Baltimore County Public Schools Concept Unit Title Department of Curriculum and Instruction Suggested Timeframe Lesson:10a Note-Taking and Citing Sources Researchers will conduct preliminary research in order to develop a content specific context within which to begin designing an original research topic while affording an opportunity to build significant background knowledge. How can students conduct meaningful and efficient preliminary research connected to their chosen topic of study? Seven Period Day: 1 Day Four Period Day: ½ Day Staff Teaching Responsibility Teacher Library Media Specialist General Notes: The purpose of lesson is to introduce students to the note-taking method necessary for collecting information while researching in both print and non-print resources. Theme Statement/ Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Exploring an Issue or Problem Teacher Note: This is the first of two lessons on note-taking. The teacher will want to coordinate with the LMS in order to effectively and efficiently implement this lesson. Learning preferences addressed: Active, Visual Objective: Standards Alignment The teacher should keep in mind that this lesson includes suggestions for meeting the stated objectives. The teacher should adjust the lesson based on the needs of his or her students; however, all objectives should be covered. Students will practice note-taking in order to apply this skill to a mini-research activity and the preliminary content research related to their research question. 2.1.1: Continue an inquiry- based research process by applying critical- thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, evaluation, organization) to information and knowledge in order to construct new understandings, draw conclusions, and create new knowledge. 2.1.2: Organize knowledge so that it is useful. Formative Assessment Digital Content, Tools, and Resources Before Direct Instruction 2.1.3: Use strategies to draw conclusions from information and apply knowledge to curricular areas, realworld situations, and further investigations. 3-5 completed note-cards on the in-class mini-research activity Unit 2, Lesson 10a The teacher will need to access and implement the note-taking lesson provided in the link: or (will need to be modified for secondary level) The teacher will also need to locate an article for the students to practice with as a whole group and for modeling. (Refer to the previous lesson at the same site: In order for students to practice and apply their note-taking skills, the teacher will need to locate an article or reading of interest, related to current research, to the students in order to practice their notetaking skills. (suggested story: and 1 Summer 2010 Baltimore County Public Schools Department of Curriculum and Instruction Suggested Activity Implement the lesson provided through the link. Sequence: or (will need to be modified for secondary level) For the application activity, the teacher will distribute an article on current research in order for the students to practice their newly acquired note-taking skills. The teacher will have the students access the following two sites in order to apply the note-taking skill. The teacher is encouraged to find an article/story of interest to the students. and Collect the note cards from the students and provide feedback on each. The teacher may want to consider developing a rubric for scoring purposes. Differentiation Suggestions Unit 2, Lesson 10a Components Content Process Product Curriculum Resources Brief Description 2 Summer 2010