CRT 883; phone: 229-2493

Tuesday 12:30-1:30 /Wednesday 9:30-10:30 and/or by appointment

Herzlich Willkommen zu “German Grammar and Usage!“


An essential aspect of effective communication is the correct use of words and grammatical structures. This course seeks to promote just that by providing you with an intensive review of the grammar to which you have already been exposed in German 101-204 or the equivalent. Using various approaches, the course will provide meaningful, relevant and communicative practice of those topics. We will begin with a short review and the explanation of important grammatical terms and usage, both in German and English. The body of the course is divided in two parts: 1. a thorough explanation and exercise of the grammar, 2. the application of these grammar skills.

Please note that, if you have been placed into German 331, you are expected to be acquainted with the grammar topics we cover. If you have not been, it is your responsibility to catch up.


• to reflect on and solidify your already existing knowledge of German grammar to deepen and strengthen your knowledge of German grammar structures to practice the grammar topics in selected exercises and situations to link and apply the learned grammar structures to other language skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking)


As a 3 credit course students are required to be in class on Tuesday and Thursday. Materials posted on D2L will be available for students to access according to their own schedules, but the work must be completed on the day indicated in the weekly schedule. In the event that students are unable to complete course materials on the intended day.


1. The key to your success is daily preparation . No one can master the grammar of a language overnight.

Read the weekly schedule carefully so that you will know what to prepare for prior to and after each day’s lesson.

2. The PowerPoint presentations used in class are also made available on D2L. You can read (and listen) to them as many times as possible. As you listen and read, please participate actively and practice your skills and listening and speaking ability when indicated. Partner work is an extremely important part of language learning.

3. Most importantly, study hard and enjoy your learning . If you are not doing as well as you expected, don't get frustrated. Communication is key . If you have any questions, problems, or suggestions during the term, let your instructor know as soon as possible. We are here to help you improve your language proficiency and make your learning more enjoyable.


German Grammar and Usage 331-001, Spring 2016

B. Merten-Brugger


Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik 4


or 5


edition. This is an excellence grammar book that you will use in the coming semesters as it is the best reference book for

German grammar you can find in the USA. There is also the option to rent the book from the Cengage bookstore. Try to find a used book. I do not recommend to rent it, because it is such a great reference book and you will probably find used one for less money than the rental will cost you. All other details can be found below.

1. Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik, 5th Edition as a bundle, new: $ 125.00 at the Cengage online bookstore

Jamie Rankin; Larry D. Wells (Late)

Textbook ISBN-10: 1-4390-8278-2

Textbook ISBN-13: 978-1-4390-8278-2

2. Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik: Wiederholen und Anwenden, 4th Edition (this should be available at very low prices in online bookstores, I saw it at Amazon at the beginning of

June for $0.82 and higher)

Jamie Rankin; Larry D. Wells (Late)

Textbook ISBN-10: 0-618-33812-8

Textbook ISBN-13: 978-0-618-33812-

Available online. Try one of the following websites for good deals:



Tip: you may also try to get the textbook used from any other online bookstore. Sometimes they are available at a fraction of the original price.

3-ring binder (required to keep all your material together)

3-ring binder, suitable for use as a portfolio binder (required)

German – English Dictionary (recommended)


Headphone s for creating your own audios on D2L

D2L: D2L is the main site for the presentation of course materials, keeping track of submitting assignment. Please monitor the D2L course site daily to access important information such as weekly schedules, links to daily video materials, and assignments.


Quizzes: On many days you will have to do a short online quiz. They are typically only a few minutes long, but great fun and encourage you to come prepared to class. It is recommended to do them once you have done the homework and feel sufficiently comfortable with the materials that were covered in class. Only the quizzes that have a score of 80% or above will be counted.

You can have as many attempts as you need to complete the test in order to get a score of 80% or above. These mini quizzes will be graded and will be part of the quiz grade . Of course, there other pop-quizzes in class in particular in respect to irregular verbs.

Take-Home Tests: There are two take-home tests, to mark the completion of several chapters.

These tests will be available for several days but you have to hand them in on the morning of the next class. No exceptions!

Midterm Exam and Final Exam: There will be a Midterm exam and a Final exam.

Tests and exams cannot be made up unless arrangements are made BEFORE the deadline . Make-up tests will not be given more than once per semester.

