Publications for Euan Tovey Publications for Euan Tovey 2016 Stelzer-Braid, S., Tovey, E., Willenborg, C., Toelle, B., Ampon, R., Garden, F., Oliver, B., Strachan, R., Belessis, Y., Jaffe, A., Reddel, H., Crisafulli, D., Marks, G., et al (2016). Absence of back to school peaks in human rhinovirus detections and respiratory symptoms in a cohort of children with asthma. Journal of Medical Virology, 88(4), 578-587. <a href="">[M ore Information]</a> Tovey, E., Liu-Brennan, D., Garden, F., Oliver, B., Perzanowski, M., Marks, G. (2016). Time-Based Measurement of Personal Mite Allergen Bioaerosol Exposure over 24 Hour Periods. PloS One, 11(5), 1-16. <a href=" 3414">[More Information]</a> 2015 Tovey, E., Stelzer-Braid, S., Toelle, B., Oliver, B., Reddel, H., Willenborg, C., Belessis, Y., Garden, F., Jaffe, A., Strachan, R., Marks, G., et al (2015). Rhinoviruses significantly affect day-to-day respiratory symptoms of children with asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 135(3), 663-669.e12. <a href=" 0">[More Information]</a> 2014 Custovic, A., Tovey, E. (2014). Allergen Control for Prevention and Management of Allergic Diseases. In N. Franklin Adkinson Jr. et al (Eds.), Middleton's Allergy: Principles and Practice, (pp. 1406-1415). Philadelphia, USA: Saunders Elsevier. Sercombe, J., Liu-Brennan, D., McKay, K., Green, B., Tovey, E. (2014). Domestic exposure to fungal allergenic particles determined by halogen immunoassay using subject's serum versus particles carrying three non-fungal allergens determined by allergen-specific HIA. Indoor Air: international journal of indoor air quality and climate, 24(4), 438-445. <a href="">[Mo re Information]</a> Sigsgaard, T., Tovey, E. (2014). Nasal filters: a novel approach to tackling allergic rhinitis. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology, 10(9), 1133-1135. <a href=" 945434">[More Information]</a> Tovey, E., Lui Brennan, D., Rimmer, J., Oliver, B. (2014). New Methods for Measuring the Time Course of Personal Exposure to Biological Particles Including Aeroallergens. Indoor Air 2014, The 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong. 2013 Walczyk, N., Smith, P., Tovey, E., Wright, G., Fleischfresser, D., Roberts, T. (2013). Analysis of crude protein and allergen abundance in peanuts (arachis hypogaea cv. walter) from three growing regions in Australia. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61(15), 3714-3725. <a href="">[Mo re Information]</a> Tovey, E., Willenborg, C., Crisafulli, D., Rimmer, J., Marks, G. (2013). Most Personal Exposure to House Dust Mite Aeroallergen Occurs during the Day. PloS One, 8(7), 1-5. <a href=" 9900">[More Information]</a> Toelle, B., Garden, F., Ng, K., Belousova, E., Almqvist, C., Cowell, C., Tovey, E., Webb, K., Leeder, S., Marks, G. (2013). Outcomes of the Childhood Asthma Prevention Study at 11.5 years. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 132(5), 1220-1222. <a href=" 5">[More Information]</a> Gralton, J., Tovey, E., McLaws, M., Rawlinson, W. (2013). Respiratory Virus RNA Is Detectable In Airborne And Droplet Particles. Journal of Medical Virology, 85(12), 2151-2159. <a href="">[M ore Information]</a> 2012 Stelzer-Braid, S., Johal, H., Skilbreck, K., Steller, A., Alsubie, H., Tovey, E., Van Asperen, P., McKay, K., Rawlinson, W. (2012). Detection of viral and bacterial respiratory pathogens in patients with cystic fibrosis. Journal of Virological Methods, 186, 109-112. <a href=" 8.008">[More Information]</a> Tovey, E., Ferro, A. (2012). Time for New Methods for Avoidance of House Dust Mite and Other Allergens. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports, 12(5), 465-477. <a href=" 5-0">[More Information]</a> 2011 Tovey, E., Rawlinson, W. (2011). A modern miasma hypothesis and back-to-school asthma exacerbations. Medical Hypotheses, 76(1), 113-116. <a href=" 045">[More Information]</a> Glasgow, N., Ponsonby, A., Kemp, A., Tovey, Publications for Euan Tovey E., Van Asperen, P., McKay, K., Forbes, S. (2011). Feather bedding and childhood asthma associated with house dust mite sensitisation: a randomised controlled trial. