Publications for Ross Hansen 2015

Publications for Ross Hansen
Publications for Ross Hansen
Staerkle, R., Skipworth, R., Hansen, R.,
Hazebroek, E., Smith, G., Leibman, S. (2015).
Acute Paraesophageal Hernia Repair: Short-term
Outcome Comparisons With Elective Repair.
Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and
Percutaneous Techniques, 25(2), 147-150. <a
0000098">[More Information]</a>
Stiven, P., Hansen, R., Richardson, A., Leibman,
S., Smith, G. (2013). Postoperative Dysphagia in
Laparoscopic Paraesophageal Hernia Repair: The
Effect of Distal Esophageal Angulation. Surgical
Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous
Techniques, 23(5), 449-452. <a
29ce60a">[More Information]</a>
Chan, C., Hansen, R., Gilliver, R., Jones, B.
(2013). Sustained Virological Response
following Chronic Hepatitis C treatment is
associated with improvement in Insulin
Resistance. Internal Medicine Journal, 43(6),
656-662. <a
re Information]</a>
Shim, L., Hansen, R., Prott, G., Morris, L.,
Malcolm, A., Kellow, J. (2012). Altered
temporal characteristics of the rectoanal
inhibitory reflex in patients with abdominal
distension. American Journal of Physiology:
Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 302,
G1343-G1346. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Mitchell, S., Hilmer, S., Kirkpatrick, C., Hansen,
R., Williamson, D., Singh, N., Finnegan, T.,
Allen, B., Diamond, T., Diwan, A., Lloyd, B.,
Smith, E., Fiatarone Singh, M. (2012).
Estimation of lean body weight in older women
with hip fracture. The Journal of Nutrition,
Health and Aging, 16(2), 188-192. <a
0-y">[More Information]</a>
Kilbreath, S., Refshauge, K., Beith, J., Ward, L.,
Lee, M., Simpson, J., Hansen, R. (2012). Upper
limb progressive resistance training and
stretching exercises following surgery for early
breast cancer: a randomized controlled trial.
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 133(2),
667-676. <a
4-1">[More Information]</a>
Suttor, V., Prott, G., Hansen, R., Kellow, J.,
Malcolm, A. (2010). Evidence for pelvic floor
dyssynergia in patients with irritable bowel
syndrome. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum,
53(2), 156-160. <a
1c188e8">[More Information]</a>
Shim, L., Prott, G., Hansen, R., Simmons, L.,
Kellow, J., Malcolm, A. (2010). Prolonged
balloon expulsion is predictive of abdominal
distension in bloating. American Journal of
Gastroenterology, 105(4), 883-887. <a
ore Information]</a>
Prott, G., Shim, L., Hansen, R., Kellow, J.,
Malcolm, A. (2010). Relationships between
pelvic floor symptoms and function in irritable
bowel syndrome. Neurogastroenterology and
Motility, 22(7), 764-769. <a
0.01503.x">[More Information]</a>
Suttor, V., Ng, S., Rutkowski, S., Hansen, R.,
Kellow, J., Malcolm, A. (2009). Colorectal
responses to distension and feeding in patients
with spinal cord injury. American Journal of
Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver
Physiology, 296(6), G1344-G1349. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Friesen, N., Hansen, R., Abraham, S., Kellow, J.
(2009). Fructose-sorbitol ingestion provokes
gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with eating
disorders. World Journal of Gastroenterology,
15(42), 5295-5299. <a
More Information]</a>
Lloyd, B., Williamson, D., Singh, N., Hansen,
R., Diamond, T., Finnegan, T., Allen, B., Grady,
J., Stavrinos, T., Smith, E., Fiatarone Singh, M.,
et al (2009). Functional outcome one year after
hip fracture: results from the sarcopenia and hip
fracture (SHIP) study. Australian Physiotherapy
Association Conference Week APA 2009,
Australia: Australian Physiotherapy Association.
Lloyd, B., Williamson, D., Singh, N., Hansen,
R., Diamond, T., Finnegan, T., Allen, B., Grady,
J., Stavrinos, T., Smith, E., Fiatarone Singh, M.,
et al (2009). Functional Status One Year After
Hip Fracture: Results from the Sarcopenia and
Hip Fracture (SHIP) Study. 19th IAGG World
Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2009,
France: Editions S E R D I.
Fiatarone Singh, M., Singh, N., Hansen, R.,
Finnegan, T., Allen, B., Diamond, T., Diwan, A.,
Lloyd, B., Williamson, D., Smith, E., Grady, J.,
Stavrinos, T., Thompson, M. (2009).
Publications for Ross Hansen
Methodology and baseline characteristics for the
Sarcopenia and Hip Fracture study: a 5-year
prospective study. Journals of Gerontology.
Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical
Sciences, 64A(5), 568-574. <a
[More Information]</a>
Lloyd, B., Williamson, D., Singh, N., Hansen,
R., Diamond, T., Finnegan, T., Allen, B., Grady,
J., Stavrinos, T., Smith, E., Fiatarone Singh, M.,
et al (2009). Recurrent and injurious falls in the
year following hip fracture: a prospective study
of incidence and risk factors from the Sarcopenia
and Hip Fracture study. Journals of Gerontology.
Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical
Sciences, 64A(5), 599-609. <a
[More Information]</a>
Haack, H., Hansen, R., Malcolm, A., Kellow, J.
(2008). Ineffective oesophageal motility:
manometric subsets exhibit different symptom
profiles. World Journal of Gastroenterology,
14(23), 3719-3724. <a
More Information]</a>
Fiatarone Singh, M., Singh, N., Hansen, R.,
Finnegan, T., Allen, B., Diamond, T., Diwan, A.,
Lloyd, B., Williamson, D., Smith, E., Grady, J.,
Stavrinos, T., Thompson, M. (2008).
Methodology and Baseline Characteristics for
the Sarcopenia and Hip Fracture (SHIP) Study:
A Five-Year Prospective Study. The
Gerontologist, 48(Special Issue II), 54.
Lloyd, B., Williamson, D., Singh, N., Hansen,
R., Diamond, T., Finnegan, T., Allen, B., Grady,
J., Stavrinos, T., Smith, E., Fiatarone Singh, M.,
et al (2008). Recurrent and Injurious Falls in the
Year Following Hip Fracture: A Prospective
Study of Incidence and Risk Factors from the
Sarcopenia and Hip Fracture (SHIP) Study. The
Gerontologist, 48(Special Issue II), 54.
Ng, C., Malcolm, A., Hansen, R., Kellow, J.
(2007). Feeding and colonic distension provoke
altered autonomic responses in irritable bowel
syndrome. Scandinavian Journal of
Gastroenterology, 42(4), 441-446. <a
&list_uids=17454853">[More Information]</a>
Santos, R., Haack, H., Maddalena, D., Hansen,
R., Kellow, J. (2006). Evaluation of artificial
neural networks in the classification of primary
oesophageal dysmotility. Scandinavian Journal
of Gastroenterology, 41(3), 257-263. <a
&list_uids=16497611">[More Information]</a>
Kellow, J., Haack, H., Hansen, R. (2006).
Patients with low-amplitude simultaneous
oesophageal contractions are notably similar to
diffuse spasm patients in age, gender and
symptom profile. 8th OESO Congress 2006.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. <a
&list_uids=16954845">[More Information]</a>
Fiatarone Singh, M., Finnegan, T., Smerdely, P.,
Diamond, T., Hansen, R., Allen, B., Smith, E.,
Grady, J., Williamson, D., Lloyd, B., et al
(2006). SHIP (Sarcopenia and Hip Fracture
Study): A prospective study of the etiology of
falls and injuries in the year following hip
fracture. The Gerontologist, 46(Special Issue I),
Ng, C., Danta, M., Kellow, J., Badcock, C.,
Hansen, R., Malcolm, A. (2005). Attenuation of
the colorectal tonic reflex in female patients with
irritable bowel syndrome. American Journal of
Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver
Physiology, 289(3), G489-G494. <a
&list_uids=15905412">[More Information]</a>
Sevette, A., Smith, R., Aslani, A., Kee, A.,
Hansen, R., Barratt, S., Baxter, R. (2005). Does
growth hormone allow more efficient nitrogen
sparing in postoperative patients requiring
parenteral nutrition? A double-blind,
placebo-controlled randomised trial. Clinical
Nutrition, 24(6), 943-955. <a
06">[More Information]</a>
Hansen, R., Williamson, D., Lloyd, B., Smith,
E., Fiatarone Singh, M. (2005). Estimation of
thigh muscle cross-sectional area by dual-energy
x-ray absorptiometry in elderly patients.
International Journal of Body Composition
Research, 3(3), 83.
Ng, C., Prott, G., Rutkowski, S., Li, Y., Hansen,
R., Kellow, J., Malcolm, A. (2005).
Gastrointestinal symptoms in spinal cord injury:
relationships with level of injury and psychologic
factors. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum,
48(8), 1562-1568. <a
1-5">[More Information]</a>
Prott, G., Hansen, R., Badcock, C., Kellow, J.,
Malcolm, A. (2005). What is the optimum
methodology for the clinical
Publications for Ross Hansen
measurement of resting anal sphincter pressure?
Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 17(4),
595-599. <a
&list_uids=16078949">[More Information]</a>
Raja, C., Hansen, R., Baber, R., Allen, B. (2004).
Hip Girth As A Predictor Of Abdominal
Adiposity In Postmenopausal Women. Nutrition:
an international journal of applied and basic
nutritional science, 20(9), 772-777.
Gross, G., Russell, J., Beumont, P., Touyz, S.,
Roach, P., Aslani, A., Hansen, R., Allen, B.
(2003). Adequacy of initial weight restoration in
anorexia nervosa: effect on total body nitrogen,
total body potassium and bone mineral density
after 6-10 years. International Journal of Body
Composition Research, 1(3), 117-122.