Homework & Assignments: It is essential that you keep up with the course work in this


German Grammar and Usage 331-001, Spring 2016

B. Merten-Brugger class by completing and submitting assignments when they are due. Since what you are learning builds upon your previous lessons, it is imperative that you finish assignments in the indicated order and on time. All homework and assignments must be turned in on the due date as indicated in the weekly schedule . Late homework and assignments will be downgraded by 10%.



• Classroom participation is an integral part in this course, this includes coming on time with your homework done. It also includes meaningfully participating while in class, whether that be in discussion, group/partner work or solitary work.

The homework you prepare before the class will help you and the entire group.

We will try to speak only German in class. All skills, speaking, listening, reading and writing will be practiced.

Regular attendance is required. Two excused (excused= doctor’s note or death in the family) absences are allowed for the semester, though test attendance policy always applies. Religious days of obligation will be excused if the instructor is notified in advance. Absences affect your final grade. Your final grade will decrease by one percentage point per absence after three absences.

Contact your instructor as soon

• as possible if you have a legitimate reason for missing class. Please call or email me if you cannot make it to class! Missing class hurts the whole class, not just you.

Please note also that not coming to class does not excuse you from (a) turning in assignments due on the day of absence; (b) knowing about assignments given; (c) test dates set on the day of your absence. Please keep in mind, that it is your responsibility to stay informed about the course.


• Within the first two weeks you will start on the first of 3 projects that will ask you to use your knowledge in terms of listening, reading, writing and speaking. The four assignments will be spread out over the entire semester so you will have plenty of time to work on them while doing the daily homework assignments. All of the assignments are based on

“real world” topics and is going to test your competence in writing grammatically correct.

The assignment will help you to apply and incorporate the covered grammatical topics in a wider range of writing tasks. More details will be shared when we get closer to the first project.


• You are expected to prepare all homework and be ready to hand it in and/or discuss it at the beginning of the class in which it is due. If you have problems with the homework, it is not acceptable to come to class with it incomplete, claiming you did not get it. No late homework will be accepted.

For each day your work is late, 10% will be taken off.

No extra credit will be given.

Please note that there will be occasionally a quiz in class.

You can expect to spend at least one hour for the assignments in preparation.

Any work that shows academic misconduct or dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarizing or the illegitimate use of materials beyond reference material will receive an automatic F grade. You may also face legal charges from the university.


• Will be discussed, as the time gets closer.


Take-Home Tests (2)


Completion of homework assignments/preparation

Classroom participation

3 Projects







German Grammar and Usage 331-001, Spring 2016

B. Merten-Brugger

Midterm test

Final test


Grading Scale





























59 and below

(Missed test or assignments = 0)

(* No A+ for final grades)


• Introduction card: since I did not have the pleasure of meeting most of you in a previous course, it will help me getting to know you better. Please design, and hand in at your earliest convenience, an introduction card on a regular sheet of paper that contains the following items: your name, section number of the course, campus address, phone number, email address, year in school, major, at what age you started to learn German

(elementary, middle or high school), related courses taken and what you hope to learn in this course. You are also welcome to add your hobbies or any other personal information about yourself that you are willing to share. It might be in your own interest that you help me in getting to know you personally (e.g., when I later grade you for participation). Once you have gathered all the information, please create an Audio under the respective topic on the discussion board. You may also add a photo if available. Please consider the introduction card as you FIRST HOMEWORK and it is expected that you write the information in GERMAN. Once you have written your intro card, please use the audio recording feature on D2L to tell me about you. You can do that already before we meet for the first time. A forum for that has been opened under the discussion board of our D2L site.


Portfolio : In order to become more responsible for your own learning and to show progress towards specific goals in written communication, you will start keeping a portfolio. We will continue to use it in German 332334 (so make sure it’s big enough and you like it!). The point of the portfolio is to allow you to keep track of your (written) growth in German.

Begin your portfolio with a reflective self-evaluation where you state your learning expectations and goals. You will receive an evaluation sheet.

We will write quite a bit in this course. You should keep all your work so that you can select the best for the portfolio. You can start at any time, but I advise you to start with it as soon as possible.

You are expected to select at least 4 samples of written work from your course. At the end of the semester you will self-assess your skills again and state your learning experience.

E-mail is a good way to communicate but not necessarily a good way to discuss problems. Please feel free to schedule an appointment. I will always try to take the time to help you with any problems or issues you may have related to the material discussed in class. Please do not hesitate to talk to me if you feel you are having trouble understanding any of the grammar topics presented.