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 96(6), 541-547. <a href=" ">[More Information]</a> Tovey, E., Marks, G. (2011). It's time to rethink mite allergen avoidance. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 128(4), 723-727. <a href=" 9">[More Information]</a> Sercombe, J., Green, B., Rimmer, J., Burton, P., Katelaris, C., Tovey, E. (2011). London Plane Tree bioaerosol exposure and allergic sensitization in Sydney, Australia. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, 107, 493-500. <a href=" 1">[More Information]</a> Gralton, J., Tovey, E., McLaws, M., Rawlinson, W. (2011). The Role of Particle Size in Aerosolised Pathogen Transmission: A Review. Journal of Infection, 62, 1-13. <a href=" 0">[More Information]</a> 2010 Tovey, E., Sercombe, J., Green, B. (2010). Advances in personal aeroallergen sampling and detection technologies for indoor fungi. In Phillippa Howden-Chapman (Eds.), Do Damp and Mould Matter: Health impact of leaky homes, (pp. 49-62). New Zealand: Steele Roberts Publishers. Almqvist, C., Garden, F., Kemp, A., Li, Q., Crisafulli, D., Tovey, E., Xuan, W., Marks, G. (2010). Effects of Early Cat or Dog Ownership on Sensitisation and Asthma in a High-Risk Cohort Without Disease-Related Modification of Exposure. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 24(2), 171-178. <a href=" 0.01095.x">[More Information]</a> 2009 Stelzer-Braid, S., Oliver, B., Blazey, A., Argent, E., Newsome, T., Rawlinson, W., Tovey, E. (2009). Exhalation of respiratory viruses by breathing, coughing, and talking. Journal of Medical Virology, 81(9), 1674-1679. <a href="">[M ore Information]</a> Green, B., Tovey, E., Beezhold, D., Perzanowski, M., Acosta, L., Divjan, A., Chew, G. (2009). Surveillance of fungal allergic sensitization using the fluorescent halogen immunoassay. Journal de Mycologie Medicale, 19(4), 253-261. <a href=" 10.003">[More Information]</a> 2008 Tovey, E. (2008). Allergen Avoidance. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports, 8(2), 126-132. <a href=" 2-x">[More Information]</a> Sercombe, J., Green, B., Rimmer, J., Burton, P., Katelaris, C., Tovey, E. (2008). Atopic Human IgE Binding to Platanus sp. Aeroallergens Identified by The Halogen Immunoassay. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 121(2 Suppl. 1), S20. Tovey, E., Almqvist, C., Li, Q., Crisafulli, D., Marks, G. (2008). Nonlinear relationship of mite allergen exposure to mite sensitization and asthma in a birth cohort. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 122(1), 114-118. <a href=" 0">[More Information]</a> Tovey, E., De Lucca, S., Poulos, L., O'Meara, T. (2008). The Halogen Assay – A New Technique for Measuring Airborne Allergen. In Meinir G. Jones, Penny Lympany (Eds.), Allergy Methods and Protocols: Methods in Molecular Medicine, Volume 138, (pp. 227-246). United States: Humana Press. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=18612612">[More Information]</a> 2007 Huynh, K., Oliver, B., Stelzer-Braid, S., Rawlinson, W., Tovey, E. (2007). A new method for sampling and detection of exhaled respiratory virus aerosols. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 46(1), 93-95. <a href="">[More Information]</a> Tovey, E., Kemp, A., Almqvist, C., Sharland, A., Marks, G. (2007). Do immune responses to inhaled skin flakes modulate the expression of allergic disease? Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 37(8), 1199-1203. <a href=" 7.02770.x">[More Information]</a> Almqvist, C., Li, Q., Britton, W., Kemp, A., Xuan, W., Tovey, E., Marks, G. (2007). Early predictors for developing allergic disease and asthma - separate steps in the 'allergic march'. Allergy, 62(Suppl. 