Raja, C., Hansen, R., Colagiuri, S., Allen, B.
(2003). Body composition of Aboriginal
Australian women: comparison with
age-matched Caucasians. Acta Diabetologica,
40(SUPPL. 1), S314-S316. <a
6-9">[More Information]</a>
Hansen, R., Raja, C., Baber, R., Lieberman, D.,
Allen, B. (2003). Effects of 20-mg oestradiol
implant therapy on bone mineral density, fat
distribution and muscle mass in postmenopausal
women. Acta Diabetologica, 40, S191-S195. <a
3-5">[More Information]</a>
Hammett, R., Hansen, R., Lorang, M., Bak, Y.,
Kellow, J. (2003). Esophageal dysmotility and
acid sensitivity in patients with mitral valve
prolapse and chest pain. Diseases of the
Esophagus, 16(2), 73-76.
Hansen, R., Aslani, A., Raja, S., Colagiuri, S.,
Gates,, F., Allen, B. (2002). Body composition of
aboriginal Australian women: Comparison with
age-matched Caucasians. 6th International
Symposium: In VivoBody Composition Studies,
175 Fifth Ave, New York, Ny, 10010: Springer.
Ng, S., Danta, M., Hansen, R., Malcolm, A.,
Prott, G., Badcock, C., Kellow,, J. (2002).
Characterisation of the ?colorectal reflex? in
health and in irritable bowel syndrome.
Gastroenterological Society of Australia
Conference, 54 University St,P O Box 378,
Carlton, Australia, 3053: Blackwell Publishers.
Hansen, R., Aslani, A., Raja, S., Colagiuri, S.,
Gates,, F., Allen, B. (2002). Defining total and
central obesity in Aboriginal Australians.
College of Health Sciences Research
Conference: From Cell to Society 3, Sydney:
University of Sydney.
Hansen, R., Aslani, A., Baber,, R., Raja, S.,
Lieberman, D., Donnelly, M., Visvalingam, S.,
Gates,, F., Allen, B. (2002). Effects of 20mg
oestradiol implant therapy on bone mineral
density, fat distribution and muscle mass in
postmenopausal women. 6th International
Symposium: In VivoBody Composition Studies,
175 Fifth Ave, New York, Ny, 10010: Springer.
Hansen, R., Allen, B. (2002). Habitual physical
activity, anabolic hormones, and potassium
content of fat-free mass in postmenopausal
women. The American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, 75(2), 314-320.
Hansen, R., Aslani, A., Raja, S., Baber,, R.,
Gates,, F. (2002). Hip girth as a predictor of
abdominal adiposity in postmenopausal women.
6th International Symposium: In VivoBody
Composition Studies, 175 Fifth Ave, New York,
Ny, 10010: Springer.
Hansen, R., Raja, C., Baber, R., Lieberman, D.,
Donnelly, M., Visvalingam, S., Gates, F., Aslani,
A., Allen, B. (2002). Is 20 mg oestradiol implant
therapy associated with weight or fat gain in
postmenopausal women? College of Health
Sciences Research Conference: From Cell to
Society 3, Sydney: University of Sydney.
Sevette, A., Aslani, A., Hansen, R., Smith, R.,
Baxter, R. (2002). Preserving muscle mass after
abdominal surgery. 6th International
Symposium: In VivoBody Composition Studies,
175 Fifth Ave, New York, Ny, 10010: Springer.
Hansen, R., Aslani, A., Visvalingam, S., Baber,,
R., Lieberman, D., Raja, C., Donnelly, M., Allen,
B. (2001). Association between uterine bleeding,
oestradiol levels and body mass index in
postmenopausal women receiving 20mg
oestrogen implant therapy over 64 weeks. Fifth
Australasian Menopause Society Congress, :
World Scientific Publishing.
Danta, M., Hansen, R., Kellow, J., Malcolm, A.
(2001). Characterisation of fasting and
postprandial colorectal reflexes in response to
luminal distension in health. Asia Pacific
Digestive Week, : Ads & Adea.
Hansen, R., Justin, L. (2001). Evaluation of true
core temperature in the post-operative cardiac
child. Stories from the Field 2 Conference, : Ads
& Adea.
Danta, M., Hansen, R., Kellow, J., Malcolm, A.
(2001). Evidence for attenuation of the
colo-rectal reflex in non-constipated irritable
bowel syndrome. American Gastroenterology
Publications for Ross Hansen
Association Digestive Diseases Week, : World
Scientific Publishing.
Hansen, R., Kellow, J., Malcolm, A. (2001).
Primary esophageal motility disorders. Mayo
Clinic Proceedings, 76(8), 864-864.
Hansen, R., Aslani, A., Baber,, R., Lieberman,
D., Raja, C., Moreton, T., Donnelly, M., Allen,
B. (2001). Sixty-four weeks of 20mg oestrogen
implant therapy: Effects on bone, fat and muscle
in postmenopausal women. Fifth Australasian
Menopause Society Congress, : World Scientific