German Grammar and Usage 331-001, Spring 2016

B. Merten-Brugger


Student time investment statement:

According to faculty document 2838, you should be prepared to spend two hours outside of the classroom on course materials for every credit hour or hour spent in the classroom.

For this three-credit course, you should expect to invest, on average, at least 144 hours in a semester [(3 hours in-class time * 16 weeks) + (6 hours/week outside class * 16 weeks)]. Although every one of you learns at a different pace you can expect to invest approximately 32.5 hrs. on lecture, 36.5 hrs. on discussions, homework, and other related assignments, 30 hrs. on the cumulati ve semester project “Projekte”, 15 hrs. on vocab related studying, and 15 hrs. studying for grammar related quizzes and exams, 15 hrs. on assigned online Miniquizzes.

If you need special accommodations in order to meet any of the requirements of the course, please contact me as soon as possible. In addition, if you have any questions or concerns regarding the requirements of this course, including what are expected of you in class, i.e., participation, homework, tests, or anything else, discuss this with me as soon as possible. You are responsible for reading this syllabus thoroughly and understanding the requirements and assessment measures for this course.

The Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics intends to comply with the UWM policy on Academic Misconduct and the Students with Disabilities Act. For additional university policies, see Appendix C in UWM Timetable.

The following link will provide you also with a link to the Secretary of the University Web site (

) and contains the following

University policies:

1. Students with disabilities

2. Religious observances

3. Students called to active military duty

4. Incompletes

5. Discriminatory conduct

6. Academic misconduct

7. Complaint procedures

8. Grade appeal procedures

9. Other


German Grammar and Usage 331-001, Spring 2016

B. Merten-Brugger


Please write down all homework assignments.

Course schedule may be subject to change by instructor.

( ) = describes the Kapitel (chapter) from the Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

HAG = Hausaufgaben (homework) S = Seiten (pages)


25. - 31.



Welcome and introduction to course;

In class writing: Bildgeschichte schreiben

Introduction to Film “Jojo sucht das Glück” (this is a telenovella, you can watch at home)


*Informal assessment

*Schatzsuche zum Buch und Material (online, siehe D2L


*Self-assessment for Portfolio

*Respond to invitation to Ningsite (in case you are not a


- “Short and sweet” review of grammar terms


*Review grammar terms

*Determine “Wortarten and Funktionen” in text

1. - 7.


8. – 14. member yet)

*Fill out Upper Level questionnaire

“Short and sweet” review of grammar terms

Wortarten und Funktionen in texts

How to work with a dictionary


*Miniquiz to Wortarten und Funktionen (online, siehe D2L


*Determine the Wortarten and Functions in an actual text

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- word order (1)

- Projekt 1


is assigned

*Prepare chapter 1 of textbook

* Übungen Kapitel 1

* Beginn Projekt 1

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik


German Grammar and Usage 331-001, Spring 2016

B. Merten-Brugger


15. Februar -





22. Februar -

28. Februar

- word order (1)

- present tense (2)

- address questions about project


* Übungen Kapitel 1

* Miniquiz Word order

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- present perfect tense (3)

- Darf ich vorstellen? Book pg. 28, A


* Übungen Kapitel 3

* Miniquiz Präsens, Perfekt, können und wissen

*Preview Kap. 3 – Biographie schreiben

*Liste I der unregelmäßigen Verben, write sentences in different tenses

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- cases and declensions (5) or (4)

- Liste I - Quiz


*Übungen Kapitel 5 / 4

* Miniquiz Deklination, Perfekt

* Liste II der unregelmäßigen Verben, Test is in 10 days

29. Februar -

6 . März

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

articles used as pronouns (4) or (5)

- articles and possessive adjectives (4) or (5)

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- reflexive pronouns (10) or (17)

- present tense (2)


- difference können und wissen


*Übungen Kap 2

* Liste I der unregelmäßigen Verben

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- present perfect tense (3)

- practice Liste I of irregulars

Project 1 is due


*Preview Kapitel 5

*Liste I lernen

* Miniquiz Audio

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- Verben mit dem Dativ

- personal, indefinite and demonstrative

pronouns (17) or (16)

“Das habe ich mitgebracht: Introduce a photo of something or an item and present about it


*Übungen Kapitel 17/16

*Preview Kapitel 10 /17 reflexive Verben

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- relative pronouns (18) or (26)

- Liste II – Quiz

- Projekt 2, Part I is assigned



German Grammar and Usage 331-001, Spring 2016

B. Merten-Brugger

* Übungen Kapitel 26

* Liste III der unregelmäßigen Verben

7. - 13 . März

14. - 20.