83), 65. Almqvist, C., Li, Q., Britton, W., Kemp, A., Xuan, W., Tovey, E., Marks, G. (2007). Early predictors for developing allergic disease and asthma: examining separate steps in the 'allergic march'. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, Publications for Euan Tovey 37(9), 1296-1302. <a href=" 7.02796.x">[More Information]</a> Marks, G., Mihrshahi, S., Kemp, A., Tovey, E., Webb, K., Almqvist, C., Ampon, R., Crisafulli, D., Belousova, E., Mellis, C., Peat, J., Leeder, S. (2007). Prevention of asthma during the first five years of life: a randomised controlled trial of house dust mit avoidance and dietary fatty acid modification. 17th ASCIA Annual Scientific Meeting, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Crisafulli, D., Almqvist, C., Marks, G., Tovey, E. (2007). Seasonal trends in house dust mite allergen in children's beds over a 7-year period. Allergy, 62(12), 1394-1400. <a href=" 7.01533.x">[More Information]</a> 2006 Green, B., Tovey, E., Sercombe, J., Blachere, F., Beezhold, D., Schmechel, D. (2006). Airborne fungal fragments and allergenicity. Medical Mycology, 44, S245-S255. <a href=" 6308">[More Information]</a> Lau, J., Sercombe, J., Rimmer, J., Tovey, E. (2006). Bed encasings reduce reservoir allergens but not aeroallergens. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 117(2 S1), S30. Almqvist, C., Garden, F., Kemp, A., Li, J., Mihrshahi, S., Tovey, E., Xuan, W., Marks, G. (2006). Cat ownership decreases the risk of atopy in children in a cohort without disease-related modification of exposure. 17th ASCIA Annual Scientific Meeting, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Sercombe, J., Eduard, W., Romeo, T., Green, B., Tovey, E. (2006). Detection of allergens from Alternaria alternata by gold-conjugated anti-human IgE and field emission scanning electron microscopy. Journal of Immunological Methods, 316(1-2), 167-170. <a href=" 6">[More Information]</a> Green, B., Millecchia, L., Blachere, F., Tovey, E., Beezhold, D., Schmechel, D. (2006). Dual fluorescent halogen immunoassay for bioaerosols using confocal microscopy. Analytical Biochemistry, 354(1), 151-153. <a href=" ">[More Information]</a> Green, B., Yli-Panula, E., Tovey, E. (2006). Halogen immunoassay, a new method for the detection of sensitization to fungal allergens; comparisons with conventional techniques. Allergology International, 55(2), 131-139. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=17075249">[More Information]</a> Sercombe, J., Liu-Brennan, D., Green, B., Tovey, E. (2006). Identifying domestic aeroallergen exposure in a cystic fibrosis patient: a case study. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 117(2), S299. Green, B., O'Meara, T., Sercombe, J., Tovey, E. (2006). Measurement of personal exposure to outdoor aeromycota in northern New South Wales, Australia. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 13(2), 225-234. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=17195994">[More Information]</a> Mahakittikun, V., Boitano, J., Tovey, E., Bunnang, C., Ninsanit, P., Matsumoto, T., Andre, C. (2006). Mite penetration of different types of material claimed as mite proof by the Siriraj chamber method. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 118(5), 1164-1168. <a href=" 5">[More Information]</a> Mahakittikun, V., Sirikasemlert, C., Rungsimuntakul, N., Deemark, P., Boitano, J., Tovey, E., Matsumoto, T., Andre, C. (2006). Mite-proof covers: Mite penetration of different types of materials claimed to be mite-proof by the Siriraj chamber method. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 117(2), S27. Renström, A., Mattsson, M., Blidberg, K., Doekes, G., Bogdanovic, J., Tovey, E. (2006). Nasal Air Sampling for Measuring Inhaled Wheat Allergen in Bakeries With and Without Facemask Use. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 48(9), 948-954. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=16966962">[More Information]</a> Acevska, A., Sercombe, J., Rimmer, J., Tovey, E. (2006). Persistent rhinitis treated by either allergen avoidance or intra-nasal steriods. 17th ASCIA Annual Scientific Meeting, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Marks, G., Mihrshahi, S., Kemp, A., Tovey, E., Webb, K., Almqvist, C., Ampon, R., Crisafulli, D., Belousova, E., Mellis, C., Peat, J., Leeder, S. (2006). Prevention of asthma during the first 5 years of life: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 118(1), 53-61. <a href=" 4">[More Information]</a> Sercombe, J., Green, B., Tovey, E. (2006). Recovery of germinating fungal conidia from the nasal cavity after environmental exposure. Aerobiologia: international journal of aerobiology, 22(4), 295-304. <a Publications for Euan Tovey href=" 3-x">[More Information]</a> Crisafulli, D., Almqvist, C., Marks, G., Tovey, E. (2006). Seasonal trends in house dust mite allergen concentration in Sydney beds measured over an eight-year period. 17th ASCIA Annual Scientific Meeting, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Almqvist, C., Garden, F., Kemp, A., Mihrshahi, S., Tovey, E., Xuan, W., Marks, G. (2006). The cat's grin is the same if it lives only outdoors. Respirology, 11(S2), A34. Sercombe, J., Liu-Brennan, D., Causer, S., Tovey, E. (2006). The vertical distribution of house dust mite allergen in carpet and the effect of dry vacuum cleaning. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 210(1), 43-50. <a href=" 06">[More Information]</a> 2005 Tovey, E., Kemp, A. (2005). Allergens and allergy prevention: where to next? Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 116(1), 119-121. <a href=" 7">[More Information]</a> Lau, J., Sercombe, J., Tovey, E. (2005). Characterisation of personal Der p 1 exposure from upper bedding, when placed in a clean environment. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 115(2 S1), S94. Green, B., Schmechel, D., Tovey, E. (2005). Detection of Aerosolized Alternaria alternata Conidia, Hyphae, and Fragments by Using a Novel Double-Immunostaining Technique. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 12(9), 1114-1116. <a href=" –1116.2005">[More Information]</a> Green, B., Sercombe, J., Schmechel, D., Tovey, E. (2005). Detection of allergenic conidia and hyphae of Alternaria alternata and Aspergillus fumigatus using a novel double immunostaining technique. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 115(2 S1), S238. O'Meara, T., Lau, J., Tovey, E. (2005). Development of an Amplified ELISA for Der p 1. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 115(2 S1), S97. Green, B., Schmechel, D., Sercombe, J., Tovey, E. (2005). Enumeration and detection of aerosolized Aspergillus fumigatus and Penicillium chrysogenum conidia and hyphae using a novel double immunostaining technique. Journal of Immunological Methods, 307(1-2), 127-134. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=16280129">[More Information]</a> Sercombe, J., Liu-Brennan, D., Garcia, M., Tovey, E. (2005). Evaluation of home allergen sampling devices. Allergy, 60(4), 515-520. <a href=" 4.00657.x">[More Information]</a> Green, B., Sercombe, J., Tovey, E. (2005). Fungal fragments and undocumented conidia function as new aeroallergen sources. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 115(5), 1043-1048. <a href=" 9">[More Information]</a> Gattuso, J., Hales, B., Thomas, W., Bi, X., Chew, F., Tovey, E. (2005). Localization of Recently Discovered Allergens in Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 115(2 S1), s91. Tovey, E., Green, B. (2005). Measuring environmental fungal exposure. Medical Mycology, 43(Suppl 1), S67-S70. <a href=" 0097">[More Information]</a> Tovey, E., O'Meara, T. (2005). Monitoring Asthma Triggers-Allergens. In Peter G. Gibson (Eds.), Monitoring Asthma: Lung Biology in Health and Disease Series, Volume 207, (pp. 161-206). United States: Taylor and Francis. Sercombe, J., Green, B., Tovey, E. (2005). Novel technique allows simultaneous recognition of many genera of environmental fungi and conidia as allergen sources. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 115(2 S1), S98. O'Meara, T., Sercombe, J., Morgan, G., Reddel, H., Xuan, W., Tovey, E. (2005). The reduction of rhinitis symptoms by nasal filters during natural exposure to ragweed and grass pollen. Allergy, 60(4), 529-532. <a href=" 5.00741.x">[More Information]</a> 2004 Renstrom, A., Blidberg, K., Mattsson, M., Sandler, I., Tovey, E., O'Meara, T. (2004). Development of enhanced sensitivity EIAs and the use of nasal samplers for the assessment of exposure to bakery and rodent allergens. Arbo, 2, 47. Peat, J., Mihrshahi, S., Ampon, R., Tovey, E., Marks, G., Mellis, C. (2004). Effect of Allergen Concentrations on Symptoms of Asthma at 18 months. Pediatric Asthma, Allergy and Immunology, 17(4), 237-243. Publications for Euan Tovey Tovey, E. (2004). Effect Of Voorhorst's Work On The Current Understanding Of The Role Of House Dust Mites In Allergic Diseases. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 113(3), 577-580. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=15007369">[More Information]</a> O'Meara, T., Marriott, K., Tovey, E. (2004). Personal allergen sampling and measurement in an allergen avoidance trial. XXIII EAACI Congress 2004. De Meer, G., Toelle, B., Ng, K., Tovey, E., Marks, G. (2004). Presence And Timing Of Cat Ownership By Age 18 And The Effect On Atopy And Asthma At Age 28. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 113(3), 433-438. <a href=" 8">[More Information]</a> O'Meara, T., Sercombe, J., Tovey, E. (2004). Technical and clinical performance of an intranasal filter for reducing rhinitis symptoms and patient attitudes to its use. XXIII EAACI Congress 2004. Habibullah, M., Mahmic, A., Jalaludin, B., Tovey, E., Mohsin, M., Leeder, S. (2004). The Effect Of Season On House Dust Mite Allergen (Der P1) Concentrations In Reservoir And Aeroallergen Samples In Australia. Environmental Health (Online Edition), 4(1), 35-44. Peat, J., Mihrshahi, S., Kemp, A., Marks, G., Tovey, E., Webb, K., Mellis, C., Leeder, S. (2004). Three-Year Outcomes Of Dietary Fatty Acid Modification And House Dust Mite Reduction In The Childhood Asthma Prevention Study. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 114(4), 807-813. <a href=" 7">[More Information]</a> 2003 Green, B., Mitakakis, T., Tovey, E. (2003). Allergen detection from 11 fungal species before and after germination. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 111(2), 285-289. <a href="">[ More Information]</a> &list_uids=14575053">[More Information]</a> O'Meara, T., Sercombe, J., Morgan, G., Reddel, H., Xuan, W., Tovey, E. (2003). Clinical Trial of a Pollen Filter for Reducing Seasonal Rhinitis. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 111(2), S82. Green, B., Yli-Panula, E., Sercombe, J., Tovey, E. (2003). Diagnosis of fungal allergy: Comparison of detection of allergens from germinating fungi (Halogen method) with Pharmacia UniCap assay and skin prick tests. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 113(s2), s288-s289. Crisafulli, D., Mihrshahi, S., Peat, J., Tovey, E. (2003). Effectiveness of an intervention to reduce house dust mite allergen in children’s beds over three years. Respirology, 9(S2), A5. Mihrshahi, S., Marks, G., Criss, S., Tovey, E., Vanlaar, C., Peat, J. (2003). Effectiveness of an intervention to reduce house dust mite allergen levels in children's beds. Allergy, 58(8), 784-789. Mihrshahi, S., Peat, J., Marks, G., Mellis, C., Tovey, E., Webb, K., Britton, W., Leeder, S. (2003). Eighteen-month outcomes of house dust mite avoidance and dietary fatty acid modification in the Childhood Asthma Prevention Study (CAPS). Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 111(1), 162-168. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=12532113">[More Information]</a> Tovey, E., Mitakakis, T., Sercombe, J., Vanlaar, C., Marks, G. (2003). Four methods of sampling for dust mite allergen: differences in 'dust'. Allergy, 58(8), 790-794. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=12859560">[More Information]</a> Santos, C., Yli-Panula, E., Viander, M., Tovey, E., Salome, C., Rimmer, J. (2003). HDM Der p 1 allergenicity is increased by nasal mucus. Respirology, 8(S2), A18. Renstrom, A., Karlsson, A., Tovey, E. (2003). Nasal air sampling used for the assessment of occupational allergen exposure and the efficacy of respiratory protection. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 32(12), 1769-1775. Tovey, E., O'Meara, T., Morgan, G. (2003). Autumnal hay fever: a profile of the disease in the community and of the attitudes towards its causes and management. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 111(2), S75. Mihrshahi, S., Peat, J., Webb, K., Tovey, E., Mellis, C., Leeder, S. (2003). Plasma Omega-3 fatty acid levels and asthma in 18-month-old infants in the CAPS study: an 'as treated' analysis. Respirology, 8(S2), A31. Tovey, E., O'Meara, T., Marks, G. (2003). Bed covers and dust mites. New England Journal of Medicine, 349(17), 1668-1671. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract O'Meara, T., Green, B., Sercombe, J., Tovey, E. (2003). Primary prevention of allergic symptoms at age three in the childhood asthma prevention study (CAPS). Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 113(s2), s62-s63. Publications for Euan Tovey Sercombe, J., Green, B., Tovey, E. (2003). Recovery and identification of fungal spores from the nasal cavity. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 113(2), s231. Poulos, L., O'Meara, T., Hamilton, R., Tovey, E. (2002). Inhaled latex allergen (Hev b 1). Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 109(4), 701-706. Mitakakis, T., O'Meara, T., Tovey, E. (2003). The effect of sunlight on allergen release from spores of the fungus Alternaria. Grana: international journal of palynology and aerobiology, 42(1), 43-46. Poulos, L., O'Meara, T., Cossa, G., Tovey, E. (2002). Inhaled Particles Reacting to IcE and Inhaled Der p 1 in Asthmat-U ics" Beds and a Low Allergen Environment. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, United States: Mosby, Inc. Marriott, C., O'Meara, T., Salome, C., Tovey, E. (2003). The impact of bedding encasing on nocturnal Der p1 exposure and asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 113(s2), s231. Tovey, E., Van Overveld, A., O'Meara, T., Marks, G. (2003). Trend for asthma severity to be associated with total aeroallergen exposure. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 113(2), S231. 2002 Green, B., Mitakakis, T., Tovey, E. (2002). Allergen Detection from Spores of Nine Different Genera of the Fungi Imperfecti, Preand Post-Germination. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, United States: Mosby, Inc. Sercombe, J., Taylor, D., Battucci, S., Brown, L., Counts, J., Tovey, E. (2002). Allergen removal from hard floors: Assessment of a range of sweeping devices. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 109(4), 716-717. Tovey, E., Mitakakis, T., Mahmic, A. (2002). Comparison of vacuuming procedures for reservoir dust mite allergen on carpeted floors. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 109(1), 122-124. Marks, G., Mihrshahi, S., Mellis, C., Webb, K., Tovey, E., Leeder, S. (2002). Effects of house dust mite avoidance and dietary fatty acid modification during the first 18 months of life. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 165(8), A244. Mihrshahi, S., Peat, J., Marks, G., Webb, K., Tovey, E., Mellis, C., Leeder, S. (2002). Effects of house dust mite reduction and dietary Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation from birth on atopy and wheeze in 18-month-old children. Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, 54 University St,P O Box 378, Carlton, Australia, 3053: Blackwell Publishers. Karihaloo, C., Tovey, E., Mitakakis, T., Britton, W., Duffy, D. (2002). Evidence for the genetic control of immunoglobulin E reactivity to the allergens of Alternaria alternata. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 32, 1316-1322. Mitakakis, T., Tovey, E., Yates, D., O'Meara, T., Toelle, B., Johnson, A., Sutherland, M., O'Hehir, R., Marks, G. (2002). Interventions of Latex Allergen Inhaled by Health Care Workers Through Use of Breathing Masks or Non-Powdered Gloves. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, United States: Mosby, Inc. Tovey, E., Salome, C., Rimmer, J. (2002). Nasal mucus and inhaled allergen: effect on the skin prick test (SPT). Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, 54 University St,P O Box 378, Carlton, Australia, 3053: Blackwell Publishers. Mitakakis, T., Tovey, E., Yates, D., Toelle, B., Johnson, A., Sutherland, M., O'Hehir, R., Marks, G. (2002). Particulate masks and non-powdered gloves reduce latex allergen inhaled by healthcare workers. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 32(8), 1166-1169. Mitakakis, T., Tovey, E., Yates, D., Toelle, B., Johnson, A., Sutherland, M., O'Hehir, R. (2002). Particulate masks and nonpowdered gloves reduce latex allergen inhaled by healthcare workers. Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, 54 University St,P O Box 378, Carlton, Australia, 3053: Blackwell Publishers. Gore, R., Hadi, E., Craven, M., Smillie, F., O'Meara, T., Tovey, E., Woodcock, A., Custovic, A. (2002). Personal exposure to house dust mite allergen in bed: nasal air sampling and reservoir allergen levels. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 32(6), 856-859. O'Rourke, S., Tovey, E., O'Meara, T. (2002). Personal Exposure to Mite and Cat Allergens. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, United States: Mosby, Inc. Mihrshahi, S., Marks, G., Vanlaar, C., Tovey, E., Peat, J. (2002). Predictors of high house dust mite allergen concentrations in residential homes in Sydney. Allergy, 57(2), 137-142. Sercombe, J., Liu-Brennan, D., Tovey, E. (2002). The Vertical Distribution of Der p 1 Allergen in Carpets and the Effect of Vacuum Cleaning. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, United States: Mosby, Inc. Publications for Euan Tovey 2001 Tovey, E. (2001). Allergen avoidance. Mediators of Inflammation, 10(6), 298-301. Tovey, E. (2001). Allergen Avoidance Mediators. Mediators of Inflammation, 10(6), 298-301. Tovey, E., Taylor, D., Mitakakis, T., De Lucca, S. (2001). Effectiveness of laundry washing agents and conditions in the removal of cat and dust mite allergen from bedding dust. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 108(3), 369-374. Tovey, E., Mitakakis, T., Taylor, D., De, L. (2001). Effectiveness of laundry washing agents and conditions in the removal of cat and dust mite allergens from bedding dust. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 108, 369-374. Peat, J., Victoria, K., Tovey, E. (2001). Review: Epidemiology of allergic illnesses in Australia: When it is autumn in France, it is spring somewhere else. Allergoplanet, 5, 3-4. Mitakakis, T., Barnes, C., Tovey, E. (2001). Spore germination increases allergen release from Alternaria. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 107(2), 388-390. Mihrshahi, S., Peat, J., Webb, K., Tovey, E., Marks, G., Mellis, C., Leeder, S. (2001). The childhood asthma prevention study (CAPS): design and research protocol of a randomized trial for the primary prevention of asthma. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 22(3), 333-354. Mihrshahi, S., Peat, J., Webb, K., Tovey, E., Marks, G., Mellis, C., Leeder, S. (2001). The Childhood Asthma Prevention Study (CAPS): Design and research protocol of a randomized trial for the primary prevention of asthma. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 22, 333-354.