21. – 27.

M ärz



(To be announced)

28. März –

3. April


*Übungen Kapitel 4 / 5 /10 / 17

*Miniquiz: Dativverben, Pronomen

*Watch Folge 11+12 der Fernsehserie. Machen Sie zwei der

Interaktiven Aktivitäten.

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- relative pronouns (18) or (26)

- simple past tense (8) or (7)

- past perfect tense (8) or (7)

- Liste III – Quiz


*Take-Home Test 1

* Übungen Kapitel 18 / 26

*Übungen Kapitel 8 / 7

*Watch Folge 13+14 der Fernsehserie. Machen Sie zwei der

Interaktiven Aktivitäten.


Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

noun plurals (Reference 1) or (12) und schwache Nomen


*Practice List (memorize)

* Übungen Plural

*Preview Futur

* Miniquiz Plural, Präteritum, Plusquamperfekt,


*Watch Folge 15+16 der Fernsehserie. Machen Sie zwei der

Interaktive n Aktivitäten.


(Liste IV der Verben are part of the Midterms)


* Liste V der unregelmäßigen Verben

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- simple past tense (8) or (7)

- past perfect tense (8) or (7)

- Projekt 2, Part II is assigned


*Märchen zu Ende schreiben (due on October 27)


* Liste IV der unregelmäßigen Verben


Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- future tense (24) or (8)

- future perfect tense

-Projekt 2, Part II is due


*Übungen Futur I und Futur II

*Prepare for Midterms (That will include questions to the f ilm „JoJo sucht das Glück” Teil 1-16)

* Liste IV will be tested as part of the Midterms

Review: Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- future tense (24) or (8)

- future perfect tense

- „Was andere machen werden“, pg. 378 A (neues Buch), pg.

107 A (altes Buch)

Revise Project 2


German Grammar and Usage 331-001, Spring 2016

B. Merten-Brugger

4. – 10. April Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- modal verbs (9)

- „Bildergeschichte“, pg. 154, A (neues Buch), pg. 126 A

(altes Buch)

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- subjunctive I (22) or (27)


* Miniquiz Modalverben, Futur I + II

*Übungen Konjunktiv I 22 / 27

11. – 17.


Review Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- subjunctive I (22) or (27)

- adjectives (13)

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- prepositions (6) or (10)


*Übungen Konjunktiv I 22 / 27

*Preview Adjektive

18. – 24.




Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

-prepositions (6) or (10)

- Liste VI – Quiz

- modal verbs (9)


*Übungen Futur I + II 24 / 8

*Übungen Modalverben 9

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- subjunctive I (22) or (27)

- adjectives (13)

- Liste V – Quiz

- „Interview mit jemanden“, pg. 355 B (neues Buch), pg. 393 B

(altes Buch)

Revision Project 2 is due


*Übungen Konjunktiv I 22 / 27

*Preview Adjektive

* Liste VI der unregelmässigen Verben

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- prepositions (6) or (10)

Project 3 is assigned


*Übungen Kapitel 6 / 10

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- passive voice (28)


*Übungen Kapitel 28


German Grammar and Usage 331-001, Spring 2016

B. Merten-Brugger

(To be announced)

25. April


– 1.


* Übungen Kapitel 6 / 10

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

-passive voice (28)


*Übungen Kapitel 28

* Liste VII der unregelmässigen Verben

2. - 8. Mai

9. – 10. Mai



(To be announced)

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

-subjunctive II (28)


*Übungen Konjunktiv II 28

* Miniquiz Passiv, Konjunktiv II

Spieltag – Wrap up and Review


*review for final Exam

* Take-Home Test 2

*Watch Folge 23+24 der Fernsehserie. Machen Sie zwei der

Interaktiven Aktivitäten.

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

- subjunctive II (28)

-Project 3 is due


* Miniquiz Adjektive,Präpositionen, Konjunktiv I

* Übungen Konjunktiv II 28

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

-subjunctive II (28)

-Liste VII – Quiz


*Übungen Konjunktiv II 28

FINAL EXAM Mittwoch, 18. Mai

10:00am – 12:00pm im Klassenzimmer

Schöne Ferien!

Vergessen Sie nicht, sich so b ald wie möglich in 332 einzuschreiben, damit Sie garantiert einen

Platz haben.

